Trump Dismisses Tillerson, Names Pompeo Secretary Of State

in #trump7 years ago

US President Donald Trump has suddenly struck down Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in the early morning and on Twitter . A new rudder that shakes his Administration and changes the direction of foreign policy.

This is what the American president has announced in his Twitter account. "He will do a fantastic job! Thanks Tillerson for your work," he said in the social network account. Through the same message has announced that Gina Haspel , will be the new director of the CIA. Haspel is the first woman in charge of this organization.

In the same message broadcast through the social network - his favorite method of communicating with voters and where he has more than 49 million followers - Trump announced that he will replace his chief diplomat with CIA director Mike Pompeo . former congressman from Kansas and member of the ultraconservative Tea Party. A movement launched in mid-term elections in 2010 - in which his predecessor, Barack Obama, lost a majority in the House of Representatives - that highlighted the divisions of the Republicans of Congress in different political tribes.

"Mike Pompeo, director of the CIA, will become the new secretary of state, he will do a fantastic job! Thanks Rex for your service! Gina Haspel will become the new director of the CIA, the first woman to be elected. Congratulations to all! ", The president of the United States tweeted to begin the day.

On his way to California on Tuesday to oversee the prototypes of the controversial border wall with Mexico, he told reporters: "I have worked with Mike Pompeo for some time, tremendous energy, tremendous intellect, we are on the same wavelength. It has always been very good, and that's what I need, "warned Trump, who replaces a" dove "with a" hawk "to carry US diplomacy. While, of Tillerson, it did not hide that "we had different mentality".

New head of the CIA

In turn, Pompeo will be replaced by the deputy director of the CIA, Gina Haspel, who will be the first woman in charge of the spy agency, as indicated by the president. Thus, it is clear that Trump opts for continuity in the espionage agency, by choosing the number two of the former congressman, who has become during these 14 months of Administration in one of the favorite of the US president.

In addition, it seems that the president wanted to clean up the State Department, where Tillerson offered a press conference tonight. In his farewell, in which he did not mention Trump, he thanked the work of the Pentagon chief, former General Jim Perro Loco Mattis -considered the country's last line of defense between Trump and absolute disaster-, his diplomats and the people American. His undersecretary of State of Public Affairs, Steve Goldstein, has also been dismissed during the day.

The way to strike the head of diplomacy has caused great chaos today, when the protagonist learned about a member of his team who read on Twitter the president's comment. At first, his right hand, Steve Goldstein, issued a confusing statement. "The secretary [Tillerson] has not spoken to the president and does not know the reasons [for his dismissal]," he said. "He intended to stay," he continued, despite the fact that former General John Kelly, chief of staff, had called the secretary of state on Saturday. Then, he was on a trip to Africa, where he was trying to redirect relations after the controversial comments of Trump calling out some countries in that continent of "fucking holes". At that time, Kelly suggested that he shorten his tour. "You may receive a tweet," he anticipated, referring to the president's ways to get rid of his team.

The dismissal recalls the retirement of former FBI director James Comey, who learned of his departure through the media while at the airport in Los Angeles (California).

Counted Days

Tillerson had the days counted from two months ago. Among the issues that have caused their tensions, highlight Russia, North Korea and Iran. However, last night it was unknown what exactly caused the decision. Among the immediate causes could be his support for London (against the White House), by pointing to Russia's hand after nervous gas poisoning by the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in British territory.

This snub to Donald Trump, who usually avoids criticizing Moscow, is added to the cross they both had last October. A leak revealed that Tillerson had called the president "idiot" after he proposed increasing the arsenal of nuclear weapons in the United States. The president responded by challenging him to undergo an intelligence test and assuring that he would win it without a doubt.

The lack of communication was also very clear last week. Hours after Tillerson acknowledged that "there is a long way left" in the question of North Korea , Trump surprised to accede to a meeting with his great enemy, the dictator Kim Jong-un. Later the Secretary of State nuanced the president, noting that the summit would focus on "talks" rather than "negotiations", while Trump acted as if he were planning to leave the meeting with an agreement on denuclearization.
The former head of diplomacy had to mediate last summer between Trump and Kim, who had launched to exchange insults. Tillerson recalled that Washington preferred to "resolve the situation through talks," rather than through the military option for which his boss seemed inclined. There were also serious disagreements over whether the United States should get out of the nuclear agreement with Iran, which has been criticized by the president since he was a candidate in the electoral campaign, and the frustration of the head of diplomacy in the face of Trump's public criticisms of the state's attorney general. Jeff Sessions, about his decision to deviate from the Russiagate investigation .

Less headlines gave the disagreement on whether Washington should mediate between the dispute between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which caused another flood of disagreements.

Donald Trump's decision to strike down Tillerson raises whether the White House and Foggy Botton - the Washington area where the State Department building is now - will finally have a single voice. What will happen with the reorganization of the State Department? Will the confusion between the United States and the other capitals of the international community be clarified? What does the cessation within the chaos of the Cabinet and the staff of the White House mean? The answer, soon on Twitter.


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