Travel: ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Van-life is Wicked ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

in #travelfeed โ€ข 6 years ago

My girlfriend and I on a trip to Western Canada. My expectations are quite high, since I've read a lot on Steemit. Therefore I'm hoping to shoot a lot of photos of wildlife and landscapes and meet even more friendly Canadians.

Welcome in Canada

So we finally arrived in Calgary and it immediately felt like we were in the movies. Big cars on big roads, huge wooden houses and lots of people handling a descent size barbecue. I have been in the USA a few years ago, but it always seems to amaze me.

B.A. Barracus ๐Ÿš

After our first night in a B&B we picked up our rental minivan. We booked this one with Wicked travel which has hundreds of these, as I like to think "cool looking vans". If you were born in the right century you know who B.A. Barracus is and I felt exactly like him driving this car.



auto bnb.jpg


The start of our road trip took us threw Banff National Park. It is one of those must see things of you spent time in western Canada, or more specific Alberta. A few kilometres before we entered Banff, we found our place to stay for the night. It was quiet, it had all we needed at the time and most important when you have to pay small attention to your budget, it was free! ๐Ÿ˜Yaay! But first we drove to Lake Minnewanka which is the biggest artificial lake of Banff.
Just like the first waterfall in Iceland, this lake felt as if it were the best in whole of Canada. Fortunately we found that every following lake was better than the previous one.





Sulphur Mountain the right way up

After a short hike around Lake Minnewanka, we thought it was time for a higher and more spectacular view. Sulphur Mountain is on the edge of Banff village. There are two ways to go up: with the gondola. Paying 64 Canadian Dollar or hiking.
The hike 5,5 kilometres long and a 700 meter gain of elevation. As a PE teacher I thought I should be more than capable of doing that. To be honest, we pushed the pace really hard and we took only a few minutes to rest, but the view was stunning and almost overwhelming.






This was my first post of Canada and I hope you enjoyed it, because these where only the first two days and I'm not sure what's next to come, but it will always be an adventure for us. Stay tuned and recommendations are always welcome.

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Awesome mate looking forward to read your stories about your adventures in this country! Your bus looks as awesome as ours did in New Zealand.

Really loving the picture with the flag waving in front the mountains! But your waterfall picture wins off course ๐Ÿคฃ Did you see many of them, just like Iceland?

Love the mountain views! Looks like you guys had a great time! ๐Ÿ˜

Thanks, we will! Most definitely

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Awesome! Have fun guys. Canada is such an amazing place and Banff NP is very close to my heart. You'll find no shortage of awesome things to do there. Definitely check out Peyto Lake at Bow Summit if you've got the time. Look forward to hearing more ๐Ÿ’™

Hey Jessica, thank you so much for your comment. We love this country so much already. Peyto lake is on our list now. I'll let you know how it was.

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Yassss! You'll love it. Can't wait to see more pics. Enjoy!

Man o man o man, I spent a bit of time at Moraine Lake. I'll write that post tomorrow! So gorgeous!

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Oh it's so amazing isn't it? The colour of that water. Damnnn! Hope it wasn't too crazy busy for you.

Have fun on your trip!! These are all beautiful places. Lake Minewanka is
very beautiful but I agree so many different lakes it's hard to pick a favorite. 10 years of traveling there and I am still in awe of the places I find. Feel free to check out my older blog posts for suggestions all over the area. Kananaskis and Peter Lougheed provincial park, Spray provincial park, they have great scenery and hikes of all kind both near Canmore. The long way , via the three sisters parkway in Canmore is a nice drive(rough road tho and no cell reception or internet)), it is very natural but there isn't much for infrastructure, it's more of a local heaven but just as beautiful. Still in the Banff area, Johnston Canyon and hiking a little further to the inkpots, the drive to Lake Louise and Moraine Lake(both on the same mountain at different Elevation) via the Bow Valley Parkway, including a stop near Castle mountain, I believe there might be a trail to climb it as well.

Thank you for this! This is exactly why I prefer to listen to the locals. I love to take photos, so I make sure I go to Moraine Lake. Lake Louise is something my gf wants to see, but people tell my it is really touristy. Anyway, thanks and I hope you like my future posts as much as I like yours. I make sure I'll read them all eventually.

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Moraine lake is also very touristy, they are 10-11 km apart on the same mountain and it is possible to visit both in the same day. I believe the town of Lake Louise also has a gondola by the ski hills. May I suggest to look into getting a shuttle from the overflow parking lot to visit both lakes , the parking lot for both get extremely full very fast. You may get lucky if you get a head start and go in the morning before the afternoon, rush (1 pm -6pm) are the busiest times for all the touristy spots but to view the lakes in their best and most colorful state, it's best to go in peak sun to get the refraction from the minerals at the bottom (what gives it it's blue/green color). I highly recommend both, they are the most beautiful lakes in the Rockies. I'm sure I will enjoy reading your blog!

Thanks again!
I'm writing a post as we speak! I hope I have it ready on Tuesday!
Your recommendations have been helpfull already.

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Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

Awesome! You're in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. I love Western Canada, and especially the part of Western Canada that included the Rocky Mountains. How much time do you have there, and how far are you willing to drive?

(Only) three weeks l, which is going to be to short. But it is probably a reason to come back in the future. Or the Canadians are going to bore the hack out of me, but I'm sure that's not going to happen

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That won't happen, haha. Well, I wish you safe and adventurous journeys! I think you'll love it there. :)

I think I'm pretty sure ๐Ÿ˜ Moraine Lake was amazing!

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Wonderful views! Keep up appraised as you continue to travel through canada! Which was the final van you went with, the Pink Freud? Or are all those pictures of the same van? Very cool ;p

I love nature!

Hi, it is indeed the same van. I think we are pretty lucky with it since you we had no other option. There is no other van like this one and some are a bit to much if you ask me.

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Wow! After seeing this van I am a bit startled by a van that would be 'a bit too much'!

Do you travel every vacation you can get from school?

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