Postcard From White Heaven ❄️ Why We Need To Go Out and Just Live

in #travel7 years ago
Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood. - Andy Goldsworthy

I couldn't have said it any better, Andy!

My current vacations in the Alps both remind me of an incredible time from my childhood and also create some new memories I'll definitely remember forever.

I'm in-between the past and the future at one of the most amazing spots I've ever been to.

Let me take you to a place where life's pure and intense!

@surfermarly skiing in Switzerland

If it's not heaven, then we're at least pretty close

It feels amazingly good to be back on the slopes!

On the first day I was quite nervous since my last day skiing was four years ago. Still once I started to slide over the white powder it felt as if I had never done anything else in my life :-)

The weather was splendid, just as you imagine the perfect day in the mountains: blue skies and snow-covered slopes.

These are the moments we're living for, right? :-)

Stunning views over the ski region

My body managed the heavy temperature drop pretty well!

Since I suffered a heavy cold in January, I was a bit afraid of the cold shock that expected me at the destination.

The difference in temperatures was -30 degrees Celsius - quite a challenge for my immune system! But even though I had forgotton my ski mask in the hotel the very first day and couldn't cover my mouth and nose appropriately, I got used to breath the icecold air pretty fast.

If you live life on the edge in the most positive sense possible, then you'll never miss a thing.

@surfermarly ready to rock

Find your passion and then do this. Just this.

That's the one and only advice I can give you, now that I see again how important it is to fill one's pocket with experiences and memories.

Currently I'm the happiest version of myself, and I'm pretty sure that this amazing wave of enthusiasm and joy will be by my side for a long time.

Go out and live, steemians! We've got just that one chance to make the very best of our time given.
Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: Don't forget that this is a troll-free zone.

Original content.


Follow your passion .. for Me i am Done With snow this year and decided to take a tour in North Afrika and Asia beaches for this winter :)
Follow your passion and Enjoy @surfermarly

Looks amazing! I didn’t get a chance to make it this year but it’s in my list for next year! Love the mountain snow!! Thanks for the post!

Your post is so positive!

I hope you enjoyed the snow!

Thank you @jwolf!!
I guess it's because I'm just where I wanna be doing what I love :-)

First of all, i am now wondering how you get soo good starting quotes that suits any topic you choose to write about😧

Having a good time marly! I see😏

No wonder we haven't been seeing you around here much😢

Fill those pockets up with more memories and experiences than they can take so we can get more advice from you😏

Have fun!
And please come back to earth from heaven ASAP, some followers have kinda missed ya presence🙄😏

Have fun!

First of all, i am now wondering how you get soo good starting quotes that suits any topic you choose to write about😧

Haha, this was was indeed a gift, it perfectly matched with my message.

Thanks for your kindness. I'll be back soon with the wintery video documentation from my trip :-)

Totally agree. No sense in sulking around. That said, since we've had snow since October - i'm done with it. So very done. And we just got another foot yesterday. Uggg. We spent the day rolling down hills though :) Bring on summer!

Haha, I can understand your point of view pretty well :-) To me it was the other way around. I needed to freeze again!

Sieht top aus.
War auch erst in Österreich zum Skifahren.
Die frische Luft, der wahnsinnige Ausblick, die sportliche Auslastung. Einfach perfekt :)

Da kann ich nur zustimmen! Für mich ist das eine der besten Beschäftigungen der Welt - abgesehen vom Surfen natürlich :-) Wenn man nicht zwischendurch Geld verdienen müsste, könnte man das eigentlich die ganze Zeit über tun, haha

Hahaha also da kann ich dir absolut recht geben :)

Since last one month I am searching for the motivational goals so tha I can join the gym and get back in my proper shape. Sometimes we run out of motivation and we need some kicks like you given by your posts. Please keep on writing these wonderful posts and get me back through the old track by your words and quotes. I can't waste my entire life in just eating and sleeping.

Haha, my winter was also pretty long, and I haven't found back to my summer shape either. But you're right, we need these kick-starts in order to move on. I'm glad you discovered some inspiration in my posts! :-)

Yay holidays!

Glad you are having fun :)

Although snow does bring back childhood memories (its been a few years since i've seen any), I'm so over it after a day - the cold is not for me!

However, if you are doing a sport and keeping warm that way then that sounds much better!

Enjoy the rest of your trip - I'm looking forward to the jumps and tricks caught on tape! :)

Haha, today I did some fancy shots for the records - I think the video is gonna be special :-)

I don't like freezing much either. The clothes are keeping me warm as you said, and I'm fully enjoying being in nature. Also the views on the glacier let you forget about the temperature quickly.

Sorry for replying late! I guess it's a good sign that I'm not online all the time :-))
Big hugs, Ash!

Yes it's a great sign! It's been the opposite for me, but I am waiting for the temperature to go up so I can go for a swim :)

I'll have to check for new photos and videos...


yap your right your having the fun of your life in white haeven mavilious plave great photography nice post on steemit i always loved your travel and its my first time commenting on your post and i am your new follower @surfermarly

WoW this nice post ,Seeing you dressed and ready to skate makes
me feel so enthusiastic. I like skiing on ice so match

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