Hiking in Cocora Valley, meeting condors, hummingbirds and coatis

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

The Cocora Valley is a natural jewel of Colombia and a cool place for hiking. The vistas of green rolling hills and needle-like palm trees are breathtaking. The place is way too touristic though, just like Salento, the town nearby.


The Cocora valley (Spanish: Valle de Cocora) is a valley in the department of Quindío in the country of Colombia. It is located in the Central Cordillera of the Andean mountains. "Cocora" was the name of a Quimbayan princess, daughter of the local chief Acaime, and means "star of water" (Spanish: estrella de agua). The valley is part of the Los Nevados National Natural Park, incorporated into the existing national park by the Colombian government in 1985. It is the principal location of the national tree and symbol of Colombia, the Quindío wax palm (Ceroxylon quindiuense), as well as a wide variety of other flora and fauna (some endangered), all of which are protected under the park's national status.


There was not much going on those two days that we spent in the nature's arms, no crazy adventures this time. All I got to show is some comfy photos from the hike in the valley, some hummingbirds and coatis.


As we arrive the valley greets us with perfect weather, indeed, we were very lucky with the conditions this time


That's an Andean condor



The iconic Quindío wax palms, the national Colombian tree



A corpse of a cow, that has fallen from a height. A lot of vultures were feeding on it and more were circling above.


Our lunch in the Andes



First hummingbird encounters


And shrooms too



A hummingbird nest with a chick or two


The hummingbird sanctuary, Acaime. We spent a night in the camping they have on-site


This is not a trash panda, these things are called coatis, apparently


They come during the day and night to feed on the leftovers from the kitchen.






From a viewpoint in Salento


And Salento itself since I mentioned it more than once


And so went our hike, we went in on the Saturday, spent a night at the hummingbird sanctuary and returned back the next day. To those who are planning to go trekking there, I have an advice to not go on weekends as there will be too many people around.

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Color Challenge: Friday Blue
Volcanic Devastation of Armero
Panopticon, the Concept and the Implementation
Salto Jimenoa, a waterfall in the Dominican Republic

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Что-то ты опять куда-то пропал, редко публикуешься. Курс подрос, я наоборот пачками публикуюсь.)

На хороший пост мне нужно время, энергия и материал. Материал в моём случае нарабаывается временем оффлайн, туда же уходит и энергия. Вчера вон с гор спустился. Вот и публикуюсь редко, плюс марку держать надо, quality over quantity.

Да понятно, что ерунду какую-то публиковать не хочется, но я в принципе довольна, пока платят)

By the description you make in the post and by what I could check online, the place is simply awesome and wonderful ... You're right, a whole trip of relaxation, nothing to do with other adventures you've had; but, definitely, it seems a tremendous tourist recommendation. From what I read, both Salento and the Cocora Valley are among the main tourist destinations in Colombia ... Always the landscape and environment of the mountain wasteland associated with the Andes mountain range, in one of the most attractive places for tourists, especially when we want to get away from the hustle and bustle of big cities.

The Cocora Valley is located between the upper courses of the Quindío River, the main fluvial course of the homonymous department, at a height between 1800 and 2400 meters above sea level. The valley is located at a distance of 24 kilometers northeast of the departmental capital, Armenia, in the jurisdiction of the municipality of Salento ... In general three landscapes stand out: mountain landscape, piedmont landscape and valley landscape. Being the latter, the most visited by domestic and foreign tourists, who throughout the year arrive to enjoy this beautiful ecosystem.

There, nestled between mountains and Nevados, is the Cocora Valley

If we remember one of your previous posts, "Volcanic Devastation of Armero", the Nevado del Ruìz volcano, the cause of that tragedy, is located or belongs, like the Cocora Valley, to Los Nevados National Natural Park; for that reason I place a photo that I thought was spectacular, where you can not see the valley as such, but if you can see two of the snow-covered mountains that live in this area: the Nevado del Ruìz (with its volcano) and the Nevado del Tolima :

The first one we see in the photo is the Nevado del Tolima, the second is the Nevado del Ruìz.

I congratulate you for tremendous choice and recommendation; I will see if in the not too distant future I reach that area together with my family.
Greetings @nameless-berk

Do so, but heed my advice and go strictly during week as on holidays and weekends there's a shitshow and crowds everywhere

Perfect @ nameless-berk, I will take your recommendations into account. Thank you. Greetings.

The poor cow :-(

вот это красотень у тебя всегда, заходишь, как другой мир
гора в облаке - вообще фото обалденное!

Я ещё на русском публируюсь, если так проще/интереснее

не, я оттуда убежала полгода назад, не хочу обратно)
а тебе там как? пока смотрю поддерживают хорошо тебя, желаю быстрого роста)

Там намного прибыльнее получается, чем здесь, как это ни странно. Даже с 0 инвестиций. А почему убежала?

ну в твоем случае - да, тебя апают хорошо. там любят путешественников) я убежала, ибо насточертели их вечные срачи и дележки пула, это при том, что я тм была в относительно мирное время, когда царил порядок и боролись за качество контента. сейчас там все изменилось и вообще кавардак стал, сбежало уйма людей и уйма китов, они щас изо всех сил держат тех, что есть. там нужно было быть в движухе и поддакивать тем, кому надо было, а это не моя стихия. первый раз дыхалку мне перекрыли, когда я пост о крыме написала, тогда уже стало ясно, что и кто там рулит, а когда увидела, что если ты не стелишься под тамошних божил, то шансов выплыть без залихвацких постов (вроде твоих) стремится к нулю, то я дернула оттуда сюда. здесь мне атмосфера нравится больше.

Ну и стимит тоже неторт по ряду причин же. Тоже проблемы есть. Да кстати, на голос.ио теперь налог команде 10% лол.

ну везде свой ад, но надо выбирать меньший. для меня пока он тут)
это что с каждого поста по 10% уходит?
компенсировали убытки от хардфорка))

Я не вникал, но это только если постить с самого сайта. Фронтенды типа goldvoice вроде без такой херни пока.

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Very nice photos, although I definitely like the fourth one, and the ruins near the end the best. It's nice to see all those vibrant colors, and the area looks like it would be spectacular to explore!

The national park is very nice. I really like to see your post is very interesting. Have a good day. If you love my permission I will resteem this post

Cocora valley, this is really expository and enlightening

Nice would love to take a hike up there enjoy the rest of your trip

the the place is so beautiful & ripping.
very good photography dear.

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