Send Kubby to Europe

in #travel6 years ago


Helllooooo Friends, Kubby is going to Europe and....

Haven't updated you in a while, but August is right around the corner. I should be ready, I will be ready, RIGHT?!

Europe in AugustDown Under in DecemberMaybe another meetupSteemFest?

Not sure why that picture refuses to upload correctly, but it is to help set the stage for my travels this year.

As you might have heard, I am blogging my way around the world. I have officially raised all the SBD I need for my trip. What I haven't been able to do is trade them at the rate I need. Let's do the Crypto dance again, shall we?!

I actually think, I still need to raise more funds, but I much rather start raising funds for my Aussie trip in December.

I will be booking my tickets next week. Then when the prices of Steem/SBD rise again I will pay myself back. I need to follow up with my distant aunt in Australia. I've been slacking on that.

What has been done so far.

There are random meetup's coming up. If you are wanting to attend one, I would recommend you join the MSP Community discord. There are always people chatting and it is a great way to network, make friends, and maybe take the leap of faith of meeting other Steemians.

Winning is awesome and to have a friend secure a room for you is even better. Thanks again mate! Look forward to hanging out with you and the crew in a few months.

  • Checked out the guest list: My bestie choogirl is going!

If you don't know who she is then you are missing out. We met for the first time a few months ago in Miami.

She is originally from there and we hung out for a couple of days before the mega Florida meetup. She writes about her travels as of late, but she is an amazing writer regardless of the topic. I cannot get enough of her writing.

  • Applied and was approved for my visa

Did you know other countries require a visa and the easiest one is to the land of down and under? Mind you the visiting visa is easy, don't try moving there because then you will face the fearest immigration laws.

How much do you need to go?

Flight is roughly $1,000 SBDFood is roughly $50 SBDFun money $ 100Just go!

Sometimes I doubt this trip will come true. Will I really be able to travel out of the country twice in the same year? Will I really be able to take that much time off from my new job? Will the bugs kill me? Will I become one of those travel addicts? What will and could happen keeps running through my mind. However, what I do need is LOTS OF SBD!

I have seven six months to pay myself back for this trip and if I continue to blog daily then there is no reason I cannot make this trip happen. That is more than enough time, right?

What about Europe?

I have the funds once crypto decided to move back up again. Thanks again to the fabulous @lindahas for pretty much planning my entire trip. I have purchased all of my flights and train tickets. The last todo is practice packing and cut my hair. Gotta look lovely for my visit with Muxxy and the wedding I'll be attending. Many of you changed your auto votes in support of my fundraiser and several of you generously gave 100% upvotes. I thank you so very mucho! Some other goals part of the planning is figuring out the following:


How exciting! I can't wait to follow your explorations. Lucky you you get to meet Muxxy! If you find that happening with an image, this happens frequently to mine on the phone, go to upload your photo and use the direct link. It will be good.

Glad to hear your feeling better, had us all worried but God is faithful :)

Thanks for the tip, I’ll be sure to use it! I really couldn’t figure out why it kept doing that.

Yes, God is faithful. I'm very grateful I didn't end up in the hospital over this. It was bad enough as it was! I'm happy to share the tip and I hope it works for you, too.

I am glad you didn't go to the hospital too. Just curious, have you tried/considered using essentials oils for your migraines?

I have tried peppermint and lavender and one called Joy as a blend.

Thanks for the shout out Kubby!

#sendkubbydownunder #bringbugspray

Thanks for my room :)

Kubby, stop saying I'm from Miami. I'm not. I've been there twice, once was with you.

But thank you for your kind words otherwise. I'm sure you'll raise the funds you need for your trips.

Alright alright alright!

Go go Kubby! 😏

:) thank you so much!

Nice to see the progress as you get ready for the big trips. I can only hope by August we are out of this mess the markets are in. Many are reporting a triple bottom which is a good thing if cryptocurrency did not have a mind of its own and just laugh at normal signals and indicators that are seen in other markets. Still its great news we can only hope investors chomping at the bits will want put money back on the table.

Triple bottom? Nothing about that sounds good, but it is what it is, let’s keep hodling and hoping

I’ve not check in on it in a couple days because I prefer not to know most of the time.

A triple bottom is very good news moving forward. Think of it as a floor you are jumping on. First couple of times you jump and oh that floor did not feel very sturdy. You did not jump very high because you did not want fall thought down below. After a few times you realize the floor is a more of solid foundation than you thought. So every time you try and jump higher than the last and you don't worry about landing on it again.

As you are doing this you are jumping forward as well. On top of this foundation is a ramp and it goes up and down and all kinds of things. Most parts of this ramp do not feel very strong every time you land on them. Some times like our markets have you jump up and when you land you fall thought back down to the foundation.

Other times you jump and land a few times on the same height of that ramp and you realize this is a new strong foundation and not just a part of that ramp. You expect the next time you jump and fall though the ramp that this foundation of a floor is going catch you.

We have reached the BTC foundation floor 3 times and every time it happens you build confidence that its rock solid as you have yet to fall thought it. Since alt coins are heavily influenced by btc and all boats rise or sink with the tide of BTC. It is very good news for us as well.

Granted cryptocurrency tend to not care about these kind of things and just does whatever it wants. So this may or may hold true, lots of other factors are well.

traders will tend to have buy orders at these expect bottom points to buy back in. People knowing this might try and kill that buy back momentum and make money off this as well.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 57605.72
ETH 3101.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.33