
It's not that easy. I'm on a very limited income, I am awaiting a hip replacement surgery
That the VA will be doing or paying a civilian to do, and the VA hosp is only a few
Miles from here.
I live in a 14 floor, low income senior housing building. I pay roughly 1/3 of my
Monthly (disability) income in rent, which is $197. I can't get ANY apartment
ANY where around that I know of for that amount.
The other factor is, when I am physically recovered from the surgery, and
Can get back to playing music for Retirement communities etc, I can
Make about as much per year as I do in my disability, but if I move
To a more rural area, this would not be possible. You wouldn't
Believe how many nursing home, retirement and assisted
Living facilities there are in and around Atlanta. I could
Probably make as much around Savannah (closer to
Where I grew up) but the racial divide is just as bad
If not worse down there. Things may change when
I get past this surgery.

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