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RE: Response To - An Apology From The White Race - by @stellabelle

in #trump8 years ago

Honestly I think it's embarrassing how people are being manipulated with the whole race subject. I saw the title of the article and didn't even bother reading, didn't bother reading yours much to be honest. I just came here to say how dissapointed I am that some people are allowing others to make them feel guilty over supposed racial traits or things your ancestors may have done. The whole thing is ridiculous.

This is your government pushing this stuff to divide and the reason I know is that they already started trying to do the same thing in latin america. The same shit. Word for word, seems like a google translation of the propaganda you guys have been bombarded with for sometime.

It's very frustrating because I used to get a break from this shit by just switching to spanish, soon I might not be able to escape this madness.


I agree its all insane.
Im just sick of the racisim.

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