Tribe & Cow Solutions: Attitude of Gratitude #4

in #tribesteemup6 years ago (edited)

What have cows got to do with Steemit, you may ask?

This cow was made in my garage many years ago. Ain't she pretty?
You should never hesitate to change your cow for a handful of magic beans - Tom Robbins

Well, I was thinking about the things I'm grateful for this week and of course I had to drift to Steemit as I've been almost daily posting for a few months now and seen a few things here. I was really going to throw it in after a month or so - it didn't seem worth it to spend so much time writing and posting and not getting anywhere. I seemed to be in these little echo chambers where people were saying 'what's the point?' and 'I'm never going to get anywhere' and 'no one listens to me anyway - I've only got .02 on a post I've just spend hours on and think is pretty worthy' and so on.

How many ghost followers do you have on Steemit? Where did they go?

I've actually watched people get so disillusioned and depressed here that they just sign off and disappear, becoming the dead followers that we wonder what happened to (if you want to see how many dead followers you have, check out Spectacles for Steemit)

You know, Australia is only just behind Finland on the world loneliness scale. We're not meant to operate on our own, feeling disempowered in a world that doesn't seem to have our backs. Whilst I can't stress enough that the online world isn't going to provide answers to any loneliness we might have, when you're trying to make it on your own on a social media platform, no wonder people tune out and drop off and disappear - they just don't feel supported or valued and it's bound to make them feel shit and even more alone.

I've seen people write really amazing things on this platform and they're seriously upset because no one heard them at all - and this is just a confirmation of what they're experiencing in the real world! So a platform like Steemit is just going to compound that feeling of isolation and loneliness, and that sucks.

Back to cows. I was listening to an interview on the radio with a guy who wrote a book on depression and he pointed to a story about anti depression medication he'd heard about in Cambodia. The story goes something like this:

A doctor was in Cambodia researching about the land mines and the effects on the people there. He was interested in anti depressants and asked the local doctors about them. They weren't sure about them and said that they didn't need those chemicals because they already had antidepressants.
Was this a herbal remedy, perhaps?
No. They told him the story of a farmer who'd had his leg blasted off on a landmine, got an artifical limb and went back to work on the rice fields. Yet it was really painful for him and eventually he became really anxious and depressed, wouldn't get out of bed, and cried all day.
So the doctors and the neighbours sat down with him and talked to him. The current situation clearly wasn't working, so they suggested he worked as a dairy farmer and they bought him a cow, a job they thought would bring back less memories, give his life a purpose and be less painful for him.
In the years that followed, his depression entirely lifted.
The cow was the antidote. The community was the creative solution generator.

I love this story for a number of reasons - one, it takes power away from pharmaceutical companies and two, it says that depression isn't always something wrong with us but it's the situation itself. I also love the creative tinkering behind it - how can we fix this problem to make life better for the person who's doing it hard?

I loved the power of community in this story - his neighbours and doctors all got together to work out a solution. And that's what people on Steemit are doing all the time. They're figuring out ways to make this Steemworld work for the people producing good content. And it's our job to get involved and support that because despite what you might think, we're part of that community too.

So we can moan and shut down our accounts in disgust or get a bit creative about solutions to any feelings of despair on Steemit. What does our cow solution look like?

I'm pretty sure the answer is tribe.

Individually, we don't get anywhere here unless we're waiting for handouts from whales once in a while to keep us here and sucked in. Being part of a tribe that has at it's core a strong value system that supports the individual is the answer. Not only do you start feeling heard because other members of the tribe are looking out for you and responding to your work in the same way you're responding to theirs, but you're getting a bit of extra pay out too.

We also start to recognize the tribes that produce good content. @kennyskitchen 's #TribeSteemUp and #Ecotrain, driven by @eco-alex , are two of these tribes I know are worth following just for the stuff they produce. I'm also totally blessed to be accepted into them and they've definitely become cow providers because they stopped me giving up here. However even if I wasn't part of those communities, I'd consider supporting them through the curation trail or even following some of their members and up-voting or re-steeming their stuff or commenting on their work, I'm supporting the tribe solution that's helping a lot of people out in this digital universe.

I try to do that with other groups on Steemit that have great content and ideas going on. I don't have time to be actively involved in all the communities here but in recognizing this alt-cow situation, I know that I need to be part of the teams sitting around the depressed Steemian's bedside and saying hey, did you know there is another way? Do you want me to introduce you to this gorgeous looking cow? You don't have to be alone, you know. Your life here is better than you think. You're valued and you can do okay if only you can join a tribe!

TribeSteemUp is a fabulous example of a community cow solution because crew like @kennyskitchen and @jamesnc had the dream to support communities. They delegate their steempower to their tribe who write about great topics like mindfulness, permaculture, philosophy and healthy eating (to name a few!) Being a part of that tribe means that everyone gets a guaranteed vote a day. This also fulfils a higher vision too because as they are all topics we care about, we end up getting more visibility for those topics because we're supported to do so.

@eco-alex is an amazing Steemian who is working superhard to provide cow solutions for folk. I am going to write another gratitude post about the ecotrain but for now I really wanted to send him big love as its a big job he is doing to help as many as he can.. not just in Steemit but visions in the wider world too.

SO.. GRATITUDE - we're all pretty grateful and that gratitude ripples outward into the whole of Steemit. What can I do to support others, I think? How can I do things to benefit all the little tribes and communities that make up the whole here? How can I come up with cow solutions?

And if you're reading this, what colour cow would you like me to provide you with? How can I help?

It's all work in progress!

Oh yeah, and damn, I'm super grateful for cows. How could you not love a world with cows in it?

I was tagged by @canadianrenegade to:

Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.
Sorry if you've been tagged before in this challenge @crescendofpeace @shanibeer @vincentnijman - please don't feel obligated, but you've been tagged! Feel free also to totally ignore me - I promise I won't be offended, and respect your freedom to post exactly what you want. :)


Thanks so much for stopping by! Check out the other passengers on the #ecotrain hashtag - there's some fabulous steemposts about permaculture to meditation, environmental issues to food forests - you can read more about the @ecotrain here. They have great minnow support and an ethical bot as well!


Want to find more quality posts about helping the Earth and humanity and generally making the world a better place? Check out the #tribesteemup trail.

You can read about the 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp here



Cows are awesome! My father should spend more time with cows.

I am working on my post now, thanks!

P.S. Not sure if @canadianrenegade saw yours though, as you misspelled their name ;>)

Oh i did adjust that on post 1 but then stupidly copy and pasted the wrong one.....cheers.

Yay, glad you are in it!!

de nada
and yes, you got me :>)

Hi! This is intelligent bot. I just upvoted your post based on my criteria for quality. Keep on writing nice posts on Steemit and follow me @jlkreiss to get premium world news updates round the clock! If you like, just upvote my comment! 🦄🦄🦄

this is not cool.. it is SPAM.. please find another way to proceed on steemit or you will find people flagging you quite soon!

I LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for your thoughts @riverflows. As a newbie I haven't exactly been depressed by steemit but I definitely question my sanity in spending so much of my very scarce time for those .02 upvotes. And I am in full agreement of the two tribes you mentioned, which I am grateful to have recently discovered. I like your radio story (my goats are my passion from depression on the homestead so I identify with the cow - mine would be green for new life, new beginnings) Yours is a good Gratitude post. I've appreciated the idea of the 7 days of Gratitude which I've been writing about, but also for those of others that I've read. And I love this!!! (in case I didn't already say so ;)

Thanks. I love goats... animals are great for warding off mental health issues!!!! I misss my chickens...

Just read a few of your lovely heartfelt posts. Gosh you are amazing for looking after those boys with such an attitude of gratitude and your faith must be a real provider of strength for you.

Thank you @riverflows. Yes it's a challenge but we have much to be grateful for. And you will probably appreciate my goatie posts. We also have chickens (although my husband is the chicken whisperer!!!)

Ha ha - we did have chooks but they got et by a fox, so we have to up our security.... and we've just lost interest as we aren't eating eggs much, though I miss what they do for the garden!

We have just had exactly the same problem but with a weasel. We lost 1/3 of our hens. Those that remain have gone off the lay from fear. Poor things. They are wonderful in the garden

Oh poor darlings. We don't have weasels here - they sound terrifying, and I empathise with those chooks!! (that's what we call them here) x

How exciting, I've been tagged!
I'll have to re-read and see what it all means.
Thank you for thinking of me.

You are welcome... look forward to reading your posts!

First off, I'm so glad you stuck around!! Balancing posting with curating and supporting fellow Steemians is tough sometimes! It's like the circus act where they spin all the plates! When I spend more time posting regularly, then my curating and supporting plates fall, or maybe I'm not keeping up on housework, or failing to get enough sleep, in any case, I've only recently been catching up on supporting others and I'm so glad to have stumbled upon this!

I grew up on dairies and just love cows. But, I love how the cow was the answer for the depressed father. We have a serious streak of depression and nerves in my family and I see so many loved ones looking for the cure in a bottle and they're then strapped down with all the nasty side effects and I just wish they would look inside and make changes to their lives and find their cows. It's hard to witness knowing there are healthier choices, but alas, I'm the black sheep so I usually get the eye rolls and condescending chuckles. In any case, this is a great post and I hope it helps at least one person find their cow. Much love!

Thanks thankyou ta gracias!!! What a lovely comment - thankyou!! Oh my god yes, it's like a circus act - I agree!!!!!! I feel like I havent seen you in ages @crowbarmama but we had interactions a while ago - it's so hard to keep up with everyone you want to!!

It's such a great analogy and I LOVE the idea of a cow solution, even if I did just coin the phrase here lol!! Oh it's hard to be part of minority of people who know better, but it's changing, I know it is!!!

If you have time, please listen to this podcast - it's so engaging, I promise you'll enjoy it:

It will at least make you feel happy that there are other people proposing alt solutions!! xx

Yes! It has been a while, hasn't it? See what I mean? Spinning the posting plate, and I dropped following the Steemians I love! Working on balance now and trying to find a way to be sure my favorites get some love. I wish there was a way to make a 'Favorites list'. I know there are curation trails and such, but that's just an empty upvote and doesn't necessarily mean I get to see the content!

Anyway, thanks for the link! I'm really looking forward to listening to it!

Peace & love, sister!

I know right!!! Have you used ginabot? 💙

YES! All of the yeses! Matt and I have talked about antidepressants before and how there needs to be a better solution. Sometimes it's okay to be sad, and frustrated; these are all legitimate feelings to have and experience. I think hopelessness grows when we don't have a supportive community around us to help us see the positive aspects of our lives and how we can overcome our challenges. I can speak from experience because years ago I was prescribed antidepressants. After taking one I chucked the bottle and had a serious conversation with myself. I recognized that taking a pill wasn't going to change the parts of my life that I was unhappy with and I was the only one who could make my situation better. Instead of medicating, I decided I would eliminate the biggest stresses in my life and ask myself daily about the things I enjoyed. With help I was able to quit a job that came with a toxic environment and eventually I began working for myself. I exited an unhealthy relationship and focused on my own happiness. I started eating well, trying different exercise and activities, and most importantly asked myself about myself. What music did I actually like, where did I like to go, who did I like to see, what food did I enjoy eating? It might sound small but it put me on the path to a much happier life and lowered my blood pressure. I was only in my mid twenties and my doctor wanted to put me on blood pressure medication. I was, and still am, so grateful that I had my tribe to pull me through those challenges. We try hard to support authors on Steemit and lately haven't been as active because we're in the process of building a house. Right now, we come and go due to circumstance, but even so we've made a lot of genuine connections and plan to stick around for the long haul. Plus, it feels good to lift others up and rally around this community. I could go on, but I've already written a small novel. So in summary, I loved your post and agree 100%. -Aimee

Oh gosh. I did the same thing with antidepressants. The doctor was so quick to prescribe them and I'd got kinda desperate, though I was so reluctant to go down that path @canadianrenegade!! anyway, she talked me into it - chemical brain stuff blah blah blah. I got home and hubby and I looked at the pack and googled more and he's like - well, it's your decision. And I just went - no way am I taking them. I went to the naturopath and got on some supportive herbs and made a few changes and I was back on track again. I know it's not that easy sometimes and to be honest, the two years before that I broke down because I wasn't as aware of the symptoms (it was too late for anything then!) - but now I can see it coming and know what I need to change/adjust - I recognise the early warning symptoms.

I loved your small novel. Love! Thanks for your comment.

I do think it's important to embrace our feelings too rather than block them out or supress them with drugs, alcohol etc. To go - this is part of human experience, and I will be compassionate with myself and I'll get through.

I have a fabulous fabulous podcast link where I got the cow thing from - here it is here - I'd love for you to listen as it's just so engaging and sums up everything we all should know about depression -

I hope you can get it there!!

I love when I see two of my favorite Steemians connecting! It's like running into two friends going, "Oh wow! You two know each other? Awesome!"

Someone once told me, Good people attract good people and it couldn't be truer. I see it on Steemit all the time. -Aimee

I love how u used the cow analogy here, I think u would like some of my old posts that go into the deep spiritual and ancient symbolism of cows. For the love of cows ❤️🐮🐂🐃🐄.!!!!!!

Ah I did think of You!!! I'd love to read those if you could drop me the link? We need a contents page or an index system for our blogs! 🐄🐄🐄 Thanks for commenting @celestialcow

I guess community is everything here on Steemit, only if people were persistent enough till they find them!

If it wasn't important humans would not organize themselves in tribes back in stone age - together we can survive, alone we are easy pray.

I'm really concerned when it comes to depression on my classes, some of the kids have parents that work all freaking day - they just leave the kids here and there for a class of this and that.
I really like to work supporting them and studying about their hobbies so we can talk in class, it makes them so happy.

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