Epic Food Journey Through Latin America: Authentic Tortillas in the Mountains of Mexico

in #travel7 years ago

This is a rare opportunity to view the authentic, age old tortilla making process of traditional Mexico.

The making of the tortillas is a daily event for Julieta, Esmeralda's mother.

She whips them out like those of us from middle class, white people

of the United States might whip out a piece of toast from the toaster

(I know other people in the United States use a toaster but I'm only speaking for myself).

The kitchen is a separate metal building from the rest of the house.

The family gathers in this room when they're
hungry, cold or just want to spend time with each other.

The little building is built on the side of the mountain

in the little village of Santa Maria

located just outside of the larger village Huautla de Jiménez
in the north central mountains of Mexico.

To catch up on the events leading up to my travels
to this village click on my previous blogs:

Mexican Magical City Tour: Leaving Tepotzlan, the Neverending Bus Ride and Entering the Magical City of Huautla de Jimenez
Epic Food Journey Through Latin America: Mezcal and Tequila for Breakfast in Huautla de Jimenez, Mexico
Epic Journey Through Latin America: Huautla de Jimenez and What He Showed Me Out Back
Magical Mexican Tour: Huautla de Jimenez, What Makes it Magical and a Walk With Esmerelda

She starts with the dry corn kernels or maize (mah-eaze).
After boiling the kernels for 3 days they are ready for the grinder.

There's a grinder across or down the street,
I was never clear on where it was exactly.

Julieta left the cozy, metal walled, rustic kitchen
with a small bucket of the cooked maize from the pot with her.

After only a few minutes she returned
with a bowl of dough,
ready to be formed into tortillas.

I loved seeing and smelling the wood burning in the stove.
It reminds me of my home,

The Garden of Eden @gardenofeden back in Texas

where I did almost all of the cooking for years
on a rocket stove or a wood burning stove.

Julieta places the completed pot of kernels on the ground to cool
then only takes out what she needs for the next meal’s tortillas to be ground into masa.

From what I observed, this pot of kernels will be consumed over the next 3 days, more or less.

Meanwhile she will start cooking the next pot
since it takes 3 days therefore, it will be ready
when the one on the ground is finished.

When Julieta returns with the prepared masa
the women take a lump and pat it out to a semi flattened ball.

It's then placed it the manual tortilla press
I commonly see in Mexican kitchens and pressed flat.

Next, I hear the sounds of pat, pat, pat.

She uses her skilled hand and pats each one
even more thin to perfection.

Finally, they are cooked over a warm fire.

The tortillas are served with everything.

Today I enjoy them with this simple but amazingly flavorful soup.

But, then again,

they are yummy hot off the griddle with a squirt of lime and a sprinkle of sea salt.

Now, to truly experience the process
click on the short video below
and watch the beautiful age old process.

As I am currently in a town near Guatemala City

I have witnessed the tortillas of Guatemala.

Their tortillas are different and the preparation method
is a little different which I have recorded for a future blog.

I look forward to sharing that with you.

My next post is a rare look at traditional dance and music

of the people of this Highland area of Northern Oaxaca, México.


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I got many more experiences,

breathtaking photography,

and fun-believable experiences.

I'm serious!

My stories just keep unfolding.

My next blog is another rare opportunity to view the traditional dance, community and music of these highland, maya descent Mexican people.

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Oh yeah---tortillas FTW!!! The smell to me is one of the most enjoyable parts. Great post @loveon.

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