The Lipstick Tree

in #treetuesday6 years ago (edited)

A tree which produces a spice with a scent that can be related to pepper and nutmeg. The Achiote tree can be found in parts of our country. It's seeds called Annato not only is used as a spice but also known to be used for lipstick. Not a lot of these trees can be found in our small city but during our short walk in the province Afternoon Dirt Road. This small tree immediately caught my attention.

The Lipstick Tree


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No to synthetic food coloring and yes to all natural food color. The seeds brings a red orange color and an exotic flavor to your dishes which I love so much. It is known that in some parts of the world it is used by the natives as body paint. As for the lipstick well my grandma told me stories how she used this as a lipstick during one of the local pageant procession. Today I am not just sure if we have companies that use this as an ingredient for lipstick.


The pigment of the seeds is called bixin and can be extracted in many ways. One is just mixing the dried seeds with water and the orange color can be readily used for your cooking.


Annatto Oil

If you want something to add on your spice rack you could make this oil. A process which is very easy to do.

  • Around half cup of oil (preferably olive or canola for a healthier choice)
  • 4 tablespoons of dried annatto seeds
  • Put on low heat
  • Stir for 2-3 minutes
  • Set aside and let it cool down

Now you just need to put it in a bottle for your cooking needs. The peppery scent is amazing and we even have a restaurant here that uses it as a condiment to add to your rice or chicken.


Here is one of the pods which has opened up and already a bit dried up. I'll take one home and have it planted hoping I could get a tree of my own.

What I love most is cooking with this spice. I have done a couple of dishes using it and with photos of the extraction process. If interested please do have a look as you would not regret it I promise.

A Humble Dish "Bacalao"
Clay Pot Cooking "Annato Chicken Adobo"


Thanks for joining me today and I do hope you found it interesting. Please leave some comments and let me know what you think.

Plant a tree today and leave our mark in this world. Not with pollution but with beauty for our future generations to enjoy.


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I never heard of this tree, very interesting the different products you can produce with this annato. I also think it has something beautiful!

Hey how is it going? What I love about its seeds is cooking with it.

Everything is going fine, quite busy but cannot really complain at the moment. How are things going for you?

Good to hear things are going fine. Well for me trying to bear the heat and the usual shoots with the free time I have.

tawag ditto niyan sa amin.. estiwitis.. isa yan sa mga secret ingredient kung bakit masarap yung Bacolod chicken inasal..

Di ko pa na try ung authentic bacolod chicken. Mang inasal lang lol.

Very nice. Never seen this tree before. Thank you for the article was good.

Thanks for taking interest. I love trees.

That's an interesting tree, I'm not sure if Malaysia has it cos I never seen one before.

Possible you might have it in Malaysia. Love the flavor it brings and the natural food color is amazing.

I will keep an eye on this nowadays when I am outside. :)

How cool! I think I've heard of Annatto, but have never used it as far as I'm aware. I'm very intrigued!

With nutmeg and peppery scent it is something to explore for dishes.

first time i hear about that tree, interesting!

I took home some seeds. I am hopeful it would grow and have my own tree. Hey thanks for taking interest.

What an interesting tree @watersnake101 and with so many uses. It sounds really versatile as well as being pretty. Thanks for the education. 😊

My pleasure. Let's go natural lol.

i like how the seed pods look! The contrast of the red with green is very striking. what does the spice taste like?

A bit peppery and nutty. Have not tried yet on other dishes but on the chicken it was amazing 😃

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