Electic and True, Tree Tuesday is Brought to You

in #treetuesday5 years ago

Falling leaves…

A proper sign of the season, isn’t it? Falling leaves can bring joy to some and sorrow to others, especially those who become one with the rake. To some, falling leaves can be reminiscent that something new will have a follow-up and grow in the spring. But the thought of having to traipse through the harsh reality of winter may not excite others. The pure joy and the beauty that the fall colors bring is muffled by the sight of barren trees, the work to clear the leaves and the task of putting it all to bed for a spell. So, the real question is, where do the falling leaves leave you this fall?


A piece of my day today.... it was gorgeous, albeit... almost too summery. Sort of like hot tea on a summer day, especially when you were looking for a brisk and refreshing drink. Now, they say it will be cooler next week. Hey, Mother Nature... let's not get carried away.

Life is but a dream

Today is #TreeTuesday initiated by @Old-Guy-Photos. Let's put up some trees today! This tree is another one of my favorites. I walk right by him, my tree of life. No matter which way I go, it always comes back to him.


My tree of life and why not? There are several that I pass every day on my walk. My knight and my tree of life. I know. I know. I will move on and find different favorites or mix it up a bit or change my walk. Although, there is something to be said about familiarity. I know its lines, the texture of the bark. How many limbs have been cut, how many are left. All these things, I would have to learn all over again about different trees.


How can you not love a tree on a balcony, adding a little bit of nature to your life? My senses perceive this to be wrong, a tree without the earth surrounding it, but, my soul disagrees. Urban Horticulture at its best. Everyone deserves a little bit of Mother Nature in their life.

Flowers. There must always be flowers. To color my world.


The beauty of yellow sunshine chased me down as I wandered the path of least resistance at the break of day. Who can refuse to accept such ready-made delightfulness when it is laid at their feet?

There is sun and shine in my soul today.


Each of these little red seeds has its own little "wings" that allow it to fly down in a spiral motion, planting itself without any help. And that, my friends, is how tree babies are born.

You're welcome.


Fall into my world that your words create

Make them yours, steal their fate
As you lay, with dreams in your sleep
I touch your lips
A gentle kiss


You are so beautiful. Can't you see?

In that place of love
The one perceived
It matters not, what you believe
The story fits, in a layer of truth
In the pages of strength, to give and receive.
And then

I have to wonder

Why logic is no answer for passion, and all the while, I wrap my heart with a ribbon of desire.

Beauty can never be judged objectively
Although everything has beauty, not everyone can see it.

I want to thank you for coming along as I perused the likes of #TreeTuesday, eclectic and true, brought by me to you. And just that quick, this show is over. Tag me and I will visit your trees too! Thank you!




Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Because of you, I come back to post, again and again, I am encouraged by you, for the time you take to visit, comment or even upvote. For all of these reasons, I am eternally grateful. Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, how wonderful it really is. Kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.

I always post this poem down at the bottom of my posts. It is one that has become so near and dear to my heart. I only post the most famous part of it, but, wanted to post it in its entirety today.

they set my aunts house on fire
i cried the way women on tv do
folding at the middle
like a five pound note.
i called the boy who use to love me
tried to ‘okay’ my voice
i said hello
he said warsan, what’s wrong, what’s happened?

i’ve been praying,
and these are what my prayers look like;
dear god
i come from two countries
one is thirsty
the other is on fire
both need water.

later that night
i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered,
"where does it hurt?"
it answered,


warsan shire

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It has been a bit too summery. I am not one to complain, mind you. I very well know what is around the corner. Yet it seems odd to see the leave show a bit of color while the temps are high. I read that it is the decreasing amount of sunlight that causes this instead of the temps per se.

Oh yes my favorite kind of post complete with gorgeous photos and the most sensual musings evar! No one can even come close to the way you paint a lovely piece of art with those words fitted just right.

I am a big fan of container pot gardens for plants and trees. I have several trees in my house right now. Norfolk Island pines are natural choices although they get huge in nature, the grow to the pot indoors. Various palms make sense as well.

Yes with matters of the heart, logic flies out the window. The heart wants what the heart wants, regardless of the brain. I say it is best to leave logic behind and let the heart take the lead. That is where life can be so full and exciting. Btw, I have always said beauty on the inside is more important than beauty on the outside, because the inside variety never fades. Of course some are blessed with both ;)

He has been a bit too summery and although I don't like to complain either, I know what's coming down the road myself. Not quite the degree that you have but it will get cooler. Thank you for your confidence in my posting abilities oh, you make me laugh because as you know most of it is by the seat of my pants.

I know you're a huge fan of container planting and that your house is filled with them. I just want to know what you're going to do when you move. Plants are not the easiest thing to move especially long distances. You can take it from someone who knows. But it is really nice to see people growing them off their balconies. I do love Urban gardening.

Oh yes logic flies out the window for sure. The heart always wants what the heart wants. That's kind of selfish don't you think? I don't know who coined the phrase beauty is only skin deep, but they were brilliant because in fact oh, this is very much the truth. Well here's hoping that you have a most wonderful day up in the tundra country, which hasn't made it to Tundra yet, but no worries oh, you will get there. And then the whining will never cease. LOL I hope you are going to have a better winter than the last one. If I remember correctly, it never stopped snowing there. Have a great day there!


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@dswigle wrote lately about: Electic And True, Tree Tuesday Is Brought To You Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Your elaborate photos that look like little pictures. Thank you for always being an example to me! $trdo

Thank you for your words, Dan, @bluemoon but I can assure you that there are so many things I could learn for you and how you put your post together. You really know how to use all the tools and it makes your posts look awesome.

I hope your day has gone well!


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@dswigle - I look forward to fall and hope it lasts more than a few weeks. I dread fall because it says time for the flowers and trees to go to sleep and for dreary winter to ravage us once again. I really liked this line:

My senses perceive this to be wrong, a tree without the earth surrounding it, but, my soul disagrees.

I can see you have the same love hate relationship with follis I do! I do love the fall because the colors are incredibly beautiful and the seasonal changes slow me down just a little bit, enough to be able to enjoy what surrounds me. And then again, I don't look forward to it because as you say all of my flowers and trees go to sleep and wait for a day were they may waken again. Far too long for this soul.

Thank you so much for stopping by and say hello and leaving you're always kind words behind. I hope you are having a wonderful day!


🎁 Hi @blueeyes8960! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Electic And True, Tree Tuesday Is Brought To You Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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"L'estate sta finendo", non so se conosci il tormentone degli anni 80 dei Righeira, che continua dicendo...

"E un anno se ne va, sto diventando grande, lo sai che non mi va...", anche nella mia città ancora il caldo lo sta facendo da padrone, anche se una decina di giorni fa c'era già stata un'avvisaglia dell'autunno, che è la mia stagione preferita in assoluto, seguita dalla primavera.

Cosa mi piace dell'autunno?? I colori, le piante hanno mille sfumature, alcune perdono le foglie, altre no, ma troviamo nei boschi, anche a poca distanza, tanti colori diversi, dal verde onnipresente, al bordeaux, alle tante sfumature di marrone, al giallo e altre ancora, la temperatura che tira verso il freddo ma non troppo, potendo vestirsi, almeno dalle mie parti, abbastanza leggero, senza ingombranti giubbotti o cappotti.

Bellissimo post, cara @dswigle, romantico e suggestivo, scusami se ho approfittato del fatto che capisci l'italiano, se qualcosa non ti è stato chiaro dimmelo pure, la prossima volta ti scriverò in inglese, promesso, mi auguro che questa spumeggiante birra ti venga consegnata, !BEER

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L'estate sta finendo, ma non vedo l'ora che arrivi anche la bellezza dell'autunno! Avremo ancora molti giorni prima che l'estate lasci il posto alle temperature più fresche. Forse entro la metà di ottobre. Fino ad allora, probabilmente nessuna giacca, anche se, qui a Washington, DC, il clima non è terribile in inverno.

Mi scuso se hai problemi a leggere questo, la mia parola parlata è migliore, lo prometto! :) Se riesci a capire senza troppi problemi, non mi dispiace. Se è troppo male, fammi sapere.

Ho vicino montagne e oceano, quindi è il migliore dei due mondi. Mi piace sia la foresta, che è vicino alle montagne. La bellezza dei colori ti toglierà il respiro. Semplicemente sensazionale. Ho vissuto per mesi alla volta in Italia!

L’Italia è il paese più bello del mondo, su questo non ci piove!

Grazie per la visita e la birra! Spero che tu abbia capito un po 'di questo! :)

!mancia !tip

Il tuo italiano va molto bene, non è perfetto ma la lingua è molto difficile dal punto di vista della grammatica e il tuo livello di conoscenza della lingua scritta è decisamente buono, complimenti davvero, scrivi 10 volte meglio di quanto io scriva in inglese.

Avere le montagne vicino all'oceano deve regalare un clima davvero particolare, anch'io vivo in una città balneare molto famosa in Italia e anche nel mondo, sono di Rimini, Riviera Romagnola, Mare Adriatico.

Domani con il computer proverò finalmente l'acquisto di qualche tipu per distribuirlo a mia volta, le birre virtuali oggi non sempre sono state consegnate, ci provo anche adesso, grazie della tua bellissima replica, buona giornata e spero arrivi questa !BEER

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Mi chiamo si Denise.

Rimini !! Ho solo sentito parlare di questo bellissimo posto. Il mare Adriatico è il più grazioso dei luoghi. L'ho visto anche dalla parte croata. Quanto sei fortunato! Pubblicherai foto da lì, sì? Una scrittura meravigliosa produrrebbe.

Tipu è facile da usare, costa denaro per l'acquisto, steem o SBD.


Certamente che pubblicherò delle fotografie del nare Adriatico, qualcosa nei miei post precedenti ho già fatto vedere, ma come avrò l'occasione di avere in riva al mare lo rifarò senz'altro.

Io mi chiamo Marco, nato e vissuto sempre a Rimini, che era stupenda fino alla fine degli anni 80, anche negli anni 90 non si stava male, adesso c'è un po' troppo criminalità, anche se sotto sommato ancora la qualità della vita è accettabile.

Grazie mille delle indicazioni per tipu, stasera avrò il pc e una volta capito il funzionamento ne acquisterò un po', ti auguro una buona giornata con questa !BEER

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Hey @dswigle, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

View or trade BEER at steem-engine.

Hey @dswigle, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

🎁 Hi @mad-runner! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Electic And True, Tree Tuesday Is Brought To You Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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You know, that tree looks like it needs to be climbed.

Very soon flower pictures will be replaced with the bright colours of trees-on-autumn-fire, red leaves underfoot, and fields of leaf-covered grass. I'm very much looking forward to that.

Haha! Funny that you should say that! That tree is sooo loved and climbed, hence, why some of the branches needed to be trimmed back.

Only the one tree in the neighborhood is taking fall very avante garde-ly. Temperatures have still been hot, yesterday was 91 and today will be hot also. However, look out, because next week is going to slide at least ten degrees. Woo-hoo! I say that quietly because once it starts dropping, I fear summer is done for.

Oh, last year was not the best year for color and so I am hoping this year will make up for it! :)

I trust you are having a good day! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

Waves to you


🎁 Hi @wwwiebe! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Electic And True, Tree Tuesday Is Brought To You Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Beautiful shots :)

Good morning, Ross!! Thank you so much for the kind words this morning! I hope you have a most fabulous day!


You're welcome! :) And you too :)

🎁 Hi @rossfletcher! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Electic And True, Tree Tuesday Is Brought To You Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Oh how beautiful! The photo of autumn leaves has such wonderful colour to it! What a joy. I love the fall of leaves. For me winter can be just as joyous as summer, sometimes more so as there is not the struggle to cope with the heat.
I know people in Northern Europe who absolutely love the extreme cold weather as things become more beautiful and I do see what they mean by that.
Really and truly if we are full of life, light and love every day is a wondrous blessing, each with its own magic if we are open to it.

I love the tree on the balcony in your street photo. I hope it inspires more to do a similar thing. Urban gardening is so needed and so fabulous - I rejoice every time I see gardeners greening up our towns and cities.

Thankyou Denise for another stunning burst of colour, good sentiments and general good vibes. There can never be too much love in the world. Stay wonderful. Big hugs and love to you.xxxx

Good morning! Isn't it funny that the only tree in the entire area is turning colors and dropping leaves? Everybody else is carrying their Summer Leaves and to be honest with you it's still in the 91 degree temperature range as of yesterday, but I think by next week we will be cooling off at least by 10°.

I think that there is Beauty in each season and I do love each season however oh, there are some that tend to be a little bit too long and overstay their stay.

I, too, am a fan of urban gardening! It is such a wonderful sight to see cuz you are wandering the streets of a city. I always think that there will be Tree Envy among The Neighbors and soon everyone will have one.

Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello and as usual you being such a kind and generous comment which always makes my day! Thank you thank you thank you! Big hugs back to you!


I agree every season has its beauty. Yes more green in our first streets - more trees and more flowers too. 🌺🌺 Every little helps bring a smile. 🤗

Absolutely! Thank you, Sally!

Thank you for sharing this collection of absolutely beautiful captures! :)

🎁 Hi @zanetaviz! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Electic And True, Tree Tuesday Is Brought To You Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Thank you for stopping by to say hello and leaving such a kind comment behind. I hope you have a most wonderful day!


Another delightful post to visit and the weather is on a little roller coaster ride cooler this morning but then warming up again later this week

Have a great day

Good morning and thank you so much for you're always kind comments. Our weather is still not on a roller coaster because we have not gotten out of the hot although this one tree seems to think fall has arrived! By next week I think that I will be joining you on that roller coaster ride until fall truly sets in. I raise my glass to a mild winter!

Happy #treetuesday!


Good morning and always a pleasure to visit your posts, and ,e kind are you sure your not confusing me for someone else :)

THis morning it was 53 which was quit pleasant for a morning walk with the sun shining, but now it warms up for the next few days going back intot he 80s which is still quite pleasant for me I to am seeing the odd sign of changing colors on the trees. Think it wont be too long till we start seeing more

Have a great day

Haha! Pretty sure I am not!

That would be nice for a walk, but, I know that only means it will get cooler in no time! Next week we all expect cooler temps! You may have to pull a light jacket out! :) I cannot see beyond the 91 of yesterday, but, once it spirals down, it will probably stay there.

Welcome to fall! (almost!)

The colors promise to be awesome this year!

I even switch up jackets to one with sleeves yesterday from the vest I have bene wearing, but soon I am sure we will see cooler like you say and it will be that time of year you have to check each morning to see what jacket is needed

🎁 Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Electic And True, Tree Tuesday Is Brought To You Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Thanks for the tip appreciated

My pleasure!

I know its just the way you are :)

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