Meeting with nice Steemians in Jakarta and Bangkok. / Treffen mit netten Steemians in Jakarta und Bangkok.

in #travel6 years ago (edited)


After we had spent about a week with my parents-in-law in Blora, as reported in my last article, we drove about 4 hours by taxi to Semarang and flew from there to Jakarta.

Before we continued from there to Bangkok, our actual destination, we spent one night near the airport in the "FM7 Resort Hotel", which scores with a large breakfast buffet and modern rooms.
In the morning of our onward journey @anggreklestari (you can admire her cooking skills here on her Steemit blog) came to visit us in the hoel. She took the rather long trip to us, although we did not have much time together. We were really happy to meet you, @anggreklestari!

In Bangkok we stayed in the "Admiral Suites Bangkok". Although the hotel is not the latest one anymore, we found the fully equipped rooms quite comfortable. For breakfast we had good homemade coffee.

The highlight in Bangkok was, of course, our meeting with the absolutely lovely Steemians @tangmo, @mayasiam and her boyfriend @earworm. Later @waybeyondpadthai joined us as well.
As you will soon see, the master chef @mayasiam did not miss the opportunity to prepare a delicious meal for us. :)
Have fun with the pictures! :)


Nachdem wir, wie in meinem letzten Artikel berichtet, ca. eine Woche bei meinen Schwiegereltern in Blora verbracht hatten, fuhren wir ca. 4 Stunden mit einem Taxi nach Semarang und flogen von dort aus nach Jakarta.

Bevor es von dort aus weiter nach Bangkok, unserem eigentlichen Ziel, ging, übernachteten wie einmal in der Nähe des Flughafens im "FM7 Resort Hotel", das mit einem großen Frühstücksbuffet und modern eingerichteten Zimmer zu punkten weiß.
Dort besuchte uns am Morgen vor der Weiterreise @anggreklestari (ihre Kochkünste könnt ihr hier auf ihrem Steemit-Blog bewundern). Sie nahm die ziemlich lange Fahrt zu uns auf sich, obwohl uns nicht viel Zeit zusammen blieb. Es hat uns wirklich gefreut, dich zu treffen, @anggreklestari!

In Bangkok quartierten wir uns in den "Admiral Suites Bangkok" ein. Obwohl das Hotel nicht mehr das allerneueste ist, fanden wir die komplett ausgestatteten Zimmer recht gemütlich. Zum Frühstück gab es guten selbstgemachten Kaffee.

Das Highlight in Bangkok war aber natürlich unser Treffen mit den absolut liebenswürdigen Steemians @tangmo, @mayasiam und ihrem Freund, @earworm. Später stieß auch noch @waybeyondpadthai dazu.
Wie ihr gleich sehen werdet, ließ es sich die Meisterköchin @mayasiam nicht nehmen, ein leckeres Mahl für uns zuzubereiten. :)
Viele Spaß mit den Bildern! :)

The room design of the "FM7 Resort Hotel" partly looks somewhat 'futuristic'. Das Zimmerdesign des "FM7 Resort Hotels" mutet teilweise etwas 'futuristisch' an.

Pictures from the rich breakfast. Bilder vom reichhaltigen Frühstück.

Exploration of the hotel. :) Erkundung des Hotels. :)

@anggreklestari with our daughter. @anggreklestari mit unserer Tochter.

Fast service on wheels at the airport. :) Schneller Service auf Rädern am Flughafen. :)

This Thai Airways plane brought us to Bangkok. The food of this airline belongs, compared to other carriers, to the better ones. Diese Maschine der Thai Airways brachte uns nach Bangkok. Das Essen dieser Airline gehört, verglichen mit anderen Fluglinien, zu den besseren.

A view into our room in the "Admiral Suites Bangkok". Ein Blick in unser Zimmer in den "Admiral Suites Bangkok".

Geckos are frequent guests in tropical countries. Geckos sind in tropischen Ländern häufig anzutreffende Gäste.

Arrived at the hotel, at first some important phone calls must be made. :) Im Hotel angekommen, müssen erst einmal wichtige Telefonate geführt werden. :)

We had good coffee for breakfast! Zum Frühstück gab es guten Kaffee!

A helpful Thai woman showed us how to reach our hotel the quickest by taking a shortcut through the "Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit". Eine hilfsbereite Thailänderin zeigte uns, wie man unser Hotel mittels einer Abkürzung durch das "Bangkok Marriott Hotel Sukhumvit" am schnellsten erreichen konnte.

There is a lot of jogging and other sports going on in the nearby Queen's Park. Im nahe gelegenen Queen's Park wird viel gejoggt und sonstiger Sport getrieben.

The Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) is a fast, efficient and relatively inexpensive public transport system. Der Bangkok Skytrain (BTS) ist ein schnelles, effizientes und relativ preisgünstiges Nahverkehrsmittel.

Once we also took a tuk-tuk. As far as taxis are concerned, our experiences in Thailand are very negative, by the way: not only because the drivers try to let tourists pay as much as possible, but also because taxi drivers simply refuse many trips that do not seem lucrative enough to them. Einmal nahmen wir auch ein Tuk-Tuk. Was Taxis betrifft, sind unsere Erfahrungen in Thailand übrigens sehr negativ: Nicht nur wegen für Touristen gerne in die Höhe getriebener Preise, sondern auch, weil Taxifahrer viele Fahrten, die ihnen nicht lukrativ genug erscheinen, schlicht ablehnen.

This get-together with @waybeyondpadthai, @mayasiam and @earworm took place very close to our hotel. The coconut milk served in real coconuts is refreshing and very tasty. Dieses Beisammensein mit @waybeyondpadthai, @mayasiam und @earworm fand ganz in der Nähe unseres Hotels statt. Die in echten Kokosnüssen servierte Kokosmilch ist erfrischend und sehr lecker.

Together we visited the big Chatuchak Weekend Market in Bangkok and spoiled ourselves with delicious ice cream. Zusammen besuchten wir den großen Chatuchak-Markt in Bangkok und verwöhnten uns mit köstlichem Eis.

The home of @mayasiam and @earworm is located just outside the city center. Das Zuhause von @mayasiam und @earworm befindet sich etwas außerhalb des Stadtzentrums.

At the place of @mayasiam and @earworm we first enjoyed a Masala Chai, a drink made of black tea, milk, sugar and a spice mixture ... Bei @mayasiam und @earworm genossen wir zunächst einen Masala Chai, ein Getränk aus Schwarztee, Milch, Zucker und einer Gewürzmischung ...

... and then we got the food! :) ... und dann kam das Essen! :)

Egg withtamarind (@mayasiam, please correct me in case my memory is misleading me) - very tasty! :) Ei mit Tamarinde (@mayasiam, korrigiere mich bitte, falls mich hier meine Erinnerung trügen sollte) - super lecker! :)

This plane brought us to Kuala Lumpur, our next stop ... But before I report from there, I will first insert an article about the Royal Palace in Bangkok. Dieser Flieger brachte uns nach Kuala Lumpur, unsere nächste Station ... Doch bevor ich von dort berichte, werde ich erst noch einen Artikel über den Königspalast in Bangkok einschieben.


thanks for this nice window on the east!

I can feel from the pictures that you guys had an amazing time in Asia :D
Can't wait to meet you guys in Krakow!

Yes, it will be very nice to meet you! Unfortunately you have a rather long flight, i guess ...

Yeah, I do have long flight haha Hopefully I don't have jet lag this time! :)

Wie immer ein toller Erfahrungsbericht =), schön detailliert und toll aufgearbeitet.

Gruss RivalzZz

Freut mich, wenn dir der Artikel gefallen hat! :)

Hi, @mayasiam can you share egg recipes? I want to know and want to try it. Looks tempting

@jaki01 thanks for your coming in Asia. I hope you have lots of good memories while in Asia so that it will bring you back to traveling to Asia.

By the way, your Coconut Ice Cream photo is very tempting. It feels enough to momentarily get rid of the heat there, right? Ouuch, it looks like today I have to look for Coconut Ice Cream in Jakarta.

Maybe you should reply directly to a comment of @mayasiam, so that she will notice your question ...
Yes, the Asian trip was very interesting. Maybe one day you will make a Europe trip? :)

Hopefully my dream comes true! Make a Europe Trip!

In case you come to Germany then, let us know. :)

It was a great 3 days with you all, thanks so much for visiting Thailand and meeting all of us.! I hope to visit you and meet you again soon. ;)

Thanks for the great time in Thailand, and yes, let's hope to see you in Germany one day! :)

It’s nice to see all of you in Bangkok.

I’m sorry again to know that you felt disappointed with the taxi drivers’ behavior in Thailand.

You took great photos of those things in Indonesia and in Thailand. The foods are excellent, especially @mayasiam’s dishes which are beautiful and look delicious. Ice-cream is my favorite and they look yummy.

Your little princess is very cute, especially while she's on the phone...

The clouds in the last photos are wonderful. I do really love them.

Looking forward to seeing more photos and reading more articles from you. ;)

Don't worry, you are not responsible for the taxi drivers, :) and in addition I have to say that many Thai people (even the ones we didn't know at all) were very, very friendly and helpful.

Ah! I’m very glad to hear that! ;)

Oh my, so many in one post from a country to another. Glad you guys had a good time and had a chance to meet some Steemians during the trip. P' Maya's condo looks so chill and the food looks good!

The gecko photo just cracked me up! LOL

and yes, a few weeks to come, have fun in Krakow !! Oh my I have a FOMO already for SF cryyyy T^T

Awesome combi. Travel, food and steemit meet ups.
Full 100% and resteemed :-)

Thanks again! :)

Ein sehr schöner Reisebericht mit einem guten Mix aus persönlichen Erlebnissen, Informationen und tollen, farbenprächtigen Fotos!

Ich freu mich schon auf deinen Bericht über den Königspalast in Bangkok :)

It was great meeting you guys! Hope to see you in Europe soon.

Thanks a lot for the warm welcome you gave us in Thailand! :)

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