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RE: Tribe & Cow Solutions: Attitude of Gratitude #4

in #tribesteemup6 years ago

I LOVE THIS!!! Thanks for your thoughts @riverflows. As a newbie I haven't exactly been depressed by steemit but I definitely question my sanity in spending so much of my very scarce time for those .02 upvotes. And I am in full agreement of the two tribes you mentioned, which I am grateful to have recently discovered. I like your radio story (my goats are my passion from depression on the homestead so I identify with the cow - mine would be green for new life, new beginnings) Yours is a good Gratitude post. I've appreciated the idea of the 7 days of Gratitude which I've been writing about, but also for those of others that I've read. And I love this!!! (in case I didn't already say so ;)


Thanks. I love goats... animals are great for warding off mental health issues!!!! I misss my chickens...

Just read a few of your lovely heartfelt posts. Gosh you are amazing for looking after those boys with such an attitude of gratitude and your faith must be a real provider of strength for you.

Thank you @riverflows. Yes it's a challenge but we have much to be grateful for. And you will probably appreciate my goatie posts. We also have chickens (although my husband is the chicken whisperer!!!)

Ha ha - we did have chooks but they got et by a fox, so we have to up our security.... and we've just lost interest as we aren't eating eggs much, though I miss what they do for the garden!

We have just had exactly the same problem but with a weasel. We lost 1/3 of our hens. Those that remain have gone off the lay from fear. Poor things. They are wonderful in the garden

Oh poor darlings. We don't have weasels here - they sound terrifying, and I empathise with those chooks!! (that's what we call them here) x

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