Travel to find your true desire

in #travel8 years ago

One of my biggest passion in life is to travel the world.

Ever since my first conscious thought I remember never been one year without traveling. I grew up as the youngest of 6 children, so of course we were just able to travel through Europe and the countries near Germany. Spain, England, France, Denmark, Turkey, Tunisia, Austria, Portugal and so on… When I was 14 years old all of my siblings became 18 and over. They wouldn't travel with us anymore. I couldn't understand it at that time but now it is logical to me. So I was the only child traveling with my parents. They were so exited because we managed to fly 1 month to the USA. It was such a big dream of my dad and my mother as well. Since then I flew overseas every year…  

So personally I am a very open person when it comes to cultures. One's culture is a fusion of so many different elements like history, cuisine, language, art and many other seizable and non-seizable aspects. Studying a single culture in-depth requires immense effort and time to explore the core values and fundamentals. That´s why traveling is my favorite thing. You learn a lot by visiting different countries and get to know other people who live in the country you traveled to. Even some people may go their whole life without witnessing other cultures and learning from their traditions. However, if the opportunity does come, jump on that adventure!

I am also a food lover. When you would ask me about my favorite food, I could not give you an answer. There are so many delicious dishes on our planet, how could I choose just one? I believe @sirwinchester aka Mr. Gourmét would agree at that point.

Traveling can clears your mind from unnecessary thoughts

Sometimes it is hard to stay at one place and living in a routine. Wake up early, fast breakfast because you have to rush to work, working all day long, coming home, do some free time stuff , having dinner and finally finish the day with a glass of wine for a better sleep.  Nobody likes to do the same things for a long period of time. How could there be any space for creativity and thoughts about our future? Are we meant to work all day long and have no space for own thoughts and wishes? I am convinced that this is a wrong perspective. Humans are meant for more than just being "slaves of the government“.  Of course everybody has different conditions when it comes to travel. Some earn more money, others have better connections and many people don´t have enough holidays to stay away from work. But that is totally okay. To travel doesn´t mean you have to flight 10 hours to another continent for a month. Even different locations for a few days in your state could be relaxing as well. Try to use your holiday as a recharge of your energy. No matter how positive you feel when you wake up, hours of dealing with negativity from others can leave you completely drained by the end of the day. When you’re weighed down by external or internal negativity, your personal energy suffers. Just take a few days off. I personally love the ocean. I love to take deep breaths and watch the ocean do it´s thing. Clearing your mind from unnecessary thoughts means to get out of your daily routine, to explore new places and being able to forget about the stress at home! Also an important aspect is the internet. I believe that we get deflected by our phones, laptops and social media in general. Put your electronics away for a bit and I am pretty sure you´re gonna recognize the difference.  

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust

But now lets go back to "own thoughts and wishes“.  When I would ask you what your true desire is in life, could you give me an answer? Are you sure that it is really your answer and not the one of your friends, boss, the wish the society gave you?  I grew up in a tiny village mixed with young and very old people. The elder generation had always the same lifestyle, all of them. They lived in big house which is too big for an old married couple, they had nothing to do beside garden work and celebrated national holiday and their birthdays every year at the same table with the same food and the same people. I had the thought "are they really happy?“ my whole life. I couldn't imagine to end my life just by doing the same stuff every day to the end of my life. How terrible would this be ? So a few months ago I asked an old man my question. „What is your desire in life? Are you really happy how your life turned out and having the routine for the rest of your life?“ His answer was really honest. „You know young lady, I saw so many different things in the past years. I got to know so many people and traveled through so many countries. Now I have a gorgeous woman, a beautiful house, a garden that is so huge like a small forest, a swimming pool for my grandchildren and for the sake of my health. Yes I am really happy how my life turned out. I am totally happy, my wife and I are just enjoying life.“  

Then I realized that you aren´t able to travel for the rest of your life because you are getting older and wont have the strength anymore. But I never want to have the feeling "I wish I had….“. I want to be as happy as he is now. So I believe that it is so important to travel the world and to see it as a chance to find your true desire in life. Take your time to think about what you really love to do. The most important question to me is “ where do I want to live and create my family?“ I definitely have to travel to find the right place where I want to stay and let my kids grow up. Of course I will travel with my family as well but you need a place you call H O M E. Home doesn´t mean where you grow up, home means where your are feeling comfortable and want to resident by heart.  

Thank you for taking this little journey with me and I hope you have now a different perspective about traveling.  

Stay focused



I totally agree with your statements @soldier. Sometimes we just need to travel to clear our mind and getting positive energy from overseas, so we´re able to learn more than if we stay at one place only. It´s important to do whatever our mind tells us, being independent and not get affected by other people. btw. I would love to see some posts about your journey to the states!

I totally agree with your Statement and thank You for your comment! Maybe I'll write a post about my journey to the states!

hello soldier great post. I am sending this post for curie award

glad you liked it !!!

An excellent article my world gypsy friend ;)

Last year I travelled to my 123rd country - which meant I've travelled to the same # of countries as The Queen ;)

I always remind my friends and family that they're lucky enough to live in a time when you can get anywhere in the world quickly and comfortably. It's one of the many great things about the time we live in, not to take advantage of that fact, and miss out on the world would be tragic. Great post - thanks!

Thank You !

Great post.... your right on target. We all need to travel more and break up the day to day drama. :) You have a new follower....

thank you :)

Excellent post.:)
I have been lucky enough to travel many places and experience many different cultures. Developing for a virtual world, I was able to travel and work with only my laptop. From 2000 - 2012 I travelled 3-4 times a year for four weeks at a time. On a couple of occasions, I stayed longer because I enjoyed the lifestyle of a particular culture so much. My favourite of all places for multiple reasons was Israel. I spent a total of 2 years there.
All I can say is you haven't really lived until you have travelled and see how others live on this crazy planet, it is a total eye opener and can open your mind to a different way of thinking.....

I totally agree with you! You need to travel a lot and see what is going on on our earth before you settle down. I havent been to Israel because not many people are talking about it but if you stayed 2 years in that country I defenitely have to give it a try!

Traveling is something so important, it really does make you richer! And it's important for your own personal development too.

Ohh thank you a lot for your comment Mentor. I am so grateful to have someone who is guiding me into the right diraction ! You taught me so much stuff the past years and I wouldnt be here without You!!!! Every post I do is inspired by the words you told me mixed with my research and my own thinking. Thank You again I really do appreciate the time you took to read my post. Gn8

Thanks for the inspiration. Might do some writing on this topic.
Done a bit of travelling myself, but it has changed.
I no longer travel to see scenic landscapes or exciting cities.
Travelling takes me to friends, new friends and projects.
And - being there, working with them - I briefly and intensely connect with the other place.
For instance, London is not parties, pubs or London Eye to me.
London is the feeling of helping friends restore victorian building owned by an idealist group. February, bloody cold. Working together with Polish, German, American and English friends on the scaffolding, then packing my stuff, change clothes and - still with dust on my face - have a friend drive me to the station to catch the Gatwick Express.
Westminster bridge, the tourists line up and a ray of sun breaks the clouds while I am lounging in the leather seat of my friend's new 5er BMW. Unforgetable.
Volunteer work is travel 2.0 ;-)

Nice story, glad that I could inspire you!!!

I know some really closed minded and sheltered people who are content with how their everyday life is, ultimately, their happiness is important but I cannot deny the great knowledge that traveling provides to the daring explorer. It's a beautiful thing to have such a privilege to step foot on another cultured ground and begin your growth as a human being further than when you boarded the flight, car or boat. I never thought I would be speaking German, let alone living here and having traveled across Europe, but traveling can open many windows of opportunity that can transform your state of mind and widen your perspective tenfold. Great post @soldier ! Please keep writing. Upvoted

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