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RE: Just As Intended: The U.S. Election Is Tearing Us To Shreds - by Suzie Dawson

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

Sorry but the things you say are just completely ridiculous and largely unsourced.

The MSM beats the shit out of Assange and WikiLeaks every single day. The idea that you try to associate with him with an MSM agenda, when the Guardian completely betrayed WikiLeaks and has been smearing them for years (James Ball, Luke Harding & co in particular), the New York Times leaked WikiLeaks publication schedule to the US government, and the major TV channels give airtime to people saying that he should be droned to death etc etc

WikiLeaks has repeatedly called out MSM complicity with US intelligence agencies

According to the MSM Assange is a treasonous fascistic child-molesting serial rapist.

By smearing him, you are actually serving the same interests that the MSM are, whether you realise it or not.

The fact (unconfirmed) that some of his childhood, which was known to be transient (which is not a crime) was spent in a commune, has nothing to do whatsoever with the actual documents WikiLeaks publish.

The fact that you don't understand who Bill Binney actually is (Binning?!??) or what he did at NSA is pretty remarkable.

You accuse Assange of being Zionist-aligned when the only reason I know that Israeli security agencies purchased directed energy weapons from US weapons manufacturers is FROM THE WIKILEAKS FILES

You accuse me of not wanting to know the truth but what I asked in my responses for you to do was to actually read the Decipher You series which has uncovered dozens of never-before-published-by-MSM findings from the Snowden files which are of critical importance and significance. You didn't bother.

I also linked you to our You Tube series where you can watch us studying the source documents in real time. You didn't bother.

Yet you are totally prepared to waste time ranting on here. Not much of a truther, dude. Truthers do the work, do the reading, view everything available, and then make conclusions.

They don't just smear whistleblowers and journalists on erroneous "Whataboutism" pretexts - they STUDY THE SOURCE DOCUMENTS.

You should try it :)


Study this source:

Assange said that 9/11 was a false conspiracy.

Here is the quote:

I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud. - Julian Assange

Source: Belfast Telegraph, July 19, 2010

Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 1)

Please don't accuse me of not studying while it is you refuse to look at the evidence that I gave you 14 hours ago. It's very hypocritical.

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