Tarasp - a hidden gem in the Swiss Alps

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

I enjoy traveling in Switzerland and together with my husband we go on trips as much as possible, but some places are too far away for a day trip or even for a short weekend. Two weeks ago, when we were preparing a plan for our visitors, we were sure we would go to the places that we wanted to visit for a long time but they are more than 3 hours drive from our place, and so we did.

Today, I will take you on a trip to a charming village Tarasp. Don't you worry! It's not going to be boring 😊 There is a beautiful castle with a long history that we will visit too!

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Tarasp is a treasure hidden between the far stretching Swiss Alps in the canton Graubünden, close to the border with Austria and Italy. The village has an interesting history as during the Habsburg reign in the 15th century it was an Austrian exclave within the old Swiss Confederacy. All the establishments around the village bought their freedom from the Habsburg reign but Tarasp couldn't do it as they would have to pay double the price because of the castle situated on top of the hill in the village.

The village was finally included into the Swiss Confederation in 1803.

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Tarasp is so small that it takes you just a few minutes to get to a hill nearby and enjoy the mountains in all their beauty. We had some time to walk around as we came a little too early for our guided tour.

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The castle Tarasp can only be visited with a guide and during the winter months the tour is only available each Friday at 2 PM. The entrance fee is 15 CHF per person. It is privately owned, and it is not allowed to take any photos inside of the castle.

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We were waiting in front of the gate for our tour guide to arrive. We were so excited to finally get inside..

The guide arrived exactly at 2 PM (The Swiss would never arrive late) and took us up the hill to the castle where we purchased our tickets.

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When I came up I have realized that everyone was waiting for me as I was taking photos on the way 😊

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But how could I just pass by such views without stopping by and taking photos? Those people don't know what they're missing 😊

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The castle Tarasp was built around 1040 by the lords of Tarasp. Over the centuries it changed the ownership many times. Family Hesse gave the ownership of the castle to Tarasp in exchange for maintaining it.

Not Vital - current owner

In 2016 the village sold the castle to Not Vital, a contemporary artist born in 1948 in Sent which is located nearby the castle. He enjoys traveling and lives in Beijing, Rio de Janeiro and he spends a few months each year in the castle as well. His artwork is placed everywhere in the castle and this is one of the reasons why it's not allowed to take photos there. He acquired Tarasp for CHF 7.9 million.

I would call his art provocative and bizarre. He is inspired by nature and mainly by animals. We saw many of his paintings and sculptures. I will unfortunately never forget one of his artworks.

There is a room in the castle where you can see 16 round shaped silver sculptures (I would call them balls, but it somehow doesn't fit there 😊) placed on the floor. You would think it's nothing special. Let me tell you that you're wrong. When he was visiting one of the countries in the Middle East, he was asked to create this artwork. But he didn't want to create some boring silver 'balls'. He saw a farmer with a camel. He asked the farmer if he could slaughter the camel. It was not an issue for him as long as he gets money which he got. What do you think happened? Not Vital (maybe not personally) cut the camel in 16 pieces and filled the 'balls' with them. I was feeling sick when I heard this story from the guide.

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The castle stands on a huge rock more than 200 meters above the river. There is no access to water and therefore there is no well, just a cistern that is collecting rain water. This is a small price to pay for the views that you can admire when you live there 😊

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Dr. Karl Lingner - former owner

When you walk up the hill you can admire this magnificent construction. The walls are 2 meters thick and you would think that nobody would dare to try and occupy the castle. This is not true. The castle was attacked several times and it also burned twice. Over the years it went through many renovations.

The most extensive renovation happened when the castle was acquired by Dr. Karl Lingner. He bought it for CHF 20,000 and invested amount that is equivalent to CHF 30 billion today for reconstruction.

He wanted to build a beautiful home for him and his lovely Julia Serda. He included all modern features into the reconstruction. The luxury such as flush toilet, electricity, central heating, one tap for hot and cold water could not be missed. His love deserved just the best!

He loved music and placed the biggest privately owned organ in Europe into one of his magnificent rooms decorated with wood panel walls.

Unfortunately, he never got to live in the castle as he unexpectedly died in 1916 before the reconstruction was finished. As he was not married and he didn't mention his Julia in his testament she didn't inherit the castle.

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It took us a bit longer than expected but now we are finally at the courtyard and will enter the castle soon 😊

We will visit former knights' hall, ballrooms, bed chambers, guest rooms and ancient chapel. What we didn't know at this moment was that we will get to see the kitchen (which is normally not available) as well. Somebody asked a question about size of the kitchen and the guide let us go inside and check it out. She also told us that the castle can be rented out for CHF 6,000 per night. This doesn't include the food of course 😊

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Before we entered the castle we got to see some peaks of the mountains in Sesvenna Range of the Alps.

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I can't take you with me inside but I can show you the views from the top floor of the castle 😊 I was trying to take some photos inside but we were a small group and our guide was watching us.

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Before we went back to our car we were allowed to walk around the castle and take some pictures. The sun was setting down and I loved the light..

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Last view of the castle before we leave..

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When you go to this region in November you will be surprised that it's very difficult to find a restaurant or a cafe that is open. All places were closed in Tarasp. Even the hotels! November is between the summer and the winter season and there are not that many people visiting places around here. On one hand it's great as there was literally nobody just a couple of locals who joined the tour with us. On the other hand it's not that convenient when you need to use a bathroom (own experience) 😊

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I hope that you have enjoyed the tour even though you actually couldn't enter the castle with me.

Thank you for reading,


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All photos are fabulous. We are also planning to visit Switzerland. Let's see when it possible.

Thank you! I hope you can make it soon :)

wow... that is so beautiful.... words can't do it justice... simply breathtaking!

How many posts do I have to make for you to say that you're planning a trip to Europe? ;)

That's a very good question... :P

You couldn't give me a better answer :D

lol... it was a ponderable question for sure... So my mind is thinking of just how many... you have definitely given me a beautiful view of the world that I really never knew existed! :D

I love this post very much, Martina <3 Your photos are absolutely gorgeous and they make me feel like I'm there ! Really wonderful !

Thank you spider! I'm glad that you like them ;)

My strange mind keeps screaming, "Watch out for the vampires and werewolves!" Lol!

Great images.

Namaste, JaiChai

Hahaha, that's why we always visit castles during the day ;)

Thank you for stopping by, JaiChai ;)

I vow that someday I will experience the beauty of Switzerland in person. This sounds like a wonderful place. I love castles.

Me too! And there will be more of them from my visit of Czech Republic last week :) I'm sure you'll like those ones too :)

As always, what a lovely tour! I'm not sure I understand the camel bits though... was he trying to make some sort of statement or did he just not like that camel?

Also, poor Julia! I'm sure she was incredibly disappointed. Any idea what became of her?

He just wanted to make something 'special'. There was no other meaning behind it. It was just the idea when he saw the camel. I don't dare to share my opinion about it as somebody could flag me for using such words :D

She was an artist and she was coming from a good family so I'm sure that she had a good life. It's just a pity that she couldn't live in that bedroom that he furnished for her. It was beautiful :)

I bet the camel didn't think it was very special. :-(

Bummer about not being able to take any photos inside, but the ones outside once again do not disappoint! My goodness does it get any better than beautiful mountains and castles? I feel like the air must just be so crisp and cool there. I can see why someone would be willing to pay so much for such a stunning view. It really is so crazy to think about the logistics of building these magnificent castles. Though I can see some of that tour being tainted after hearing what was in those balls. 😳

Oh Katie, I was truly shocked when she told us the story. The balls are silver so you can't see what is inside.. luckily.. I think I would faint if I would see it.

The interior is beautiful. And it's so nice and warm because of the central heating. This is not usual in the castles so it was very pleasant.

The air quality there is amazing. It's so difficult to get there and there is not that much traffic so you can feel the difference.

I have no idea how they built it in this place.. I will be posting about the road there in a few days so you will understand what I mean ;)

Thank you for stopping by Katie!

SO much eye candy! You got some amazing captures, and even without seeing the interior of the castle, I feel like I was there! And I feel for you - when I'm visiting someplace, I usually scope out the bathroom availability first, so everything being closed would've stressed me out. 😜

Thanks for sharing your adventurous walk with us! Now I'm going to scroll back through all your pictures again! 😊

Oh Traci, thank you for your sweet words! :) I do the same! I'm sure every woman would relate to this... ;)

I'm so glad that you like my post.. and scrolling through the pictures again? What an honor!!!

Have a great weekend, lovely lady! :)

Wow this is what you call a hidden gem! Wondering how the views are when everything is covered with snow. But I guess it will be very crowdy again? 🤔

Too bad I didn’t see the inside from the castle.. Was actually expecting this when I noticed your post 😉

I honestly have no idea.. it's in middle of nowhere and I think that more people would stay around Davos.. maybe.. no idea.. I wouldn't go there in winter as there is too much snow and you may need snow chains on the wheels. The road there is horrible.

Oh, I was so disappointed that I couldn't take photos but on the other hand I understand. It's his private castle and he only allows people there to collect money for people who maintain the castle when he is not there. I can assure you that it's beautiful inside. Next year when you don't go to Slovenia, you can choose Switzerland and visit this castle :)

Switzerland is on the list, need to visit you and karinxxl! So many cool things to visit there. What would be the best period btw for a visit?

Is the road doable with snowchains or still no fun?

I know some people are asking you how you manage to take photos with no people in it, but I am asking how you manage to get clear sky 99% of the time, lol. This place is absolutely magical and your photography is striking. Well done Martina!

Hahaha, wait for those photos that I'll share from Czech Republic. The weather was horrible. There is nothing blue in the skies.. and the clouds were just grey and nasty.. but well, not everyday is a lucky day :)

Thank you dear Lena!

Oh really? By the way, my sister was na Strbskom Plese in September. It's beautiful there, although her photos are not so professional as yours.

You are very welcome Martina, I look forward to see more 🌸💖🌸

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