TribeSteemup BiWeekly Question Tie Up Post -What Does BEing A human Mean To You?

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

I have really enjoyed the Questions being put forward by the TribeSteemUp members and this one was no exception. @borrowedearth came up with this question for the Tribe. At first glance it may seem like an easy question, but how often have you thought about what being human means to you? How easy is it to actually describe how we identify ourselves?. We are complicated beings and we go through so many challenges throughout our lives, challenges that shape us, that help define us. The more I thought about this question the more I grasped how huge it really is. One could easily write a post on each quality we identify with and deem important and then there is the responsibilities we face being a human.

Each member of the Tribe who answered this question allows us to see life through their eyes, allowing us a small glimpse into their reality. Some we may identify with and others we may not. And that is okay, because in life we should celebrate our differences, celebrate the great diversity of life. We are all unique individuals, we all have our place on this planet and how we choose to live our lives determines whether or not we wish to create change. By sharing our wisdom, by sharing our skills and passions we are helping to facilitate that change. We have created a global community that stretches right across the globe and in coming together we are stronger.

We each have a choice, a choice to become a part of the change we want to see happen in the world.

So ask yourself: What Does BEing A human Mean To You?

"What does being a Human mean to you?" - Tribesteemup QOTW


Being a human on earth, in the physical reality, and in particular in this era means three main things, all are interwoven into one tapestry -
Living life to the fullest as a human being -
To laugh out loud; to listen attentively to what's going on around us; to eat and savor the moment; to smell the scent of everything, everywhere; to touch other living creatures with every part of our physicality and mind, and in short to exercise every physical sense we have.
Some human being spend their entire lifetime in (failed) attempts to escape the physical reality, falsely thinking that it's better "out there" and that enlightenment can be reached if only they reject and renounce their humane-attributes. On their death bed, they realize how wrong they have been all along. It's our great privilige to be given a physical body, so let's enjoy it.

What it Means to Be Human, TSU Bi-Weekly Question


There is a saying "I'm only human", which I have heard people say.
It seems to imply that we are fallible and make mistakes. I agree that being human means we make mistakes, in this way we learn things. So I guess being a human is some kind of learning opportunity - how peculiar. What are we learning by being here as human beings? Is there some kind of purpose to this crazy game?
Determinists and nihilists will have you believe that we come here to learn so many fantastic things - and then we die and forget it all. Something in me can't accept that we are just a random set of neural impulses which is erased forever upon death.

This Is Who I am -What Does BEing A human Mean To You? TribeSteemup BiWeekly Question


All I know is who I am, the choices I have made and the life that I have lived. I have done all of this as A human, it is all that I know. I am complex and have so many layers, some that are buried down deep and at times rise to the surface. I am made of this earth and I am happy in knowing that to this earth I will return.
I feel things deeply, I can not walk by and not acknowledge another being who is in pain, who is suffering. I can not help but send out healing energy to those beings, be it human or other animals. In my eyes we are one and all the same, how you treat another animal tells me alot about who you are. I am human, and I am also an animal.

Being HUE-Man : TribeSteemUp Question


What does it mean to be human?
At first I thought, that's easy. We have compassion, empathy and love. We have reasoning, beliefs and logic.
But we see in nature how a mama bird takes care of her baby birds. Documentaries show apes as caring and loving towards their young. And they can be mean to others.
Not at all different than a human right?
Warning: Apes aren't my ancestors
I do not believe in the homo sapiens category. If you do, you don't need to sway me in that direction. I'm not turning to Science for this question - geneticists, biologists, geologists or historians.

Welcome to Earth School, Human! (TSU BiWeekly Question)


Much of my writing practice has been about writing what is up for me. I find what is alive is most often what is present and not so much reaching into the recesses of my head. This is such a rich question from the Tribesteemup biweekly question that, as is often the case with these group questions, it will really take all of us writing about it to hit on all of the things. So I'm not going to make my post about answering the whole breadth of the question. I'll release myself in that regard and trust that the whole team's got that covered. I want to write about two things that came up for me when I started pondering the question.

What Does Being Human Mean To You? TSU Bi-Weekly Question


I've often questioned this human existence. I've spent many a moment pondering the meaning of life. Wondering what it's all about. Why we are here, what is our purpose on this planet?
I've often wondered if our true heritage is alien to this planet. Some form of bacteria from the outskirts of the universe that found its way to earth on an asteroid. Or perhaps our ancients escaped from another planet, one that they destroyed and then sought out Earth as the alternative. Or perhaps Mars was a more habitable planet many aeons ago, one that was home to human like figures... perhaps they destroyed it or perhaps back then the sun was stronger and Mars was more like earth than the barren desert we know today.

What Does It Mean To Be Human? TSU Bi Weekly Question


The wait was endless,
For the greatest opportunity of a lifetime,
The chance to learn the greatest lessons I could ever learn,
The opportunity to take a giant leap that crossed space and time,
The chance to witness an evolutionary jump like never before seen,
The honour of playing a part in this divine play,
To experience being separate and distinct from all that I have ever known,
I came back,
To forget where I came from,
to forget who I am,
To no longer know .. anything,
To see what I would choose,
If I could do it all over again.

What does being Human Mean to Me? A Tribe Steem Up Question


Being human means more to me than just living on Earth as a Homo Sapien Sapien. It implies one has humanity in terms of compassion. When someone says, "its not even human" they mean it is not humane, which implies that being a human is to be humane. Thinking on these terms makes me think off all the great things, and all the terrible things humanity has done throughout time, and begs the question as to how some humans can be so inhumane to their fellow man.
There are a myriad of factors that lead to things like corruption, unjust wars, slavery, genocide, rape, and the general mistreatment of other members of this planet (including animals and plants). Human instinct however does not dictate intentional violence.

What Does It Mean to Be Human? (TribeSteemup QOTW)


First thoughts are:

Not being a robot.
Being you in a world that doesn't want you to be you.
Being true to yourself.
Being authentic.
I knew a long time ago that I wasn't like other people, I didn't have the same dreams and ambitions.
Around me, they all talked about riches, big houses and fast cars.
The only fast car ride I really enjoyed was in a back of a police car.
I wasn't naughty though, it was just an opportunity presented to 'experience' the job that police had to do.
But me behind the wheel - no thank you.
50 lessons and little improvement kinda of showed me driving wasn't for me, at that time anyway, I may try again one day if I get over the fear of sitting in the driver's seat.

Tribesteemup Bi-Weekly Question: What Does It Mean To Be Human?


From an estranged relationship with my daughters to my own way to worship my creator.. being human is what you make of it.
To be positive... you have be around people who bring out the best in you.
To Be Human...
I really had no idea how I was going to answer this question... so many ways to explain it and break it down; and this week I chose NOT to read other TSU community posts about it. I didn't want to be influenced by what others were saying, feeling and sharing. I wanted this to be my answer and mine alone.
So as I finished my morning walk around of the garden... I whipped out my phone and just started rambling... yeah... rambling.
Being human is more than just blood, skin and a beating heart.

What Is TribeSteemUp

The TribeSteemUp project, was created 0ne year ago by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that explore ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that are part of TribeSteemUpare produce high quality articles , which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by, these fundamental principles are about guiding our conduct toward ourselves, toward one another, toward others, and toward the Earth.


A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



thanks to all involved .. this was very thought provoking for me.. took me in a bit of a journey.. as always.. so many amazing posts on the subject.. ;-)

yes I think it made us all dig deep, thanks @eco-alex for your contribution xxx

there were some wonderful reflections on this. loved this question! great job team! <3

yeah it was a good one and really good getting to know some of the Tribe members a bit better. Cheers @mountainjewel xx

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