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RE: Response To - An Apology From The White Race - by @stellabelle

in #trump8 years ago

Well he really is a con man, he conned a lot of people into believing he will be doing a lot of things that he has no intention of doing. I want to see that wall, I want to see Hillary in jail, I want to see him deport 11 million immigrants, all of that is crap.
I really believe the only reason Trump won the national elections (I have no idea on why he won the Republican nomination) was because Hillary who was an awful candidate with a lot of past offenses, lies, even maybe crimes, stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and Sanders supporters in the rust belt either didn't vote or actually voted for Trump.
The rest of Stellabelle's rants are partly true some are not, he is a racist, he is a liar (he says he is more than twice as rich as he really is, what does he gain lying about that, is it just pathological)? On the other hand not being from the US and not caring who won I actually preferred Trump to Hilary. But you've got to face the truth, Trump is not cut out to be a great President.


I see him as a wild card at this point. We have no clue what he is going to do. We do know what Hillary wanted when she says over and over she wants to make a no fly zone in Syria. one must declair war to do that and that's going to war with Russia and ww3. that alone is enough to vote agienst Hillary. I agree that the only reason trump won was because of who he was running agienst. Sad when you think about the fact that Hillary couldn't even beat doanld trump because of how corrupt she is. or funny I guess.

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