An epic 3 day roadtrip by motorbike through Bohol, Philippines

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

There are so many places which are great to travel to like beautiful city's, mountains and beaches. Some places are just good to cross of your list, and some places get stuck into your heart. Bohol is one of this places with got stuck in my heart which brought me back for a second visit, but this time, we explored everything by motorbike. An epic road trip!

Bohol, an island with beaches, rice fields and mountains

Bohol is a great place for a road trip since the roads are mostly cemented but there is not a lot of traffic. The air is fresh and not as polluted as in many other places in the Philippines. The drive we made, 110 km, was along the coastline. We expected to pass by loads of beach views, mountains and other nature.

We started our trip in Panglao. We rented a motorbike in the opposite of Hennan resort, on the parking space. We paid just 350 peso (6$) a day. We started our drive into the direction of Anda, where we planned to stay overnight. It was a sunny day, perfect to drive around. As long as we were driving, it did not feel too hot since the wind cooled us down a bit, but even while it did not feel too hot, soon we made our first stop to drink some water and to put sunblock on our skin, We did not want to get burned on the first day of our road trip!

We stepped back on the motorbike, with my friend Yvara driving. The drive itself is already nice. When you don't go by bus but by motorbike instead, you have something to do as long as you are driving and you have the possibility to stop by all the stunning views along the way. It did not take us long before we made the first photo stop. The area was so green, rice shoots on it's greenest going down on the terraces. This kind of views I saw already on pictures during my geography classes in school, probably the only thing that got my attention over there and even while I have seen it many times, this kinda views still warm up my heart a little bit more.

The area we passed by during our drive looked already beautiful

Ofter the short stopover, we stepped on our bike. We still had a long way to go, Anda is further than expected! But at least we had the freedom of driving, and maybe a better aspect is the sunny weather. When I am in an air conditioned bus in the Philippines, I feel like someone locked me in a freezer, so cold! If you wanna go to Anda by bus, don't forget your blanket!

We followed our way along the coastline. I couldn't wait until we finally arrived in Anda, since it was my second time, I knew exactly what kind of beach was waiting for me. The views over the blue colored ocean didn't make me less excited. The weather was better today than last time, since it was very windy that time what makes the sea supposed to be clearer an more colorful.

The ocean views along the highway looked like this!

When we finally arrived in Anda after a long, tiring but great drive, our first task was to find a guest house. Since Anda is just small, it did not took us more than 5 minutes. We passed by Kims Garden inn which offers double rooms for 500 peso (10$). Affordable enough for us, and less than one minute away from the beach. We booked the room and prepared ourself for the beach.

After we took our lunch on the market for less than 1$ each, we walked to the beach. My friend was very surprised when she saw the beach. She did not travel a lot in the Philippines, but in Indonesia she did. This beach was lots better than the beaches she has seen in Indonesia, maybe not as good as Bantayan, but not far from that. The beach looked better than the previous time I visited. The sun shined it rays perfectly on the water, what gave the totally flat sea a light blue color. The sand is powdery fine and white colored. It is so powdery that the sea is not perfectly clear, but it gives the water a light blue tint.

The blue waters of Anda

The water is for a very long time shallow, what makes it good for people who can't swim. We were relaxing in the water until a few locals started talking to us. The friendly locals were very curious which country we were from and why we went to the Philippines. Of course the Philippines is amazing right? Look at this beach!
They left after a while of having conversations to catch some fish. We chilled a little more in the water before we decide to leave. We walked trough the after, back to the beach and we passed by the locals. They asked us if we wanted to eat, but we refused since we ate not so long ago. Instead they offered us a local coconut whine.

I always wanted to try this one, but did not got the change yet. Now I finally got the opportunity and one of the guys pushed a cup of the whine in my hand. I took a sip and tasted the little bit sour taste of the whine. It did not taste too good, but not disgusting as well. ''The coconut whine is first sweet'' they told me ''and slowly it will change to coconut vinegar''. Maybe I would rather have a bit younger coconut whine, I could easily recognize the vinegar taste.

We made new friends on the beach who offered us lunch and local coconut whine

We thanked the guys for sharing some of their drinks with us and went back to the guest house. It is actually very common in the Filipino culture to share food and drinks. They are going mostly in the weekend for lunch to the beach for bonding. As you pass by, the change is big that a kind local will say ''let's eat''. Filipino's are a very kind people.

Back by the hostel and took a shower. We planned to go in the evening to the bar, Anda de Boracay, the place to be in the evening if you like to get a drink while listening to life music. We expected it would be late, so it would be smart to take some rest since we had a busy schedule the next day.

The next morning, we woke up early. We packed our bags and drove to the local market which is actually very near. But since we planned to go to the cave pool afterwards, it would be more convenience to go by bike. We took our lunch and talked about our schedule. We were not totally sure if we would make it today to go to Panglao, or if we better could stay an other day in Anda. But one thing was sure, we would go to a cave pool, the waterfall and a viewpoint over the rice paddies!

We barely left the eatery or the rain started dropping down. We stopped by a little roof. But luckily, it did not rain for a long time, but the sun was covered with clouds. We could go soon to the cave pool. The cave pool we would visit is called the Cabagnow cave pool, Andas most famous. You can jump in from the cliff and enjoy a refreshing dip.

When we arrived by the Cabagnow cave pool I was very disappointed. The place still looked cool but the water did not look clear since it wasn't sunny. I was so excited before to show this place to my friend, but it didn't look as expected.. But I learned my lesson and I hope I can warn you, better go on a sunny day, this cave pool will be a magical place!

The Cabagnow cave pool on a cloudy, rainy day

We left the pool and had to drive to the waterfall, a few kilometer North of Candijay. On the way we got rain again and we made two stops because of the rain before we arrived. When we left the highway, the road started to be a little bit bad. It wasn't cemented anymore, but is was still okay to drive. Only the last part is very steep on some places and our scooter didn't had the power to drive up. We decided to take a habal-habal, the local name for motorbike taxi which cost us 100 peso ( 1,70$) so it was a great deal.

The road to the falls

It is just a short hike to the waterfall, maybe 10 minutes. Sadly, it started raining again so we waited 15 minutes by the entrance until the rain became less. We enjoyed seeing the waterfall, but not as much as when it isn't raining. We ere a little bit cold so we decided to skip the swim, but on a sunny day it is really nice there!

The Can-Umantad falls is one of the taller falls in the Philippines

We drove back and it looked like the weather started to be better. Better for us if we could drive home at least without rain. 111 KM is a long distance, but in the rain it would feel like an endless trip. Our driver knew a good viewpoint on the way back to the motorbike. A spot I missed previous time. We started walking. I guess my eyes became bigger when we arrived by the viewpoint called Cadapdapan rice terraces. Endless green rice terraces, going down along the mountains. But soon, I my mood switched... It started raining so hard! But we were already there so I decide to make a few pictures. I walked to the left side to the corner of the fields while my hair and clothes slowly got soaked. I walked back to the start. It was also possible to walk to the other side, but the rain was still very heavy. I decided to go there since I was already wet, but told my friend that she could wait inside the little store.

On my own, I made my way to the end of the pad. I tried hard to think positive, something that can be hard for me when I feel a little sour, I thought how I used to play in the rain when I was a kid, and actually I wasn't even cold. My eyes met the view over the rice paddies, and I saw people working on the fields. They did not complain, they where probably used to it. Slowly, I started to feel good because of the rain, and started smiling. Some happenings are not bad, but we make them bad for ourself. And as my mood changed to positive, the rain stopped and the sun came out!

I walked back to my friend with a good feeling, ready to drive back to Panglao. Unfortunately, we were lucky and did not have rain at all! It was already dark when we arrived in Panglao, and found a small eatery were we ate our dinner for $1 per head. We want back to our guest house, Bougainvillea (500 peso/$1 for double room with free breakfast.) If they ask you what you want for breakfast and you are Dutch, tell them that they should ask it in Dutch. I promise, you will laugh your head off ;p

On the motorbike, back to Panglao

The next morning we ate breakfast by the hostel before we started our last drive of this holiday in Bohol. We planned to visit the Chocolate hills and tarsiers. The places are both East of Tagbilaran. The drive to the Chocolate hills viewpoint is around one hour driving away from Panglao, and on the way you will pass by the Tarsier sanctuary. It was a sunny day, so we decided to go first to the Chocolate hills. There it is more important to have good weather.

After we paid an 50 peso/1$ entrance fee for the Chocolate hills, we made our way to the top. The stair is very high, so it is nice if you have water with you. When we arrived on the top, a little bit out of breath, I looked around. At the the front of the viewpoint were plenty of green, round shaped hills next to each other. In the summer they become dry what let the grass change color to brown, the color of chocolate. That is why they are called chocolate hills. The hills where higher and more pointed before, but with the years they got smaller by erosion. Over millions of years, the rain shaped this mountains to the shape they have today, The chocolate hills.

The steps up to the viewpoint

Unique shaped mountains, the mainspot in Bohol

The walk up made us a little bit hungry. Our next mission was finding food. Since it is the Philippines, there are plenty of small restaurants along the way and it took us not more than 10 minutes to find a small eatery where I could eat one of my favorite dishes, vegetables in coconut milk combined with rice for the affordable price of $0.80. With my tummy filled, we left to our last stop of the trip, the tarsier sanctuary.

The entrance fee for the Sanctuary including guide is 60 peso/$1.20. The guide knows exactly where to find the tarsiers since they are not active on the day, but in the night. She told us that the tarsier is the smallest monkey species, which hunts insects in the night instead of eating fruits.
We entered the forest and soon, we spotted the first tarsier. It was holding himself onto a tree and looked forward with his big, round eyes. The eyes are very sensitive since they have to she very well in the night, and it gives them a cute look. This is definitely the cutest monkey I have ever seen in my entire life!

The tarsier, the cutest monkey in the world

As we left, our Bohol trip ended on Alona beach, the most famous beach of Bohol. We talked about the amazing last days during a refreshing dip in the sea. The waterfall, the beautiful rice paddies, chocolate hills, beautiful Anda beach and how unlucky we were with the rain.. But we made the best out of it. I would love to make a road trip again by motorbike. This was definitely an unforgettable, epic trip!

Alona beach, Panglao



Good thing you're enjoying your Bohol trip @xsasj! I want to be back! I visited 3 years ago and it feels like a long time already. I haven't visited the North part of Bohol so maybe I'll consider that. Cadapdapan Rice Terraces become famous lately. I was able to visit Central and South of Bohol only.

You didn't try Loay or Loboc River Cruise? It's really nice!

I loved how you described the Filipinos. It warms our heart to hear foreigners who loved the Philippines, not only because of the tourist spots, but also because of the Filipino hospitality.

Steem on!

That is the firefly cruise right? We did not had much more time since my friend had her flight out of the country, she is back in Indonesia right now.

If you are going back to Alona, you will be very dissapointed probably. I heard the last years, they are building resorts and business and it is the next Boracay. The beach is beautiful but too many business around..

What I said about Filipinos is so true, I hear many foreigners talking about it and I spend my time mostly rather with Filipinos than with the backpackers!

Thank you for passing by Kim! I am glad that you take the time to read my blog, you are probably one of the better bloggers in Cebu!

I usually enjoy reading blogs from other steemians. I will always leave a comment when I find it interesting. The way you're telling your story is so compelling. I was planning to go back to Bohol and you just gave me an idea on what to do. Thank you!

Wow!! Congrats on the curie!! Amazing adventure! I've only been to Bohol once and it was a touristy experience as I wasn't with adventurers at the time! I will surely try to come back!!

Thank you David! You can not imagine how happy I was!
Yeah Panglao is very touristic, but there are many places which are not over explored yet! The best way is renting a motorbike and taking a few days to go around :)

Yes two days wont be enough like I did last time! Guess I gotta make time for it 😊

A delight to read to read through and a lot of great pictures.. So good to see the Can-Umantad fall with water in it, it might have been raining while you were there but it looks far better than when @iwanderela and I was there during the big drought a few years back when the water was bare falling at all :)
Well deserved recognition on the post, wish I had seen it earlier.. keep it up!

Maybe the rain made it even lots better than! Sad to hear the waterfall was a little bit disappointing when you and Rufela went there, but maybe a good reason to go back there some day! It is just an one day trip away from Hey Fella's :)

Hiya, just swinging by to let you know that this post made the Honorable Mentions list in today's Travel Digest!

Wow you are really like dora the explorer..
Amazing pictures =) I wish to travel bohol one of these days.. You make me feel the eagerness to have vacation there.. Thank you for sharing =)


Hahah everything I own is already in my backpack this entire year :p I have friends who use to call me Dora haha.
Bohol is quite cheap to travel! Even by alona beach you can find a cheap hostel for 300 peso with breakfast, called Alona hammocks. The people there are great! Hope to see soon your travelblog!

Alona Hammocks is in Panglao?? Wow I really wanted to travel there since its 2 hours away from cebu only. Yeaaah! You have already visited a lot of places here in the Philippines.. Great traveler =)

Philippines is a great country! Thats why I don't wanna leave yet!
Alona hammocks is in Panglao indeed, walking distance from the beach. The place is not luxurious at all, but a great backpackers hostel with cool people!

Haha oh, your overstaying here in Phil.. Haha :p well, yeah I've heard Panglao many times, oh you rent a motorbike?? How much?? Thats cool :)

Yes motorbike is the best way to explore! They will charge probably 400 a 500, but don't pay more than 350 :)

Oh wow.. I'll rent motorbike for sure when I go to bohol :)

bad bad rain! But at least the stunning view still amazed you and lifted your mood up. Amazing travel sis! Lovely photos too ❤

Thank you for your comment! Yeah I should just try to enjoy the good things and gforget the bad things! Bohol is amazing <3

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i love bohol a lot ! hoping to go back there soon just wow i love the nature there and evertlything

Pics quality is awsome!!! upvoted

Hey there Sha, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are lovely and we love you and I love your photos and you are having great adventures which reminds me of my adventures in Vietnam.


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