Poof! Here is your $400 fine for being Vegan!

in #travel7 years ago

So, it's no secret that I am very vegan with my weekly contest and constant feed of delicious delicacies that are void of animal products but recently it gave me a slap in the wallet.

I've made it very far down south! Over 20 hours of travel later, I am no longer in the tropical island oasis that is my loving, affectionate home, Bali and have now arrived to the cool, picturesque wonderland of NZ. I love NZ, I lived here for 3 months before I ever moved to Bali but here's the thing... Bali is a vegan dream with more vegan restaurants than I can keep track of. Vegan culture there is mainstream, where most people I meet, all share my same dietary preference. The vegan movement is so popular there that we even just had the Bali Vegan Festival! (Can you tell why I love it there yet?)

New Zealand on the other hand, didn't appreciate my vegan lifestyle so much. Before I explain how and why I got charged for my dietary infraction, here is my initial story of getting here!

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Wooooooo-eeeee ladies and gents, that was a hellova a long journey to get here! Luckily, I have recently conquered my extreme phobia of flying and now, seem to pass right out whenever the fear starts to shake my bones!
I left the glazing golden sunshine on Monday with threateningly reddened skin which my unpadded straps to my backpack aggravated each step I took. I left my dream oasis to a woman I met only the day before who promised to keep my fishies fed and kitchen clean. I had to surrender Luna, my animal soul mate back to her original 'owners' the local shelter to be permanently homed. I had to drive away, far away from my ripening tomatoes, peppers and pumpkins which I had been waiting patiently for months to see come to fruition and plop myself on a plane which was first flying 3 hours in the opposite direction before turning right around and flying back over where we had just left from.

I had a camera catastrophe before I left, asking you all for your expertise to help me revive accidentally deleted photo files from my recycling bin. The truth is that although you gave me wonderful advice, I ran out of time and needed my computer for my daily life so, I gave up on the retrieval believing it was part of a material cleansing process that I am quite clearly on right now.


Recap of the last week:

My live-in, camper van got infiltrated with rats and as far as I have been told, given that the NZ's 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' team needed to clean it, ummm I would say, is not in the same state that I left it. Next, in trying to clear space on my drone, I accidentally deleted my saved photos of my adventures on my computer. To top it off, Luna had grown big and strong enough to go in for adoption, severing our nighttime cuddles. That seemed like a lot of loss happening. But, I'm fortunate to live in a spiritual environment and as such, I practice gratefulness and mindfulness and I was not about to let any of that negativity or perceived loss to get me down!

When I was in Thailand back in November 2016, by complete chance I met a couple on the streets of Bangkok, the one day I was out gallivanting the busy streets at night. I had just put my puckered lips to a fully blown up red balloon filled with 'laughing gas' (you know the stuff the dentist gives you) and inhaled as the frantic salesman on the corner instructed. I stood up, fearing immediately that it was a bad idea, my body was overwhelmed by this new sensation and wait for it... all of a sudden I was filled like a pinata of giggles!

I whipped around, dazed by the quickness of my movement and knocked myself into this man! He responded with a very sincere sounding "I'm sorry!" I was feeling rather vocal and responded quite obnoxiously "You're sorry? What the hell? Are you Canadian or something?" I was thoroughly confused as to why he was apologizing when clearly I was the one who ran into him. Half an hour later he and his partner had their own balloons and we were making plans for me to visit them. Sure enough, a couple months later, I did!


That started the whole New Zealand bit. I bought a van, which I ended up leaving here with a business partner while I went off to fall in love with my beautiful island Bali. During that time, it got moved into by rodents while I was away so I needed to come back to check on it, have it repaired and dabble in a bit of business before I could continue lounging around in paradise.

My body is a temple

I only have one body and that body has been through enough crap in the past that I am now impeccable with my care of it since I have learned the error of my past ways, this means I spend hours getting the food situation for travel under control. I made 1 powerbar concoction, 1 superfood chocolate protein dish, I ordered 4 dishes from a local restaurant (I was traveling for over 20 hours and I don't eat anything in airports or on airplanes) and grabbed some dried fruit (all travel friendly) but as the lovely yoga instructing, vegan blogging lady was moving into my home, she asked me about the orange cherry tomatoes in the fridge which I decided to shove into my purse instead of leaving for her to enjoy!

20 hours later, I had gone through most of my food but hadn't touched any of the dried fruits or nuts on the bottom and was sleepily moving my way through the line-up to get into New Zealand. I declared my food and as I was picking through my bag listing off everything inside it to Mrs. Customs, she told me to relax and go ahead through. Well, low and behold, a little puppy came stiffing my bag. Knowing I had nothing illegal, I was calm and collected assuming the doggy was smelling Luna on my clothing.

Come this way

"Do you have anything in your bag that you didn't declare?"
"No, I told the lady everything as I was going through it and she said it was OK."
"Can you pass me your bag?"

Goes through the entire contents

"What are these?"
"&^%$! I completely forgot those were in there..."
"Here's a fine for $400 for lying on your customs card."
Trying to explain but no one is even listening to my story...

Annnnnd there goes more money than my return flight. All because I refuse to eat the chemically laden, over-processed foods that I would have to pay for on the plane and in the terminals.

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Ahead of the curve, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia offers a veg, organic restaurant in the terminal!

I dream of a new day for food

I am not fond of getting such a steep ticket for something that was so negligent and an honest mistake but more than that I hope to see organic, vegan options in the airports in the future. Give me a way to succeed. Help me help you. Don't isolate me and give me no option than penalize me for trying to do right by my body, mind and spirit.

Food Revolution!

I am always revved up to start a food revolution! This is something that needs to happen as more and more people wake up and tune into their body's needs. I don't want to pack my body full of sugars, antibiotics, chemicals, you name it. I was a fresh green smoothie from an organic garden or a chocolate bar made from actual cacao. I don't want to have to pay $400 to have a little lunch on the plane so I don't starve. Let's reinvent this system! Kuala Lumpur is a perfect example to start from!

I have a huge project that I am working on and will be sharing bits and pieces with you over time. I believe in soul food, real food or as I always say food that loves us back!

I'll keep you updated and can't wait to share with you my adventures of New Zealand! I get to take a little gander at my van today so wish me luck! Personally, I am praying for my vegan recipes to be safe and sound in my notebook! But if not, it's a small lesson to me to remember not to be so attached to my things that are all over the world and in the possession and care of many people who have their own lives to live.

I am grateful and I am filled with love to be here! I have missed my Steemit fam while I've been in transit!

Sending you love!


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I feel I might not have made it clear enough that what she found was the cherry tomatoes in the bottom, completely forgotten about and even sadder than that, uneaten! =[

I've been vegan for more than 2 years now, been vegetarian for more than 5 years prior. I love to say a diet that aims at minimizing cruelty cause this makes this diet harder to criticize.

Cool- congrats on that first of all! That's quite an impressive timeline! Personally, I have experienced that some people find that when I use the word cruel as in cruelty free etc, I am attacking them by insinuating that what they're eating is cruel... I never like to make people feel that they need to follow what I am doing but just showing how I benefit. Personally, I am not just a vegan anyway, I'm vegan plus lol... I don't eat a lot of crap that qualifies as vegan so my labeling is always boxing me into quarters that never feel quite right. But all the power to you for finding what feels comfortable for you- I love that!! It can be so hard with so many words and meanings and feelings circulating out there. For myself, on Steemit I have chosen to identify as "vegan" because most people recognize and understand what that means and so I find I am meeting them on that understanding ground =D

I try to use to word ahimsa diet. But I rarely use these terms anyway. Maybe I should say I eat a diet that aims at maximizing compassion.

I'm currently eating 99% raw juice for the past 48 hours. I'll be looking to extend this as much as possible.

How has this been going for you man? Sounds pretty tough, how much liquid are you consuming in 24 hours?

Around 4 to 8 liters of juice. I juice 10+pounds of citrus.

That's a lot of liquid!

I need a drink!

I need to correct my mistake.

It's 2 to 4 liters. I talked to fast.

I love maximizing compassion- beautiful! I might try that one too! I try to just explain it from my point of view (why I do this, it makes me feel etc)

I'd love to hear how that juice cleanse went! I love juice cleansing! I water fast usually about once a month when I am on schedule but juicing is so much yummier haha

=D I hope it worked out for you! I'm traveling atm so I am not so on top of keeping up with everything here!

That's a load of horseshit. omg! For some cherry fucking tomatoes? Are you kidding me? Thats so lame!
At least you have a good attitude as far as material possessions go. It's very true that the things you own end up owning you!
Wishing you some better luck on the rest of your journey! :)

Hahaha thank you for saying that for me! I have been wanting to say that this whole time but I've been trying to be all smiley hunkey dorey so I don't get too upset about it. Money and possessions come and go so quickly that it's always for the best to distance emotional attachment from them though it's certainly easier to say than to do ;)
I hope to get some amazing footage to make up for it! <3

Yes, lets see that Lord of the Rings shit!

I am on it! Leaving today for a film location actually so I will definitely post it when I am settled again :)

hope you do not have any more of such money draining experiences. good luck, stay blessed

Oh thank you so much =D They sure did a number on my bank account, pesky rodents!

oh no! tey got you ;-!! i used to watch all the australian customs yuotubes.. let me assure you that you are not alone.. it is crazy reallyhow they choose to penalize you with money .. and SO much! first time offence should be free so you learn, but they like to steal money these governments!

glad your getting out and about ;-) much love!

Yeah, they got me pretty good which is just a slight bit of a nuisance because I did try to show her my lunch bag but tis life and I won't let it get me down :) Thanks for the love as always Alex! XO

That's crazy! Customs in that part of the world are hard core! Did you get to keep the tomatoes??

Oh I know! Customs in general is really no joke and they sure love to waste perfectly good food and water... I never thought tomatoes would be such a crime! All I can do is laugh (Cry) now since it's already happened. They actually took them after as well so I didn't even get to eat them! I wish I could have just ate them at the border or something! :(

Hi @heart-to-heart!

I'm happy to include this post in the CTR Crossword Puzzle No.-8. This post will be linked in all related CTR Crossword posts . All participants for this puzzle will land on this post to find their answers to it

Thank you for creating awesome content which is just perfect for our participants!


Readers of this post, if they want to participate in this contest, they have a slight edge over others as they have already read this post. All are welcome to participate and have fun.

Yay so fun! I haven't had much Steemit time lately but I'm happy to be included in something so fun and unique :)

Oh no!! That is crazy!! Tomatoes!! They couldn't understand that people forget things. Wow.

I know, such a big fine for a first offense but it'll sure teach me not to forget ever again so I guess it's quite effective! =D

OMG what an annoying moment ... It can all happen to us, this must change, I think we are changing it together! I would like very much to know about your new project. Greetings @heart-to-heart, and may the rest of your trip be beautiful!

Hi @mystic-natura, yes small steps at a time, more demand etc will surely start the change we're after! I have noticed people all over the world in my travels becoming more and more cognizant of their food choices especially and so I hope that by our combined efforts we will have a new world in not too long :)

I think that every day is a little better than the previous one. Regards! =)

Oh my gosh, I can't believe this Sweetie.............and here I thought what a wonderful time you are having, Well I am sure you do, but this is bull.......!!! Excuse my language!!!

Hahaha oh my dear Lena, you're too sweet! I actually haven't been able to be on my computer very much. My whole routine has been topsy turvy as you can imagine! I only just got my lap top charged now after the battery gave out when I had posted this! Should be interesting trying to keep up :P Sending you a huge hug! I miss my Steemit fam <3

I am so happy to hear from you my Dearest, I read about your rat poop, oh my gosh!!! How are you doing dealing with all this shit....literally lol. Although, it's not funny. I hope you get all of it resolved soon. I have a great article for Vegan Wednesday, but I rather wait to post it when your situation improves. Please keep me posted. Miss you XOXO

Hi Lena! <3 Yes the rat poop was... shitty ;) Not so funny because it was a really huge ordeal but it's all dealt with now so I'm moving on :) I am taking my van out for 3 weeks starting today to catch some of the adventures of New Zealand so I don't know how much time I will have online, hopefully enough to at least check in here and there! I would love to see it and if you'd like to save it I will definitely be able to see it whenever I am back :) <3 Miss you too! XOXO

Hello Sweetheart, I am glad to hear that. You can finaly move on and enjoy the rest of your trip.

About that article. I would really apreciate if u coould find a time to reblog it. It is not writen by me, but I promissed to to the author who aproached me via my blog that I will promote it for him. He is an older man and cancer patient who adopted vegan diet as part of his healing process and he wrote an article about it. He asked me if I woul post it on my blog for him, but i don't have a big trafic on my blog so obviously I want to post it on Steemit for Vegan Wednesday. I just need your help if possible. I know u are busy now, but if you just reblog it for me, that would be really helpful. Thank u so much and enjoy your trip to the fullest. I miss you, but I feel better now when I know u are done with shit cleaning lol. XOXO

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