Time travel - begin in your dream state!

in #travel6 years ago

Usually, the idea of traveling back in time or to the future belongs to science fiction books or films. When the notion is mentioned in spiritual writings it is usually referred to as something that can be done by great masters or will be able to be done in the far future. But is that so? My experiences tell otherwise.


credit: pixabay

I have traveled through time and here are the basic elements that color such journeys.

First it is important to identify the main belief that blocks so many people from time traveling. That is, many people – and high chances that you are one of them – believe that in time travel you go to the past or the future with your physical body, the one you see in the mirror each morning and evening. Following that path, you may also picture in your mind some kind of a mechanical structure that you enter into in order to make the journey. And since such device doesn't exist yet (to the best of your knowledge) your mind immediately cancels the possibility to travel through time. The reality, in turn, responds and reflects back to you a situation in which you indeed cannot travel in time!

Therefore, the first thing is to change that belief. At the current stage of humanity's evolution, time travel is done with your non-physical body, which some refer to as the ether body or the dream body. That means that your launching pod is your dreams. You go to sleep, wake up within your dream world, and time travel from there.

How to do that?

Your mind probably craves for detailed lists of "how to". However, such list would only impede your progress because it would exercise your mind rather than relax it. The mind (brain, ego) is focused towards the physical reality and is not equipped with the tools to make projections in consciousness. When you go to sleep it gets quiet and allows your aware consciousness to take control. Then you can freely use that consciousness as a flashlight to illuminate areas within "time" which you wish to explore. The elimination of the brain in time travel also means that at first you cannot (and should not) "make a wish". It is useless to go to sleep and demand to time travel in your sleep. Statements like "I want to visit earth in the time of the dinosaurs" will result, in the best case, in meaningless images. Do not let your mind work too hard. It will happen when you are ready.

You will be ready when you will understand that time travel is not a way to escape this reality! It is not your escape plan from a poor reality or a boring life. On the contrary; you must be fully involved in the physical reality and fully present within it. Then, you allow your true-self to join your human self. This reunion – of which I have been discussing here at length for many weeks now – will open your consciousness to other places in space and time.

One more thing to remember about time travel is that at first your journeys will be personal. You will travel to places which mean something to you. For instance, you may travel to your house in the 24th century and enjoy a tour in it. The people you'll meet in your journeys will be the individuals that you have or had some emotional connection with. For instance, you may travel to your high-school times, join a class, attend tests, and meet friends or even your past sweetheart.

What is it good for?

  • It's fun. Imagine you could go back to your elementary school or high-school and have the wisdom and insights that you have today. What would you do? How differently would you behave? How would you feel? For starters, I can tell you from first-hand experience that you would feel freedom! You would not feel obliged to succeed in your tests, make a good impression on your teachers or even be nice to your friends. That doesn't mean you would lose moral or ethic principles. It does mean that you would be able to feel free in your interactions with other people and hence enjoy more your relationships with them. Be prepared for some surprises as they would see the new you.

  • Time travel is used to draw hints and suggestions regarding future events. This should be obvious and I will not elaborate more.

  • Lastly, travel to the past may allow you to relive past events and "fix" them. You go back to an incident in which you behaved in a way that didn't serve you and others well, and this time you act differently. Consequently, the outcomes are different and you experience it first hand, both emotionally and physically. How real is it? Do you really change the past? The answer is yes. It's very real and you do change your subjective timeline which is, after all, the only time you should care about.

To conclude – time travel is a natural by-product of your journey towards enlightenment. Experience, try and enjoy.



in my experience, i have always thought that i'm a time traveler, there was sometimes a situation where the consequences from my action sometimes it already happened, what i noticed is that this is my second life, and i'm living myself second time, in the future, every action is sometimes will result to iteration from my first life somewhere in the other universe is this happened to all or is just me?. thanks for this post @nomad-magus. :)

You are just aware of it

You go to sleep, wake up within your dream world, and time travel from there.

I think this is inevitable in the future. We can talk about it for hours. How exciting this could be, how people would be able to live in their imaginary world, how they could travel places (even Mars), perhaps even meet God. How they could have sex with any person they want, how they can even kill someone....and so on. At the end this will become so addictive that people will prefer to live their fake lives in their dreams instead of going through reality where you have to deal with all kind of problems, where you can’t have sex with anyone... My point is, it will only isolate people even more and perhaps they eventually get confused about what is reality and what is their life in their dream. Did they really kill someone or was it just st a dream?...
It sounds exciting, but it’s also scary!

There are protective systems in us that would not allow it. If one tries to escape this reality and avoid facing its challenges, then at some point they would be blocked from remembering their dreams let alone operate within them.
In fact it's happening already. That's why people use drugs.

Yeah,. The Awareness thing is really key. There was a time when I was travelling in the dream state so much fully aware, that I lost any interest in travelling in the physical waking state. This is somewhat funny, because when my family asked me "how about travelling to this country or that country?", I was inclined to say "Oh, please not, I need a break from travelling!" . And this is very real, because we can get to that point where we are as awake in the dream as we are in the waking state! :)

Indeed. So true, the dream travels are no less real. However, at some point I decided that the reality, its people, are more appealing.

very cool! i've actually been able to lucid dream since i was small. i could force myself to have the same dream for nights on end, or if a dream got really stressful or scary, i'd realize it was just a dream and that i could control it, and then i'd literally rewind the dream to fix the problem haha (altho this sometimes caused a different problem, which resulted in endless rewinding). i hope you're able to achieve it, as it's pretty cool, but sometimes can get frustrating when u have a super realistic dream where you get what you want, and then realize halfway through the dream that it's not even real hahaha good luck!

Indeed, that's frustrating.
Hence, I prefer to create in the physical.

Eating the apple that fell on einsteins head wud b only thing i wud do if u let me travel time lol

Unfortunately, you would not meet Einstein but Newton 😉

It's fun if we go back in time and go into the future, but that's ridiculous.
Sometimes we experience like de javu that happened like never happened. That's confusing.
Is that part of the illusion?

Part of the fact your consciousness does time travel beneath your regular awareness.
Nice observation, mate 👍


Your descriptions match very well with my receival of insights into my future !ife. Almost always, I receive information I never counted with, and the questions I do have are the ones which I normaly don't receive answers for (as of yet). As always, our thoughts constantly try to find out how things work to get a handle on them and control them. So we have the typical case of our thoughts attempting to figure out which way brings most Happiness and satisfaction.'If I get this piece of info I'll be satisfied'. But our thoughts are only calculating what lies within the eye, short-term illusory satisfaction. In terms of dreams it always literally comes different than we think. Desire implies lack, so the moment we authentically let go the attachment to outcome it is that we open up the floodgates to receive.

Most significantly, upon new dream data influx I don't instantly understand them. Over time the pattern I realized has been that incoming data is like an energy seed which is sown in my subconscious, yet without me recognizing yet which form will grow out of it. Only after some time (days, weeks, even months) the seed's energy starts taking shape, hence pierce's through into my conscious Awareness and expands it, making for sudden Aha-moments.

Thanks a lot for your article ;)

Do take note that the dreams I'm referring to, in time travel, are lucid. Hence, no interpretation of them is required. The experience is imminent and literal.
Regarding the time factor, it may help if you consider that physical life are backwards, that is, the goal has already been achieved and we now living life to experience our way there. In more specific words this means that the future affects our present experience.
I will make sure to write a post exactly on this subject.
Thanks 👍🙂

I know they are lucid. So is my receival of these insights. Nevertheless, they might not make immediate sense ;)

And yes, 'they have already been achieved'. Outside the illusion of Time we are already there.

It is a very interesting proposal, I will try to do it before going to sleep but I do not feel very convinced. I think that I will only be imagining something but that I will not feel anything special.

This is a quote about time that I like a lot:

“How can the past and future be, when the past no longer is, and the future is not yet? As for the present, if it were always present and never moved on to become the past, it would not be time, but eternity.”

Saint Augustine

I found this link in a discord chat group (post promotion) Upvoted and shared for quality and truth! Thank you for explaining this limitation people are blinded with in depth!

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