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RE: Attention all travel Blogging steemians!! I want to Curate your posting activities!

in #travel6 years ago

#photography has such a large following and gets a lot of action in its circle. i feel travel is dominated by a top 10. and does not have a solid following among the less fortunate. not to say that i am not curating the top 10. because i am. i just assign a smaller weight %. and prefer the understeemed bloggers. at this point in time steemauto does not have a #tag function to include or exclude. but one day it might. and at that time i will exclude photo travel bloggers from my curation. only with there tags.. if they choose to put a #travel only then the will receive a curation from me and my followers. hope this answers that question. I of course will not exclude a person from my fan base for puting phototags.. just as long as it comes with good travel content.

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