Response To - An Apology From The White Race - by @stellabelle

in #trump8 years ago

I just looked over a post that completely blew my mind and I had to do a full response because the comment I left on the post just does not cut it.
Here is the original post.

I'm going to go through it line for line and respond to it all fully.

Twitter user @botcx expressed her desire to receive an apology “from every white person that tried to convince me that this level of hatred didn’t exist in America anymore:”

Is this not the most raciest shit ever? What level of hate is she talking about? The only hate I see is from the brain washed Clinton suporters. Why only white people? Does she really think only white people voted for him? Does she not realize that most the people that voted for trump were the people that voted for Obama? For fucks sakes.

Well, I’m giving it.
I’m sorry that white hate won last night.

How is it white hate that won? Both canidates were white. Not only white people voted for trump, America did. Again the only hate I see if coming from the brain washed retards the their propaganda and rederic followed by temper tantrums and sparks of violence.

I’m sorry that white people elected a lunatic.

Again white people didn't elect him America did. "Lunatic" is subjective but I guess if you cant support an argument with facts, logic, reason name calling is the next common step.

I’m sorry that the white race has not evolved.

Projection maybe? You must be full of white guilt if you are going to make broad sweeping statements like this about a whole race of people. How would u see it if someone said the same thing but changed "white people" for "black people" or any other race? You would be yelling out RACIEST because that's what it is, your preaching some kkk/nazi level bullshit with this one.

I’m sorry that a perverted, sociopathic white conman will be given a free pass to trample on human decency around the globe.

Back to the name calling I see. whats with using white as a negative word in your list of slurs towards a person? I think at this point it is plain to see you are raciest and hate white people. as for perverted I find it funny you jump all over trump for saying grab her by the pussy as if that is anything at all really. How has he been given a free pass to trample on human decency around the globe? he hasent even been given a free pass in the USA. Not to mention that he wants less intervention around the world. Sounds to me like you have no research to back up your claims and are only going off parroted lines that have been fed to you.

I’m sorry that black people will have to go through the racial hate all over again that we all thought was gradually going away from this country. (or so we thought)

Racial hate is only growing because of this shit. look at your whole post, its all one big raciest "fuck white people" people post. you cant stop racisim with more racisim. you are only adding to the problem with your raciest propaganda race baiting bullshit. Why do Black people have to deal with racial hate all over again? do you not understand that black people vote for trump too? There is only one race and that's the human race, stop trying to divide us with your raciest propaganda.

I’m sorry that white people didn’t listen to Robert De Niro:

Yeah where Robert deniro an actor and nothing more goes off calling trump names. Damn white people didn't listen to scarface! WTF So lets see the video starts out with him saying "hes stupid, hes a punk, hes a dog, hes a pig, hes a con bullsit artist, a mut, and he doesn't know what he is talking about." yeah that's some great points LMFAO. This is the shit you wish people listened to. -smh- Its a video that is all based in nothing and just a bunch of shit talking. I guess fweelings mater mote then actual facts and policies.

I’m sorry for all the white people on Facebook who were too ashamed to admit they were voting for Trump, and then secretly did it in the privacy of the voting booth.

maybe they wernt ashamed they just didnt want to deal with all the hate they would get from the retards that are flippin out and getting violent over someone having a differing opinion. Do you not see it as a problem that if you white and want to vote for trump that you think they should feel ashamed for it? fucking raciest!

I’m sorry for all the hate-filled white people who drink the KKK Kool-Aid.

Why would you apologize for what a bunch of morons do if you have nothing to do with it? Unless your now trying to say all white people are part of the kkk and at this point I wouldn't be suprised if you really thought that.

I’m sorry that the KKK even exists in 2016.

THE CURRENT YEAR!!!!!!!!! why are you sorry for the kkk unless your part of it? Are you sorry that BLM or la raza exists in the current year too or is it only white raciests you hate and want to apologize for? -smh-

I’m sorry for all the white misogynists who poisoned the airwaves with their deep-seated hatred of women.

But the people that wernt white doing the same is ok? I do not know of these people you are referring to so I cant say much about it except that it sounds like another sweeping vague statement without names. Im also now taking it that you think all white men are misogynists. deep seated hatred of women, what are you referring to?

I’m sorry that women got fucked over….again.

How did women get fucked over? because a women didn't win? Is that the only reason you wanted her to win? Please please let me know how women got fucked over because Hillary lost? it had nothing to do with race or gender, maybe to racist and sexists t was what mattered but most people were more worried about the policies as proven by the trump win. You do realize that women voted for trump too right? -smh-

I’m sorry that white people are so stupid to believe that Trump is even capable of managing something more complicated than a Twitter account. He can’t even do that.

Only the white peoples fault again. lol what about the fact that Hillary couldn't even manage her email? or how she is corrupt? or how she would have started ww3 in syria with the no fly zone? or any of the reasons people didn't vote for her? but yeah trumps stupid blab blah blah. What about the 600 businesses he has? I guess that is easier then a twitter account to u?

I’m sorry that all my non-white friends will be feeling terribly uneasy at night when they try to hold back their sadness, rage and horror, as they continue to carry on with dignity.

What the fuck? so the white friends that "will be feeling terribly uneasy at night when they try to hold back their sadness, rage and horror, as they continue to carry on with dignity" don't matter? What makes you think that everyone that isn't white is going to feel that way? there are people of all colors and races that wanted trump and same with Clinton. damn the shit your saying is so racist.

I’m sorry for every decent parent in this country who has to find a way to explain to their children what the hell happened on November 8, 2016.

Oh, so now your going to imply that people that are happy the way the vote went are not decent parents? Its not hard to explain to a kid what happened. We were given the choice of a criminal that wanted to start WW3 and take away peoples right to bare arms or some guy that said some mean things over 10 years ago that prolly wont get anything done at all. Just because someone didn't vote for the person you waned does not make them not "decent parents" . -Smh-

I’m sorry for every parent who had to read their children a bedtime story on November 8 with a pit of horror in their stomach.

I don't see why you feel to be sorry for that as you have nothing to do with it unless your actions are what is creating this pit of horror in their stomach. Or is it that again your trying to blame all white people for that also?

I’m sorry for all my Muslim friends who will be feeling nervous and terrified in the coming months.

Why would they feel nervous or terrified unless they are doing something wrong? No one is going to try to kick them out of the country. if they are American citizens they have nothing to fear, we have the right to freedom of religion in America. This one i don't even really want to get into because the muslim thing is a whole set of books in its own. The American muslims that have asilimated into our culture are part of America now. He ha said he wants to make sure the people that are coming in are safe to let in, just like you would do at your house.

I’m sorry for every Mexican, both here and in Mexico who has officially been slapped in the face.

How the fuck? If you look 50% of Hispanic voters voted for trump. -smh-
as for Mexicans in mexico how has it been a slap in the face? if they want to come here legally it will make no difernce. U know mexico has a sothern wall right? and that they will kill you or throw u into a labor camp for life if you go there illigally? So how is this anything towards Mexicans?

I’m sorry that a talented writer whom I greatly admire, Ellie Guzman, fills her Twitter space with:
“Looooooooooove being a Hispanic woman with immigrant parents right now because I love being terrified of where I live.”

Im sorry but that is jus fucking retarded. If her parents are legal immirants then there is no reason to be terrified. no one is going to go around and throw out the legal citizens. if they are iligal they should go through the process to become legal like all the other people that have. people have been on the waiting list over 15 years and people come over here iligaly is slapping the people in the face that are trying to come here legaly. This persons fear that made that retarded quote is in fear out of ignorance because she is listening to crap like this that is based in nothing but feelings, no facts.

I’m sorry that all the victims of sexual harassment have to relieve their personal nightmares.

Well I feel sorry for them but I will wont say sorry like I had anything to do with it. also people of all races and sexes get sexually harassed. I swear this is all one huge entry into the victim olmypics of opression and virtue singinaling. and what does this have to do with the post unless your now trying to blame all "sexual harassment" on white men?

I’m sorry for all the little girls who will witness the triumph of a predator over a decent woman.

LMFAO! im sorry but this makes me think your just trolling now. If this is a troll post I tip my hat. If not wow. You truly have your head in the sand. but yeah don't let me stop you from your fuck white people and fuck men rant. please continue.

I’m sorry that the people who got ripped off in Trump University will now most likely be afraid to take further legal action.

If they truly got ripped off this should make them want to go after trump harder now. That's like saying people were to scared to go after Hillary. Why would they be more afraid? If anything they have more of a chance of winning now with the number of people that hate him and cant even provide reasons backed up by facts on why. did we forget about innocent till prove guilty?

I’m sorry that the rape victim who received death threats by Trump’s people will be too scared to come forward now.

So how do you know of this if they were to scared to come forward? Sounds like another bullshit story to call someone a rapist. if not please provide some links to actual facts showing this is true. if you cant you are just another person making false rape accuatations and should be ashamed. what is the name ect?

I’m sorry that we all will be forced to watch his sad sack face on television.

Sounds more like you are upset you will have to look at him not sorry. unless you voted for him and now feel ashamed for some reason there would be no reason to say sorry.

I’m sorry that ignorant white men brainwashed their wives into thinking that women are of less value than men.

WTF? where in America do white men let alone any men here brain wash their women to think they are less of them? How is it that all white men are to blame for something like that and why are they all "ignorant" to you? You should look into the muslim nations if you want to talk about places and people that brain wash women to think they are less.

I’m sorry that white women hate themselves so much.

Projection much? Could it be that after listening to shit like think daily non stop about how horrible white people are might have anything to do with it? Your whole post is about fuck white people and men especially but your sorry the white women hate them selfs so much? Just because some one does not think the way you do does not mean they hate them selfs.

But most of all, I’m sorry that my mother, who fought hard her entire life for women’s rights will not see a female president. This is the one that hits me the hardest and makes me truly ashamed of my country.

So that is what it all comes down to. All that matters to you was it would have been a female. Not everyone is sexist and raciest so they dont all only care about race and gender. alot of people actually care about the policies and things the canidates said they wanted to do. I see now all that you care about is the fact that she had a vagina and thats really sexist.

Trump, you will never represent me.

well he is your president if your american. throwing a fit because the person you wanted didnt win is not going to help anything.especally if your going to try to make it a race or gender issue when it has nothing to do with it unless your a raciest and a sexist.

The white people who voted for Trump, you should feel ashamed of yourself right about now. I don't even know what to think about anyone who is non-white who voted for him.

So basically your saying because you didnt vote for the person i wanted (based only on gender) that you should be ashamed and fuck white people. Grow the fuck up. all you care about is the sex and fuck white people especially men in this whole post. Fucking swear! You should be ashamed because of how raciest and sexist this post is you made.

World, I’m sorry.

You should be for hating white people and men.

Gross. I’m embarrassed to be white.

because you have been brain washed by this crap propaganda your repeting that white people are bad blabh raicest shit blah blah. People suck of all colors and to blame or judge of off someones skin color might be the most ignorant part of it all. Stop judging people by their gender and it would not be sexist, stop judging people by their skin color and it wouldnt be raicest.

You can not cure raicism with raicism. You can not cure sexism with sexism.

Damn @stellabelle im amazed how sexist and raicest you can be.


Stellabelle's post is what inspired me to write this blog post today as well.

Ill check it out.

I thought Stellabelle had packed up and left.

It would be about time. We should start ignoring that ignorant attention whore.

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Wow thank you!

Nice rebuttal to a very silly and pathetic post. Some people have this "holier than thou" attitude which can be nauseating, but you find them everywhere.
All the same, this was a good counter to that sort of person, and an excellent read as well.

Thank you.
I'm hoping she reads it and responds.

isn't it funny how the democrats have been running around, calling everyone else hateful, and then the first time they don't get exactly everything they want, they launch into these vitriolic attacks, spitting in the faces of the people that have been supporting them in their escalating madness? hypocrisy is what the democrats do best. calling someone else racist, and all the while saying over and over and over, " white people are shit".

i woke up early this morning to watch videos of democrats marching and saying, "fuck donald trump" and "not my president". can you imagine what they would say about trump supporters who said the same if hillary had been able to make the grade?

this is sour grapes and temper tantrums. maybe now we will be able to deescalate the racist furor that has been spawned by obama and soros.

I have been cracking up watching people freek out online.
im puting together a Hillary supporter freek out video.

i did enjoy watching about 30 minutes of watching them gape and gasp and weep, like their favorite mystery gender bathroom caught on fire.

this clip alone I have watched at least 10 times.

i hope she doesn't actually hurt herself, but i do hope she hyperventilates for the next 8 years. the funniest part is that she filmed herself doing this and put it online, herself.

Yeah not wishing anything bad on the girl but it is funny as hell.

Honestly I think it's embarrassing how people are being manipulated with the whole race subject. I saw the title of the article and didn't even bother reading, didn't bother reading yours much to be honest. I just came here to say how dissapointed I am that some people are allowing others to make them feel guilty over supposed racial traits or things your ancestors may have done. The whole thing is ridiculous.

This is your government pushing this stuff to divide and the reason I know is that they already started trying to do the same thing in latin america. The same shit. Word for word, seems like a google translation of the propaganda you guys have been bombarded with for sometime.

It's very frustrating because I used to get a break from this shit by just switching to spanish, soon I might not be able to escape this madness.

I agree its all insane.
Im just sick of the racisim.

The post skeptic was replying to was on par with that of a Flat Earther. It is designed to get controversy and many people to refute the post. And I cannot fathom sincerity from purported Flat Earther people who are capable of using the Internet.

If it was just a toll post to make people get triggered my hat goes off to her.

Well he really is a con man, he conned a lot of people into believing he will be doing a lot of things that he has no intention of doing. I want to see that wall, I want to see Hillary in jail, I want to see him deport 11 million immigrants, all of that is crap.
I really believe the only reason Trump won the national elections (I have no idea on why he won the Republican nomination) was because Hillary who was an awful candidate with a lot of past offenses, lies, even maybe crimes, stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and Sanders supporters in the rust belt either didn't vote or actually voted for Trump.
The rest of Stellabelle's rants are partly true some are not, he is a racist, he is a liar (he says he is more than twice as rich as he really is, what does he gain lying about that, is it just pathological)? On the other hand not being from the US and not caring who won I actually preferred Trump to Hilary. But you've got to face the truth, Trump is not cut out to be a great President.

I see him as a wild card at this point. We have no clue what he is going to do. We do know what Hillary wanted when she says over and over she wants to make a no fly zone in Syria. one must declair war to do that and that's going to war with Russia and ww3. that alone is enough to vote agienst Hillary. I agree that the only reason trump won was because of who he was running agienst. Sad when you think about the fact that Hillary couldn't even beat doanld trump because of how corrupt she is. or funny I guess.

nice post. will she see it?

I left a link on her original post so maybe.
I hope I would love to hear back.

Thank you for this post. You've nailed it.

Thank you.
Im am still in awe how many people upvoted that post.

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