in #steem6 years ago (edited)

@stickchumpion came through Chicago with an effort to meet up with his homies from Chicago who he has aquantied himself with over the years touring with his various bands he plays in.

As an extra incentive to meet up, he asked if I could help him convert some STEEM DOLLARS to cold, hard, cash for us to buy some beverages and kick it at a local bar here in Chicago, the Flat Iron.

There was no turning back so I set out to convert the SBD to cash and bring it to him in person.

Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 8.02.36 PM.png
He was psyched!


We ended up talking about tons of stuff. He is very knowledable about music and on the topic of Steemit open mic, after mentioning that I did a couple Cramps covers for it, he mentioned the compilation SONGS THE CRAMPS TAUGHT US, where the Cramps frontman, Lux Interior put together a compilation of songs that are actually cover songs of what I thought were Cramps originals.

Let me know in the comments if you want a link to download the compilation. It is a 3 disc compilation, and I will happily upload it to the internet if for your convenience.


We also talked about the future of STEEMSKATE where we thought it would be a good idea to start a discord chat room where we can "WEBIGNAR" the contests, discussing possible contest themes. He made a good point, to broaden the themes of the contest so as to accommodate more creative entries. Like, instead of "Skate a quarter-pipe" it should be "Skate transition" or... I was thinking, a good one would be "Do a spin" so that its very open ended. You could spin your board or your body or your hat on your head.

We also need to implement more of a "call out" function to the STEEMSKATE community to branch the contests out and strengthen the interaction between skaters. So like if a fellow steemit skater calls you out to say, "nollie flip out" of that nose manual you did, You have to go and fill that request! It will be fun.

Here is a photo of one of @stickchumpion's tats. South Africa, where he is from, drumsticks, and a skateboard! Things close to the heart.


Man, there were so many things to talk about, if it wasn't a Thursday night, we would have kicked it for longer. I started talking about Scalar energy and Steven D Kelley, and, yeah, thats a deep little rabbit hole if i say so myself.

Yeah so, first meetup with a real life steemian a total success!

Another good quote from our meetup was actually from @web-gnar when he said,

"Treat your blog like a store, and the people who visit your blog are your customers, so you should treat them accordingly."

So yeah thanks to anyone stopping by reading this post! The Steemit community is SUCH a powerful thing and is capable of forging AMAZING lifelong connections. Go follow @stickchumpion, he is such a good dude! He is in New York right now! Send him some good vibes!


Nice one dude sorry I only saw this now . Here is a Youtube link to the Lux Interior radio show its called "The purple knif show" . I still cant remember the third thing hahahaha.

the third thing was the B52’s live

Oh hell yea the German concert ...hang on !!. DAmn they have cut it up into smaller videos so not the whole gig but here is Mesopotamia . I now have to watch this again

AAAAHHHHH this drives me crazy

That's sick.Glad you guys met up.We should all arange a tour in Barcelona in the near future maybe?
Steem skaters tour Barcelona?That would be hella sick

that would be insanely awesome

I would be there immediately!I live An hour away from Bcn^^

Hey just a tip RE #steemskate, whenever you reference it in a post or a comment, make sure to put the hash sign in front like I just did so it becomes a clickable link! Glad you guys got to meet up!

will do thanks carl!!!

lol his t shirt said "steen"

nice man i LOVE seein people converting SBD for cash

did you use my website to list teh ads by just using tag #localaltcoins to have your post show up in the page? its just a website that redirects to and we will have a front end that sorts the posts and we will have a simple rule o make it work u use localaltcoins tag plus tag of your city ad state and tag of teh coinu wanna buy and ell or if yoru doing buy to sell and thats it and it will work great!

ANYWAY i love seein local steem users doing local SBD for cash trades!

haa! yes im glad you noticed that! ill have to check out your site. ive just been converting to litecoin, then shooting them off to coinbase. it would be fun to use local bitcoins for a larger amiunt though :)

Very cool, just to think it if wasn’t for the steemit world you two would have never met. Glad to hear you’ve made a new friend

yeah! there are quite a FEW people on steemit that ive become friends with. its super fun. maybe you are one too

So, so sick! I wonder if other groups are actually meeting in the real world?
Second nature to skateboarders to meet up with your pals!
It is the classic skateboard mindset! To meet up for a skate, a beer, or hopefully both!
Great job guys!

I think as skateboarders

share for the brother coin hahahah

Very cool, just to think it if wasn’t for the steemit world you two would have never met. Glad to hear you’ve made a new friend!

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