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RE: Just As Intended: The U.S. Election Is Tearing Us To Shreds - by Suzie Dawson

in #trump7 years ago

I don't believe anything unless I've investigated it for myself. I don't need to meet them but I do need to research them. If you want to know what the MSM won't tell you about Assange you should find this interesting. This is part 1 of 4.


Julian Assange saves the lives of whistleblowers and at-risk journalists, like Amin Huseynov and Snowden among others you will never even have heard of.

It's very sad that blogs like the above undermine his legitimate efforts.

The Snowden JTRIG documents outline precisely how GCHQ and other agencies create smear blogs to discredit targets. Although some misguided people do the same type of thing, which is ultimately a boon to the intelligence agencies, who will literally applaud the above effort.

It would be great if you could stop using my blog page to promote smear pieces on people who have risked their lives for humanity, thanks

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