How listening to our bodies will give us more soul.

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

How listening to our bodies will give us more soul.

“and i said to my body. softly. ‘i want to be your friend.’ it took a long breath. and replied ‘i have been waiting my whole life for this.”

― Nayyirah Waheed


When we are preoccupied, our bodies needs can feel like a child tugging on our arm saying: 'Mommy, I'm thirsty.' or 'Mommy, I'm tired' or 'Mommy I'm cold' and us replying: 'Yeah, yeah, in a minute' and then making our bodies wait and wait and wait. Like a child that has been ignored and kept waiting for a long time, our body will eventually stop giving us signals of what it needs. It may still be giving us signals but they will be much less clear and also much less persistent. our body just doesn't feel like we are listening to it.
This is our loss really, because it tells us things that are vital for our wellbeing. Not only can the body give signals of physical needs and boundaries ( pain) but it also makes our emotions palpable for us. We feel physically relaxed and at ease when we make the right decisions emotionally. When there is something not right emotionally we will be able to feel it as a discomfort in our bodies.
For example we will be talking to somebody and all our energy will drain or we get super tensed in our stomach. This can tell us something about the interaction we are having with the person in front of us. Sometimes the person does not have good intentions for us at that moment and we'd best get out of harms way but most of the time we are doing something to ourselves in the interaction that gives us tension in our tummy, like trying to please the other person and not allowing ourselves to be ourselves. This always creates tention in the body, when we are not being true to ourselves.
The body is a very pure soundboard when it comes to being true to ourselves. It basically knows two things: balance and imbalance.
When we do something that is good for us it will feel balanced. But when we do something that is not good for us it will feel unbalanced and it will give us signs that the way we are behaving is not right for us. When we listen to these signs the imbalance will be corrected soon enough. But when we won't pay heed to the warnings the body might start out by hiding the symptoms for us but after sometime it won't be able to do so anymore and the imbalance may manifest as sickness.
How to interpret the message/signals the body is giving us?

As I believe we are here mainly to learn about ourselves and the way we behave and wether this is serving our evolution in Love or not, I suggest to look at our own convictions and behaviour first when our body is giving us a signal that it feels out of balance. We can ask ourselves:
Am I thinking in a way that promotes a way of being that is loving and true towards myself and others?
Am I acting in way that is loving and true towards myself and others?
Is something coming up for me emotionally from past experiences that puts extra charge on the current situation?

If there is anything we can work with, that comes up from asking ourselves these questions, then we can start with that.
Often the imbalance will clear from that alone and we don't need to be so concerned with the other persons behaviour.

When it doesn't, then we can look at the other person and ask ourselves:

Is the other person treating us in a way that is loving and respectful?
This is not always the case and we can then chose to accept it for what it is and get out of harms way for the moment or confront the person about it and hope they will care enough and have it in them to make an effort towards us to make their behaviour more loving.

In a sense our bodies are our best teachers here on earth. They manifest information through signals and symptoms on an earthly level so that we can 'read' the information given to us through these 'letters' and interpret the meaning of them and know where we are at in our (spiritual) development and where we need to adjust..
And believe me, it doesn't let you off the hook easily. If the adjustment you made wasn't the right one, it will keep on sending you signals that the right correction wasn't made. It can be utterly frustrating if this happens again and again and you feel like you just can't get it right, even though you try your very best, with the best intentions, but then it may well be that after all this trying you will all of a sudden see, that the trying has taken you on a path to a better and more loving self and that even though you haven't found the perfect balance yet, you are well on your way, getting closer and closer. And yet... sometimes a u-turn is in order. Usually this is shown by strong signals of the body, that it isn't happy at all with what you have chosen to correct the imbalance with and you better listen to it, or the signals will get stronger and worse until you do. A harsh teacher maybe but a very just one.
Our body truly is our friend, it has our best interest in mind and looks out for us like no one else can. How would it be to honour your body as much as you can?

Caring for our physical needs as soon as we can, after the signal is given by our bodies, creates a sense of trust between us and our bodies. This gives a feeling of overal wellbeing and safety. Our consciousness can sink down into a safe and pleasant environment that is our body. This in turn will create a pleasant warmth in and around our bodies that is created by the union of spirit and body. As Rudolf Steiner says: The soul ( emotions/the astral body) is created in the meeting of spirit and body. So... we will have more soul to experience and share when we decide to honour our bodies.

I just had lunch. Borsh ( beetroot soup) Yum it was sooo good. My body must be craving iron. The recipe will be posted tomorow.

I always try to stick to my words, so when I write about something I feel I must be walking my talk otherwise it doesn't serve any purpose and they are just hollow words, hollowing you out even further, then you are already hollowed out by all empty words floating around on social media and in social contact and that is not my aim. I ant to give you content that is truthful and brings you closer to home. And empowering so that it will bring you closer to yourself.
But I must admit I waited too long before I ate something while writing this post, I was ignoring my body's signals because I was so motivated to finish it. While writing about this! Oops!
This is the thing. Our willpower can be so strong sometimes, that it totally overwhelms our Life force impulses and the natural order of things. Keep an eye out for that willpower and use it to take good care of your body when it needs something! I think that's what we've been given it for.

Lots of Love Clara @wombloom
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Thanks so much for sharing this wisdom! 💖

I just shared a meditation video on this same topic, we are in sync 💚💚💚

Listening to the body is good.
I used to fast for health purpose and it is difficult to ignore your body call for food.
Training may be the key.

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