Tribesteemup Bi-Weekly Question: What Does It Mean To Be Human?

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

From an estranged relationship with my daughters to my own way to worship my creator.. being human is what you make of it.

To be positive... you have be around people who bring out the best in you.

To Be Human...

I really had no idea how I was going to answer this question... so many ways to explain it and break it down; and this week I chose NOT to read other TSU community posts about it. I didn't want to be influenced by what others were saying, feeling and sharing. I wanted this to be my answer and mine alone.

So as I finished my morning walk around of the garden... I whipped out my phone and just started rambling... yeah... rambling.

Being human is more than just blood, skin and a beating heart.

  • It's empathy
  • It's sympathy
  • It's forgiving
  • It's forming a bond (whether with your soul mate, God or anyone else you hold close to your heart)
  • It's being able to find beauty in all things
  • It's knowing when to take a break
  • It's realizing you have made a mistake and apologizing
  • It's protecting those you love
  • It's understanding in the simplest form
  • It's unconditional love

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Very good posts, good luck always in the esteem business

Nicely put. There really is no easy way to answer the question but like you rightly emphasized it's more than just skin, blood and bone.

We are so complex for a reason, and those reasons are unique to every individual. Nice to see your own perspective on display

I believe the question can only be answered by every person with his or her own thinking. No one answer is correct whereas no one answer is wrong.

Yes, to be human is to make mistakes as that is how we learn. The really sad part is not learning from those mistakes and making them over and over again, as you are not learning and just going through life.

It is easy to forgive, sometimes, but forgetting is the hard part. When we have that part of life figured out I think we become a better person. I understand that is the hardest part because I have not forgotten many things that have been done to me, I wonder if I really forgave that person or just pushed the feeling I felt about it out of my mind and not my heart and still have an anger about that person.

I think sometimes when we do not forget about what was done wrong to us it just makes us more unhappy in life. That is just some of my opinions on this, as everyone has different opinions on things. I think if you are truly happy with yourself then life will be good. I guess that is the most important thing is to be happy. Have a great day!

I agree. People habe a tendency to say things, whether they mean the words or not, and it's difficult for the receiver of the hurtful words to undo and not hold onto those words.

Making mistakes is not only part of life... it's also part of growing and maturing.

I think this time of our living could be our opportunity to spend time with the divine where we can experience in this human form the joy that that brings...

I've learned in the last few years to enjoy every moment I can. I try to not dwell on negativity

howdy this fine Thursday goldendawne! "debbie downer" haha! hey could they find a more difficult question to ask??? I think you did an excellent job of answering it!

This was definitely one of the harder questions to answer. Very in-depth thinking process of what it means to me.

howdy tonight @goldendawne! well, you did alot better than I would have at answering that one, you must've spent a good amount of time on it, who asked you to do that? I probably wouldn't have done it so I salute you!

Yep.. all.of that. I NEVER read the other answers as I get overwhelmed and paralysed by self doubt! I go and read afterwards and then think wow, wish I had written that..This is succinct but perfect @goldendawne x

That's a great list! The best item on it, I think is: "find beauty in all things" 💜

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