DIY Travel PH#16: Getting Lost in Sagada on a MotorcyclesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #travel7 years ago

Season's Greetings everyone!

It's almost Christmas, the weather in the Philippines, at least in Cebu had shifted from the hot sunny days to the cold rainy ones which somehow reminded me of Baguio and Sagada. Thus, I thought I should write about my 16th DIY travel blog entry where my husband and I got lost in Sagada!


Sagada reminds me of pine cones and pine trees!

This is truly an adventure, so to set the proper expectation, I'll be talking about what happened and which places we went to on that day but I won't be dealing with the pricing and such because we didn't spend much on that day compared to when we traveled to Batad. So, let's get going as the rain just keeps on pouring here, don't you just love listening to the slow rain fall? I hope you do because I do, makes me sleepy!

Trekking back from the mysterious Hanging Coffins was harder than getting there so it took us more time, tired from all the trekking, we decided to rest under the shade of the pine trees, just a few walks away from the entrance to the Echo Valley. Time lapse video was so interesting we had to set up the GoPro for it.

And we also intentionally looked for pine cones! There were a lot of them on the grounds but we have to look for the prettiest! Here's one:


Fresh and unstressed, James and I went ahead, started the motorcycle engine and headed to where Lake Danum was. We were only relying to the goodness of Google Maps. Internet connection in Sagada's main town isn't an issue but it can be challenging to get signal once you get to further distant spots like Lake Danum.

Mobile signal isn't an issue in Sagada as long as you stay close to the main town.

Passed through an officer manning the traffic, he pointed us to which road goes to Lake Danum and we were entertained by the tall pine trees standing like loyal armies at the side of the road. Obviously, Sagada's population and community had centered at the heart of the town. Further up towards the mountain area, we could spot only a few houses but there were multiple constructions going on plus some road improvements!

Most houses in Sagada has water heater and they don't need air conditioning!

I attempted to take a video of our trail but the result showed groggy quality, that moment, I wished I had a stabilizer with me or perhaps a GoPro 6. Anyways, we had to check back on Google Maps as we thought we were already going a little far from the expected travel time. But we found a spot which was similar to the Twilight forest scenes!


James and I feeling like Edward and Bella in the Twilight movie due to these pine trees! Please excuse my husband's tummy, he was bloated due to eating all meat for three days.

We can't let that moment pass by so we had to pull over, parked, set up the tripod and shoot our hearts out! Our best friend by the way when traveling together is the tripod! It makes taking couple photos much easier plus mobile apps and timers!

Here are some of the photos we took:


Our expensive bike without a mudguard!


James and I at the unknown place.


Both James and I were glad with the opportunity to get this spot all to ourselves, well except that there were cows watching us from the distant.


Try to spot the cow!




Looked like no other tourists or travelers has come to this area but locals. A few cars and motorcycles passed us but they all looked like locals to me. So I had a feeling that the Lake Danum which we had been trying to find was not in here and this wasn't the way going there as well.

We headed to where Google Maps told us to but we reached a dead end! We had to make a U turn and return back to our route. Then the rain started pouring down! We were already a bit soaked before we found a waiting shed, we met a local there who was also drenched, he then pointed us to the right direction towards Lake Danum!

Turned out, we had passed by it because there was no signage at the intersection going towards it. As soon as the rain was stopped, we continued the journey and we finally found Lake Danum!

Lake Danum is a huge basin filled with dark green colored water which signified that there perhaps moss and thick foliage underneath growing. No one dared to come near the lake but there were mountain bikers pitching their tents at the side of the lake.

As we observed it, a couple vendor offered their yogurt. The husband said they'll give the money back if we won't like their yogurt! I was hesitant because it was cold, eating it might make me even colder but since he was persistent, I gave in.

True to what he said, their yogurt indeed was tasty I ended up eating three cups! Lol, don't judge me!


This was their Mango Yogurt which was really really good! It was like eating ice cream!

Our plan was actually to watch the sun set while in Lake Danum because that's what they had featured at the Tourism office however, that looked like never gonna happen with the situation so we decided to chill a bit and chat with the yogurt vendors who were actually from Mindanao!

It took us some time to finally get the courage to get up and start our way back to the main town. Then, I realized we still have an hour before we return the rented motorcycle. Our muddy ride braved the slippy road down, our speed at the lowest in the carefullest way. This time, we headed for hot cups of tea of Gaia Cafe.


Cold and wet with a bit of muddyness, we squeaked into the rustic wooden cafe which was really famous because of it being featured in a Tagalog movie, Tadhana. There were few heads dining, they all lookes like tourists to me and then a staff showed us some seats at the corner overlooking the pine trees, at that time darkness started crawling in, fog was looking cool in a time lapse video and it was getting colder so we ordered our tea, I had Citronella while James ordered Turmeric tea and some muffins.

Aside from tea and sweets, Gaia Cafe take pride with their local coffee and artworks too! They also offer vegetarian and perhaps even vegan food choices and finally, they have stocks for artistic islands like journals, pens, books, camera straps, native items and educational items as well.

We were enjoying our tea when more and more guests were coming in, the place was small and only a few tables and chairs available so most of the new comers were just standing at the corners waiting for free space.

After finishing my muffins, we decided to go out but it took some a while before we were entertained as they were understaffed. While waiting, I took the chance of checking their art stuffs and ended up buying a Kislap journal!

We went back to our apartment afterwards and called it a night!

You might also be interested in my previous travel blog series:



Upvoted! Great story. Reminds me of a time when my husband and I got lost in the middle of nowhere during a trip to Grand Canyon! Lol!

Woaaah... I bet you had fun!

Bakit naka 100% power up po ito lugi po sa ganyan kasi mas mataas price ng SBD sa Steem 😊 Mas ok 50/50 kasi marami ka mabibiling Steem/SP sa 1 SBD.

Salamat sa info sis..hahayz..sayang namn

Naalala ko pix ng coffins 😂😂😂

Hehehe..pag sagada coffins agad nasa isip

Buti nahanap nyo din sis pero minsan ok din mawala no, adventure tlga.

Uu sis kasi walang photo bombers

All I can say is WOW!

thanks kuya!

beautiful photos and beautiful place and i like philippines weahter because it aways good for travel.

not all the time but it is most of the time good for traveling! thanks birju!

Woah!! Such a nice place to have some adventure! Would love to go there with my family or friends.. :) Thanks for sharing your story. I had fun reading it. :)

thank you dear! I appreciate you reading the entire blog..

I love reading blogs like this. :)

Just the two of you! SO endearing...I couldn't agree more like Bella and Edward ~ Cool!

it was a cool experience juls..

Want to come back there...the farthest we reached last time was the Sumaging Cave lng. We couldn't go far enough coz it's already dusk. so sayang!

Good read! I was able to go at Gaia Cafe too! I like their vegetarian meals on the menu! You should have tried it!

i wish i did! another reason to go back dear!

Yup! (Although that’s the only food I liked in Sagada, everything other than that that I tried is not like worth the price though)

hhahaha i agree...

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