Walk.with.me #3: Want to see the world's largest collection of old windmills? Go to Kinderdijk!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


The world’s largest cluster of old windmills have stood along a Dutch waterline for centuries. Built around year 1740 to help with flood water control in polder regions (tracts of low land lying below sea level), the Kinderdijk Windmills have been in operation up till WWII and are still able to be used today should a flooding emergency arise.

We planned to drive to Kinderdijk Windmills from Düsseldorf, park there (€5 per car), and walk around the area. There is the option of a 30-minute canal cruise (tickets cost €8 per adult, €5.50 per child aged 4-12, and free for those aged 3 and under), but we prefer the freedom of roaming around on our own two legs :)

The drive was a little over 2 hours long, but our singalong karaoke session to Spotify made it seem shorter. We took a break at a gas tank station.

To use the toilet, each visitor feeds 50 cents into a coin slot gantry and receives a ticket. The ticket given can later be used to buy an item at a 50-cent discount in the convenience store. There was such a big selection of hot and cold snacks to pick from! We finally settled on croquets, frikadelle, and a satay chicken stick.

We arrived at Kinderdijk around 12 noon.

There was a cafe at the entrance to the Windmills of Kinderdijk. It had a cool tree trunk log on which guests could lock their bikes up.

We started our walk, passing by an elderly fisherman trying his luck on the canal.

Water lilies thrive in the park too.

A random basket sat quietly on a bank. This is what I imagine the reed basket of Baby Moses would have looked like in the Bible story. Only, this one's so big that I could probably fit inside comfortably. :)

And of course, a couple windmills!

Ten minutes into our walk, we noticed a gathering ahead. My first thought was, Great, tour group alert! There’s gonna be many arms and legs and cameras in my photos today.

I was wrong. An ice cream bicycle stand was what caused the excitement. :)

Did you know that ducks like ice cream too? Someone dropped their scoop of vanilla ice cream on the floor, and this little duck walked over for a creamy snack.

A bridge went across the waterway, leading to a Windmill Museum. It was a drawbridge that could be opened up to allow boats to go by.
IMG_20170621_214209 (1).jpg

We did a quick detour over the bridge, only to find that the Museum was not open to visitors for the day. Still, I managed to get a group shot of us on the bridge :)

We carried on walking down the main path with water and windmills on each side.


Even though the skies were kinda overcast, the sun was still rather strong. Fortunately, a light breeze stirred up the air and hair from time to time.

We went round the bend where the walking and biking paths merged into one long, straight path.

Along this path, there were small little wooden landings on which boaters or boat passengers could embark/disembark. A local Dutch lady sat with her dog on one of them, enjoying the feel of the cool water on her immersed feet.

You can get close to the water and lean out to take a better shot.

Always be careful where you tread even while being distracted with all that photo-taking! Your foot could land in the water, on a stinging nettle patch, or in something much worse ;)

We walked till we passed the last windmill.

Then took a detour to watch a farmer baling freshly cut grass, before heading back the same way we came from.

The ice cream bicycle stand was less crowded on the way back. So we got ice cream (€1 per ice cream) for some of the boys. Why not for everyone? Because when Ying and I were ordering the ice creams, we noticed that it came from commercial tubs, so we decided to pass.

One last shot of a duck and a windmill, but this time, together. This windmill was happily spinning away. I took a video too, if you want to see that one, comment, and I'll post it up.

We finally reached the entrance after 2.5 hours of walking. Checked out some souvenirs and bought a Holland mug while The Mann got a free coffee that came with the parking ticket.

There're also homes behind the parking area. I only realised it as we walked to the car. Such a pretty area to live in!

Kinderdijk Windmills is a UNESCO world heritage site today, and for a good reason.

In the summer months, there’s a couple of cool ways available to get to there: One can pre-book a 150-minute horse-drawn carriage ride through Kinderdijk Windmills if traveling in a group of more than 10 persons. There are also regular water buses that bring you to Kinderdijk Windmills from Rotterdam in 45 minutes (€8 for a return ticket).

If you, like me, have always had your interest in windmills piqued by the colourful illustrations of children’s books, head to the Windmills at Kinderdijk. In one walk, you can see its 19 old windmills and enjoy their thatched, stone, and brick variety.

Molenkade Nederwaard 1
2961 AS Kinderdijk, The Netherlands

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who comments, upvotes, follows, or resteems.

Your support and feedback on how I could do better means a lot to me :)


damn this place is so picturesque O_O

It is :) you should go there someday!

Nice clicks! I love your photography.

Thank you @swarrior! I will take more photos and keep posting them :)

Those windmills look sick way better then the new ones they putting up everywhere. These ones look like they have a lot of history behind it. Sick post 🙏

I agree with you @lovleacloud! I was a little disappointed when I found out that the new ones are also called Windmills. I obstinately refer to them as Wind Turbines. They are far too skinny and sleek to fall in the Old Windmill category ;)

The new ones look like plastic I swear. lol that right there in your pics is the real deal.

hey :) dont know how to contact you with chat not working. how about option 1 in the game? canyon doesnt look like both will survive...

Very nice photos by the way!!! :D

Lol thanks for reading and shouting out. I'm not sure we will survive so well with our pistols though (in the first round, pistols were described as having 'less stopping power or accuracy' as other weapons!), especially if we are facing other teams with either shotgun or rifle in their possession. :S What do you think?

I would be most for Option 4. Second choice is, Option 1. If we take Option 4, I don't mind being the first one across. Probably only the first one who tries to get across dies because the log breaks or rolls off or something? loll

hahaha exactly thats why i didnt go for option 4 :) honestly i believe noone will get hurt in option 1 but if you really want to risk goin first, i m ok with that. though it makes me feel sad if you die. you decide then and I can post it there :)

hehe hmmm...I asked my husband and cousin, and they said they would wait and try to ambush guys if they are bad ;) Okay, let's try Option 1 then...Should we name ourselves TEAM FAV (for 'F and V') :)

OK option 1 it is. :)
I think its too late to change but I ll try :)

Hehe thanks @Velimir! To our survival!! * clink *

I love windmills! I read an in-depth article a few years ago about Dutch windmills completely changing the landscape of the Netherlands to create usable land. I had no idea of their importance until then. The pictures you took are fantastic. I want to take a ride in the basket on the water!

Without the windmills, about 40% of the Netherlands would be submerged in flood water. The world really is a better place thanks to these windmills!! Holland is a really innovative country. As of the Global Innovation Index 2016 poll, they were ranked #9 in the Top 10 Most Innovative Countries. Other countries that made it to that list that hit close to our hearts are #4 the US (your motherland), #6 Singapore (my motherland), and #10 Germany (the country I live in right now). :))

Wow, what a beautiful collection of amazing pictures with amazing people. You rock gurl! You did a brilliant job here with those great shots.
I love the colourful scenes and have no doubt that you guys had enough fun.

Cheers to future visits to more interesting places!!!

Thanks @globalfoodbook. We did have fun despite the strong sun. Will definitely share any other interesting places I come across.

Glad to know. That'll be awesome to see more pictures of interesting places.
I am still planning on interesting places to visit, hopefully by next year.

I like your pictures. That's a really cool bike rack, pretty creative. I like your random pictures of random things because I love random pics. I post random pics of unique things that you don't see everyday.

Thanks @randompic..random things rock! :)

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