Traveling the World #59 (Europe Series) Oktoberfest Beer Festival - Munich @ Germany 🇩🇪 (4) - 向世界出發 #59 (歐洲系列) - 全球最大的啤酒節 - 慕尼黑啤酒節 @ 慕尼黑, 德國 🇩🇪 (4)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians,

Today I'll continue to take you around the Oktoberfest and see what it is like during the day. If you have missed my sharing on the Oktoberfest, you can find them here - Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3. Today will be the last part of this Oktoberfest series.

今天我會繼續介紹慕尼黑啤酒節而今天會是最後一集。 如果你想看看我之前在啤酒帳篷的分享,你可以到
這裡 - Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3


During our visit, we saw a Hofbrau brewery horse carriage. These carriages are usually there at the start of the Oktoberfest celebration in a parade where the big tent owners and breweries take part together. The horses and cart are normally decorated with flowers and loaded with large wooden barrels. The map below with the red line shows the route of the parade.

在啤酒節期間,我們剛好看見Hofbrau 啤酒的馬車。這些馬車平常都是在啤酒節頭一天的遊行裡跟其他牌子的馬車一起跟大家見面。 馬車會用很多花來佈置而會有一些酒桶來做裝飾. 一下就是今年遊行的路線 (紅線)



The horses were very well behaved so we took the opportunity to take some photos with them and the carriage. This was something different to what we normally see back home.


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The previous blogs I have showed you the Armbrustschützen-Festhalle tent where we were in for the Oktoberfest celebration, today I'l show you the Löwenbräu-Festhalle which is a brand I am familiar with as Lowenbrau have branches in Sydney. They have lion mascot in front of the tent so you won't be able to miss it! Compared to our green tent, this one is decorated in blue which is the colour for Lowenbrau. The tent was packed with people and everyone was having a great time. Unfortunately there were no free seats for us to have a drink.

之前我介紹過Armbrustschützen-Festhalle的帳篷,今天我會給你們看看Löwenbräu-Festhalle 帳篷是怎樣的。Löwenbräu 這個牌子對我們來說不是很陌生因為在澳洲有分店。Löwenbräu 的門口很容易看到因為外面有一隻很大的獅子。裡面的跟我們之前的帳篷不一樣,是用藍色的來佈置的因為Löwenbräu 的主要顏色是藍和白。整個帳篷都是人,玩的非常開心。服務員跟我們講一點空的位置都沒有,他們已經滿座了。


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Another tent that I loved from the outside was Ochsenbraterei (Spatenbräu-Festhalle) which had a big roast at the entrance. They serve delicious meals with their main ingredient, the ox. We couldn't even get into the tent as the waitress have stopped people at the door. If we were to go the Oktoberfest again, this tent will be one that I will try to book.

還有另外一個帳篷我非常喜歡他們的門口就是Ochsenbraterei 因為有一個很到的烤肉做招牌。原來他們主要的食材就是烤牛肉。我們想進去看看但服務員已經不給人進去因為實在太多人。 下次如果有機會再來這個啤酒節,我想在這個帳篷來吃東西

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This one is the Schottenhamel tent. The front seemed a bit less appealing than the other tents but still very popular


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This clock is from the Augustiner-Festhalle tent. According to the website this year, on the two Tuesday, there is a "kids day" which have great low prices.

這個鐘是Augustiner-Festhalle 帳篷的。在網上看原來他們在啤酒節期間每個星期二會有 “兒童日”,吃的價錢會跟平常便宜一點

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Lastly, if you come to the Oktoberfest, remember to get a gingerbread heart and some beer steins as they are very popular and the most traditional Oktoberfest souvenirs. Below are some of the beer steins we bought back from our trip - I actually use them as vases as well which I get a lot of great comments from friends visiting.

最後,來到啤酒節記住買一點手信。 心型的薑餅和啤酒杯是最受歡迎的而是最傳統的禮物。下面的是我們買的薑餅和啤酒杯子。我很喜歡用這些杯子當做花瓶,很多朋友來我家都覺得很特別。

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Hope you like my series of post on the Oktoberfest as putting these few posts together has reminded me of the fun times we had in Munich.


Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:

Oktoberfest @ Munich, Germany Part 3

Oktoberfest @ Munich, Germany Part 2

Oktoberfest @ Munich, Germany Part 1

Sydney Taiwan Festival 2017

Google SEO Challenge #7

Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival Part 2 @ Harbin, China

Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival Part 1 @ Harbin, China


Haven't checked one of your posts for a while. Great shots and story as usual.

You travel so much you should start adding #steemitworldmap to your posts. If you check my latest Australia series post about Canberra and the Australian War Memorial you'll see how easy it is to do, one line at the end of your story and you're on the map. I helped the developer do some testing on this app, and think it's a great tool, especially for folks who want to find travel posts.

Stay safe!

Germany is crazy about beer, 一杯啤酒就可以让他们坐在一起扯天扯地聊人生,一天都不够。想想天朝的人民还真是幸福呢,有这么多好吃的,德国啤酒确实可以呢,benk's好像不错。

Haha you are right about the crazy about beer! I'm not a beer drinker so I just order whatever they have there haha

這個啤酒系列寫得很好,完全感受到那嘉年華會氣氛!很喜歡那馬兒,很有型格,謝謝 @travelgirl 分享!😋😋

Haha thanks for your support Philip :)

What a pity is your last post about it!! I enjoyed them very much...I have never visit this festival although I know it, it is very popular in Europe...the beer steins are very nice.
If you like meeting things and places in Europe, I am writing a series of post about the atlantic french Coast,it is wonderful...take a look at them

Thanks for your continual support on this series - but do come back for more on my other travels. And you have some great posts there :)

這馬好可愛!! 感覺品種跟美女與野獸的貝兒騎的是同一種~

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