
Do I have a tip wallet? I don't even know. All I know is I put money in and I tip people. They did a big change somehow when I was gone for almost a month so I'm not sure and I should probably look into it. Thanks so much

This is the latest on the new tipu wallet.
I've used briefly it and it looks very interesting.
@cardboard sent me 5 tipu tokens to test it out. Worked a treat.

A month is a long tine in crypto. I was gone for over 2 months lol
Everything has moved on.

How many did you buy?

The 5 tipu tokens were a gift. I haven't bought any yet. As I understand it. If we have steem or SBD delegated to tipu we get x amount of tipu tokens for using the service. The token is linked to steem 1:1.

Don't quote me on that but I think that's how it works. I need to read the white paper and the above post again. :-)

You are right. I read it yesterday, but, you can also buy them, which, I bought just 3SBD worth. Not enough to make a difference, but, I don't have the cash flow. We will see how it works. :)

Thanks! I missed that post!

Good to know that I understood it correctly. Crypto is a complex area to get our heads around. I like the tipu project and will be getting some more tokens when I can.

I love it!!! I have used it since almost the beginning as I loved how it boosted my VP Or felt like it was a good replacement!

Me too, it is very handy when VP is low and we want to leave something like a tip instead.

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