Tribe Steem Up and Homesteaders Co-op - Strength and Ethics in Steem Communities

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

A few days ago I was invited to join @TribeSteemUp as a new member. I am very honored because there are many steemians involved in Tribe Steem Up that I respect and admire. I am also honored because I am invited into this tribe as a representative of @homesteaderscoop. I am honored to know that others see value in our new steem community marketplace and want to support and encourage our path. Thank you Tribe Steem Up.

One of Tribe Steem Up's goals is to encourage and support conscious activities and actions on the steem blockchain. In this light there is much overlap with @homesteaderscoop's goals of encouraging and supporting ethical, sustainable commerce while helping to empower individuals on the steem blockchain.

It is nice to have a community sibling. I see Tribe Steem Up like an older sibling of Homesteaders Co-op, a role model in a steem community.

For now I will leave you with a reproduction of @kennyskitchen's 8 Pillers of TribeSteemUp (originally posted here). I personally resonate with these pillars, and I feel that they are also a good model for @homesteaderscoop to follow.

I, bearing witness to the lessons of history — that no form of political governance may be relied upon to secure individual rights; that no society based on competition & consumption can live harmoniously with itself or the natural world; that change must always come from the hearts & minds of the people— now therefore establish and provide certain fundamental principles guiding our conduct toward ourselves, toward one another, toward others, and toward the Earth:

FIRST, each individual is the exclusive proprietor of his or her own existence and all products thereof, holding no obligations except those created by consent;

SECOND, no individual or association of individuals, however constituted, has the right to initiate force against any other individual and each individual has the inalienable right of self-defense against the initiation of force;

THIRD, explicit voluntary association is the only means by which binding obligations may be created, and claims based on association or relationships to which any party did not consent are empty and invalid;

FOURTH, rights are neither collective nor additive in character, and no group can possess rights in excess of those belonging to its individual members;

FIFTH, the Earth is not a resource to be exploited, it is a living system, of which we are all pieces, and we must learn to live in harmony & balance with the rest of the system;

SIXTH, animals & plants do not exist to serve humans; they are living things that have their own existence, of which they are the exclusive proprietors;

SEVENTH, the purpose of all human endeavors should be the creation of a more thriving, peaceful, healthy, joyous world for ourselves and to leave for future generations;

EIGHTH, basing our interactions with each other on cooperation, co-creating the world we want to live in and pass on, is key to our success;

This is not a contract (legally binding or otherwise), this is something much more than that, this is a conscious commitment to myself (and any & all higher power[s] I recognize). I hereby declare my commitment to peace, individual sovereignty, cooperation, and respect for the Earth and for all life.

It is with these intentions that I have created the container of @TribeSteemUp, and it is these principles which the community was designed to support & spread. The portal has been opened; abundance, inspiration, and support is pouring through this container, and I dedicate myself to maintaining the alignment of purpose for which this spell was cast.

"I am because we are"

Reproduced from @kennyskitchen's 8 Pillers of TribeSteemUp


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#tribesteemup | @tribesteemup | The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Yeah it is just great that you are a part of TribeSteemUp, what you are doing with @homesteaderscoop really embodies what the tribe is all about, empowering others and being earthwise xxx

I love the synergistic tribe vibes! Looking forward to good things to come :)

So, where can I sign up? Sounds like another voluntarist community, and Nate wants in!

It also sounds like a badass alliance between them and the Co-op. Providing that marketplace which is the fruit of free market thinking. Bro, thank you.

It is invite only from what I understand. I personally think you'd be a good fit :) However technically you are already part of the Tribe since you are an integral part of Homesteaders Co-op!

You're welcome :)

Sweet :) glad to be involved in a super voluntarist movement.

Agorism FTW!

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