Answering Common Questions I Received During My Travels

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

As some of you know, I have been traveling a lot while still being a full time student. Honestly, who doesn't like traveling? I guess we all do. It's very enjoyable activity to release stress and gaining new perspective. Moreover traveling has been a way for me to learn informally apart from my formal education. And throughout my journey I have been getting the same questions all over again, so now I am trying to answer some of the most common questions I received from the people I encountered on the road.


What do your parents think about your lifestyle?

I come from a country where commonly parents rarely let their daughter going out of their comfortable nest. All of my parents used to be traveling a lot while they were at my age, thus it's very normal for them that I start following their pathway. Of course at first they were a bit skeptical and concerned especially when I was still a minor and travel by myself. As of now they are fine because I am able to fund it and responsible enough to take care of myself. However, they were rather concerned about my school performance and keep reminding me to graduate soon.

How do you manage to study while traveling?

I suck at it. I neglected my study in return of adventurous days on the road. I initially took 21/24 credits and so far I attended only one class each week. Whenever I come back to my university I feel like a foreign place with a foreign face which does not seem to be exciting anymore. Thus if you ask me which one do I prefer, of course it's traveling.

How can you be brave?

I get this a lot mainly from woman in mid fifty who has daughter at home. They were surprised that my parents let me travel. I do think that traveling solo as a female is quite a challenge. I am just trying to appear normal but still guarded. I've been staying in some sketchy places, sleeping on random and creepy street. I think as long as I don't dress too fancy, I'd be just fine. If I weren't brave, I wouldn't be able gathering a lot of informations and won't even progressing in life.

How many bags do you carry?

I travel light, thus I only carry a medium sized rucksack. Mainly because I only travel 5 days in a week. My essentials are laptop and its accessories. Well, there are couple of t-shirts but it's made of very thin cotton which fits just fine in my bag. I think that as long as I carry my laptop, the rest won't matter at all.

Do you have any common questions that people ask to you about traveling?

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I have a question as well :)
Where do you stay during your travel? In hostel or a hotel? Moreover, do you make friendships with people you meet during your travel?,

Hey! that's interesting question,

I normally stay in a hostel or hotel whatever fits my budget :)) and of course I make friendship with people I meet during my travel and maintain it. And then perhaps they can travel with me in the future which often happens since I started my debut. How about you? where do you stay during your travel?

As I have a kid, and I often travel with my kid, so I try to find a cheap private accommodation, so people are not disturbed because of my kid. I usually use and I have met several nice and friendly people during my travel. :)

all parents must be worried about their daughter free traveling. but, if her daughter could be trusted that she would be okay there would be no fear of that anymore.

just like me, when I have to go to college out of town, away from my parents. yes our duty keeps his trust. Hehehe

traveling is fun, and I love that too

@sfa, you should travel more often!

Travelling is a hubby and its fun doing it, such questions are things people ask when they see lady doing this but of all it all about trust from our parents

@saintopic, Exactly, it's all about trust from the parents!

I also travel alone and I can relate to what you said about looking normal but still with vigilance.

One common question I get especially when I travel alone is, do you have a boyfriend/ where's your boyfriend? The question came from both genders and different ages. Funny but quite interesting that some expect you to be with a partner.


Whoa! yeah sometimes people expect that we travel with a partner, I get that question but not as often as those four questions. Is there any other common questions other than that?

Another common question is "Why do you travel alone?" Followed by "Are you soul searching?" or other follow up questions like "Aren't you afraid?". I guess I get this because solo female travelers are uncommon for Filipinos especially years ago when I started (and maybe Asians too, not so sure, but I get these from either Filipinos or Asians). They're surprised, sometimes amazed at my bravery and sometimes scared for me. :D

More power to you girl. I come from a family and backed by a generation that still takes spending on travel as luxury and its tough to make them understand how its an important aspect of life.
Having traveled to some of the remotest areas solo I can say that we mature with each trip. Meeting new people and learning new things is a way of growing.


Thank you :3 ! think traveling is fun and so far it taught me a whole lot of lessons about life. I would love to solo travel more into nature but I would prefer a company. I couldn't agree more though, it's definitely a way of growing!

Whenever I come back to my university I feel like a foreign place with a foreign face which does not seem to be exciting anymore.
Is this me talking or what??

hahahaha perhaps it was you?

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