Truth Sounds Like Hate To Those Who Hate Truth!!

in #truth7 years ago

Can you handle the truth?

It sounds like an easy question but what if the truth turned out to be something that you would rather not know?

What if knowing the truth made you realize that you have been living life through someone else's eyes and not your own?

What if you found out that everything you thought you knew about your life and the world you live in is wrong?

Would you still want to know the truth or would you rather avoid it?

If indeed you think that you can handle the truth then I would like to ask you a very simple, easy and quick question.

Do you own a car?

As I said, it is a very easy question but if you answered yes then you are already wrong in your understanding of how your world works, at least you are if you live in the UK as I do.

You may well have gone to a car dealership or bought a car from family or friends or even through the many sites online.

You may well have paid for it or be paying for it but trust me, you do not own 'your' car!

If you have registered your car with the DVLA then you are not the owner. They are!!

And that is why you are referred to as the 'Registered Keeper'.

By 'registering' your car you are essentially signing over ownership of it to a department of the state!


''So what?'' you might ask.

''Even if this is true, it doesn't really make any difference. The car is still parked outside MY house at night, I still get to 'drive' it whenever I like and if I choose to sell it to someone else the money goes into MY pocket, so even if what you are saying is true it really doesn't make any difference!''

Well, it does make a difference in that if you happen to contravene one of the many regulations of the Road Traffic Act, then there is the possibility that 'your' car could be taken from you.

If say, you decide that you do not want to tax the car or have it MOT'd every year then you might find that the nice man or woman from the DVLA will decide that he or she is taking 'their' car back and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, because it doesn't belong to you and hasn't done since you 'applied' for a V5C registration document!

So, if you feel that you can still handle the truth then I have two more questions for you but before I ask them I must tell you that the answers might make you extremely uncomfortable.

So if you do not want to feel any discomfort, then I would suggest that you close this post now and don't read any further!

It is not my intention to cause anyone undue harm by sharing my thoughts so please, please, please, if you do not think that you can handle the truth, just close the post now!

The two questions I would like to ask you are,

Do you have children?

and if so,

Are they registered???

tonyr banner.gif


What really sucks is that car registration, in the beginning, came with an advantage. You gave the car to the state, and they gave you exclusive use.

Today, the govern-cement cares almost nothing in retrieving your car.
They don't even do a good job of going and seeing all the registration numbers on a car they re-register to make sure they are not violating a previous registration.

Now, the govern-cement just takes and takes in this relationship.

You can buy a car with allodial title. But you have to know to ask for it and what it means. The govern-cement won't tell you.

And your kids, they were sold at auction.

Even taking back ownership of your car is a double edged sword as though you have full 'legal' and lawful right to it given by God but acknowledged by the state, the many policy enforcers that are patrolling the streets are intentionally not taught and educated about their true capacity or the regulations they are charged with enforcing so when they see you driving your car without registration plates they will inevitably try to stop you and enter into an agreement with you whereby you declare your own guilt and liability for prosecution by giving your consent.

Thanks for taking the time to comment my friend!

Hope your day is going well!
The more you fight the system, the more the system is set up to fuck with you.

So I have to refrain from voting until my power gets back to, or near, a hundred percent because I'm going to participate in the @beanz experiment but I will be back to give this post some love.

I do have a further thought for you though- what if the only way they have power is if you believe they do? What if by focusing on the supposed power they have we're actually increasing it, for such is the power of our own intent as we are powerful spiritual beings?

From the moment I decided that I have ultimate say about anything that goes on in 'my' world, I have lost all fear of these people. They are the wizard of oz, making people believe they are more than a wizened old man behind a curtain. But in fact, they are a wizened old man behind a curtain.

That's my current belief, I'll let you know if it changes ;)

I have come to the exact same conclusion @dreemit. The truth is, in my opinion, that those at the top of our mixed up society have nothing whatsoever of substance to offer the rest of us other than their ability to subvert our thinking. He who controls the mind controls the body and the human mind is apparently very easy to control

By deception they are able to have us build our own prison and have us become our own prison guards. The biggest 'problem' I feel we have is our inability to understand the mentality of these 'people' or to even accept that such minded men and women can exist. Most of us are too innocent, too trusting and are so good and kind hearted that it is not possible for us to accept that there is a concerted effort by the malevolent members of our 'society' to control the rest of us.

They only have the power that we give them and if we decide to remove that at any time, their hold over us is lost. But while there are still so many allowing others to determine how we should live our lives and how we interact with the world around us, those of us who see the true nature of reality will have a difficult job freeing ourselves from those who have been subverting our humanity for generations and continue to do so.

It is easy to be free in mind but to be free in body in this world is another matter.

Thanks as always for the support my dear friend! :)

I'm off to check out @beanz experiment!

Tried signing up for steemit chat but there are problems with the site at the moment I think. Will keep trying and hope to see you there soon. :)

Truth is treason in an empire of lies! Nice post.

Thank you @coolbowser.

Hope your day is going well my friend!

Thanks! It is and I hope yours is even better!

Could it be I do not own anything? Could it be I came here with nothing so therefore I leave with nothing? Could it be in between coming and leaving I made a bunch of claims and created controversy? Could it be you all are doing the same?

Would it be best to consider ourselves users of things and stop making claims?

I Love the thought provoking post! @tonyr

I have found that the Truth is divisive by nature. It is part of divine law. Only those who humble themselves and are truly honest with themselves will find it. Thanks for the post and God Bless.

I believe this is how the goats and sheep are being separated. Let us pray for those who cannot see or hear the Truth. May we all come to the Truth, Jesus Christ, who has the power to save ALL.

Agreed @bickler33! Very wise words and great observation. I believe that I am one of those who are humble and honest with myself and I am in search of the Truth. God bless you also my friend!

Thank you for your comment and have a wonderful day!

Hi there @tonyr. Thank you for the kind words. It looks like you are indeed one of those who are humble and honest. The Truth is there. Love your post. Wish more people knew the Truth and would question the authority and honesty of the ruling parties. We live in crazy times. Keep trying to spread that truth. Our people are slaves and don't even know it. As the Good Book says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Once again, May God Bless you in your search for Truth, and keep up the good fight Brother. Sincerely, @bickler33

Good post and yes, many cannot handle these thoughts. Not much different here in the US. We "own" our house and our rigs as they are all paid off, but what happens if you do not pay those yearly, unconstitutional taxes used to fund the government training camps for the young ones, and other such? You find out you really do not own any of it.

You are right there my friend. Many do not realise that we still live under slavery conditions and that rather than freeing the slaves in your country, we were instead all made slaves by the system.

I would suggets that you do not even own your house when it is bought and paid for also as the land it is built on is most likely owned by the Crown Corporation or some other such entitiy.

Rather than having to feed and house all of their slaves they now allow us the belief that we are free and give us privileges but we are all still slaves to the system. Try to do anything outside of the system and you will soon come to the same realisation.

Thanks for the great comment!

Hope your day is going well!

Well said and thank you!

Brilliant, excellent, a real eye-opener and the sad thing is, IT'S TRUE!!!!
keep up the good work

Thank you again my friend @markwhittam. It was your post that inspired the confidence in me to write what I did. I'm not sure if what I write will have any impact on the world and certainly not to the degree I would like but if it opens up the eyes of one man or woman and they open up the eyes of another then perhaps in time our children will be able to know what freedom truly is.

Nice post @tonyr. Most people wouldn't even begin to understand what this all means, but like minds always mingle together so I think the Steemit community as a whole grasps this idea pretty well.
I think it can be boiled down to this. When we do anything or use anything that isn't nature based we have to have an end license user agreement. Anything from a phone that we think we "own" to a car to this computer. We have the exclusive use of whatever it is and when we're done with it we give the use of it to someone else. People just don't realize what this really is. It's made to look more complicated than it really is. They trade their time for fake pieces of paper and then trade that for the use of items of choice. And if it's a car then you have "the privilege" of getting "your" person a drivers license.
Now that that is all said, it's all bullshit so go be merry and have fun. If you look at it as it's all a playground and your supposed to use it to have fun and a good time, why spend one more waking minute worrying about shit that has nothing to do with you? If you figured this out then you have the ability to do anything you want now, and that goes for anybody. So let's go do it and don't sweat the little stuff!

A fantastic comment @jakeswingle16!

You are of course correct in my opinion. Everything in life is made to appear more complicated than it actually is. We are so far from our original design and reason for being that it has become impossible, certainly for me, to even begin to imagine what we would be in our natural, intended state.

If you figured this out then you have the ability to do anything you want now, and that goes for anybody. So let's go do it and don't sweat the little stuff!

Great advice!

Hey TonyR, this post is a eye opener! It's scary and terrible how the world works this way and how so many are a sleep to everything that is happening. Though even learning these horrific facts in the post it still made me bend over laughing so thank's for making me chuckle a bit! Peace and love your fellow steemer<3

Chuckles. I'm not from the UK but the last two questions were funny.

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