
Hahaha oh my dear Lena, you're too sweet! I actually haven't been able to be on my computer very much. My whole routine has been topsy turvy as you can imagine! I only just got my lap top charged now after the battery gave out when I had posted this! Should be interesting trying to keep up :P Sending you a huge hug! I miss my Steemit fam <3

I am so happy to hear from you my Dearest, I read about your rat poop, oh my gosh!!! How are you doing dealing with all this shit....literally lol. Although, it's not funny. I hope you get all of it resolved soon. I have a great article for Vegan Wednesday, but I rather wait to post it when your situation improves. Please keep me posted. Miss you XOXO

Hi Lena! <3 Yes the rat poop was... shitty ;) Not so funny because it was a really huge ordeal but it's all dealt with now so I'm moving on :) I am taking my van out for 3 weeks starting today to catch some of the adventures of New Zealand so I don't know how much time I will have online, hopefully enough to at least check in here and there! I would love to see it and if you'd like to save it I will definitely be able to see it whenever I am back :) <3 Miss you too! XOXO

Hello Sweetheart, I am glad to hear that. You can finaly move on and enjoy the rest of your trip.

About that article. I would really apreciate if u coould find a time to reblog it. It is not writen by me, but I promissed to to the author who aproached me via my blog that I will promote it for him. He is an older man and cancer patient who adopted vegan diet as part of his healing process and he wrote an article about it. He asked me if I woul post it on my blog for him, but i don't have a big trafic on my blog so obviously I want to post it on Steemit for Vegan Wednesday. I just need your help if possible. I know u are busy now, but if you just reblog it for me, that would be really helpful. Thank u so much and enjoy your trip to the fullest. I miss you, but I feel better now when I know u are done with shit cleaning lol. XOXO

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