Bran Castle or Dracula's Castle

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Today I'm going to take you to the Bran Castle, (Romanian: Castelul Bran, German: Törzburg, Hungarian: Törcsvár), a national monument commonly known as Dracula's Castle, situated near Brașov, Romania. It is a famous and well known tourist destination, so if you are in Romania, don't miss it!

Dracula Collage1.jpg

The castle is now a museum dedicated to displaying art and furniture collected by Queen Marie, Marie of Edinburgh, commonly known as Marie of Romania. Marie Alexandra Victoria was born on 29 October 1875 at Eastwell Park, Kent, England and had died on 18 July 1938 at Pelișor Castle, Sinaia, Romania). She was the last Queen of Romania as the wife of King Ferdinand I.

The first documented mentioning of Bran Castle is the act issued by Louis I of Hungary on 19 November 1377, giving the Saxons of Kronstadt (Brașov) the privilege to build the stone castle on their own expense and labor force. This amazing place has a long and interesting history, went through a lot, you can read more about it here.

On December 1st 1920, the citizens of Brasov, through a unanimous decision of the city’s council, led by Mayor Karl Schnell, offered the castle to Queen Maria of Romania, who restored it. From 1920 until 1932, the Castle was converted into a royal summer residence, coordinated by the Czech architect Karen Liman, who designed the castles Peles and Pelisor.

In 1956 the castle was transformed into a museum by the communist authorities. On May 18, after several years of legal proceedings, it was legally returned to the heirs of Princess Ileana of Romania and Archduke Anton of Austria.

Warning: the photos are not of the best quality and I'm sorry for that. These were taken in 2014 with a borrowed camera, so I did what I could with what I had but since this is not a photo contest ... :)


This is the steep road to the castle. I remember some tourists were complaining about the physical effort you have to make to visit the castle and also complaining about the lack of an elevator. This is partly funny because this is a historical place, it is kept as it was a hundred years ago and that's the beauty of it, you get to go back in time for an hour or so and see how royalties were living. Unfortunately this is not a place for disabled. An elevator would only take you to the entrance. There is not room for elevator inside, nor for a wheelchair or a mobility scooter. You'll see watching my photos below.


The castle is situated on a hill and below has a very nice garden with a couple of wooden houses probably used by servants. These are just a couple of them, now fully covered with moss.


A few photographs of the garden with the small lake with waterlilies.

I was happy to see everything is well taken care of.



A stone cross in the garden.


The main entrance of the castle with a very nice wooden door and a special and stylish door knock.


Starting from here, taking photographs was a real challenge. You have to know that even though the castle looks huge from outside, that's not the case inside. The rooms are small, the windows are small, corridors are narrow, the illumination is poor, and most of the rooms can't be stepped into, visitors are standing in the doorway, in front of the ropes. Sometimes I had to wait 5 minutes to take a photo from the only spot available, no matter if it was a good angle or not.

This is a fireplace right in the first room, which was some kind of hall I guess. Let's not forget that at the beginning of the 20th century, when this castle served as a summer residence for the royal family, there was no electricity, heating and cooking was made probably with woods and everything had to be carried up here (woods, food, water etc.).


This is a real masterpiece of those days. I'm not sure if it's a piece of furniture or a travel crate, I can't remember exactly but it's beautiful.


A kettle probably made of copper.


Next is the bedroom of Queen Mary of Romania. The furniture is made of wood and it's all carved.







This is the castellan's room. A castellan was the governor or captain of a castellany and its castle.

Part of the large drawing room.


Have you ever seen a door and a lock like this?


This was a secret staircase which connects the castle's first and third floors. It was extremely narrow, it was full of visitors, you couldn't stop, not even for a second, so this is the best I could do.

This is the entrance of the secret staircase. You can see how narrow it is and the ceiling is also so down you could hit your head any time.


A piano in the music room, with two candles.

Another great piece of furniture, featuring a royal scene.


A wooden carved work of art which served probably as a drawer.


This was the office or workroom. Now imagine yourself sitting on that very uncomfortable and hard wooden chair, working at the light of a candle. On the right you can see the ... I don't even know what to call it, it was used to place the royal seal to the documents, letters.


This is the other corner of the office.

A beautiful and stylish, hand painted fireplace.


A bedroom with this carved wooden bed.


A very beautiful hand painted wooden door with floral pattern.

Two pieces of the armor collection, worn by soldiers and some weapons.


Queen Mary's emblem and a flag.

This is the castle from the inner courtyard. I just love it! It's so beautiful.


There is a stone well in the inner courtyard, which is called the wishing well.

These wells are usually full of money, tourists love to throw money into them, maybe make a wish. This had some money as well but I guess it is emptied at the end of each day, but this is just a guess.


This is the first part of my post, it's the longest so far, I know and I'm really curious to see how many people have the patience to read it. This is a very important historical place and deserves respect. I wanted to show you as much as I could. There is another part, a commercial part with the souvenir market which is situated outside of the castle territory and suits @dswigle's, our lovely friend's #marketfriday but with your permission, I'm going to post it next week.

I hope you enjoyed my presentation and if you are in Romania, don't forget to visit Dracula's castle :)) Don't be afraid, You won't bump into Dracula, so it's perfectly safe to visit this beautiful castle :)

P.S. Bram Stoker’s character, Dracula, is a Transylvanian Count who is often confused with Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler), sometimes known as Vlad Dracul. Because Bran Castle is the only castle in all of Transylvania that actually fits Bram Stoker’s description of Dracula’s Castle, it is known throughout the world as Dracula’s Castle.


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very interesting, Erica! we were in the castle of Dracula in Vysehrad Hungary. we heard about a similar castle in Romania. thanks to your post, we were able to visit it. you made me laugh with the discontent of tourists because of the lack of escalators and lifts :)))

Which is Dracula's castle is very disputable :) I'd say it's this one but never mind, I'm glad you liked it. And yeah, some tourists can't make two steps, they need elevators and all the confort. These people should stay home and watch videos and the couch 😀

What an interesting and fascinating tour of this old castle. Who knows what they got up to in these places back in the day? The underground caverns look super spooky. tip1

Thank you @molometer, I'm glad you like it.

A superb presentation of this castle, one of the most famous in Romania. What a pity that so few people have seen what you have shown here. I'm glad you took pictures with hand-painted fireplaces. I want to inspire myself, I dream to do such a fireplace for me.

Thank you my dear friend, at least you can appreciate my effort. I'm very disappointed right now, I was thinking of quitting. Looks like the only way to succeed here is using as many bots as you can and gaming the system. Good contest count less or I don't know what good content is.
Anyway, I'm glad you liked it and could show you something known and interesting. Those fireplaces and the furniture are fantastic. Too bad you are not allowed to go closer.

Am parasit de doua ori platforma. O data 2 luni si alta data o luna. Cred ca este o etapa prin care trec toti. O parte sunt incapatanati si incearca sa mearga mai departe. Este extrem de neplacut sa vezi ca nu intereseaza pe nimeni, mai ales cand depui un efort mare sa faci lucruri bune si poate interesante. Ca sa avem cat de cat succes ar trebui sa ne comportam ca Denise(sa ai puterea de a dezvolta relatii bune cu cat mai multi oameni). Din nefericire, este foarte greu(eu nu pot). Nu pot, de asemenea, sa vad ca nimeni nu se uita la postarile mele si de aceea platesc un bot sau doua pentru voturi. caut sa si castig un pic. Sunt constient ca nu voi fi de succes aici dar deocamdata nu stiu nimic mai bun online. Incet, incet se acumuleaza niste steem si exista sansa sa-i creasca valoarea in viitor. Exista si varianta nefericita ca totul sa se prabuseasca la un moment dat. Totusi este interesant sa fii in interior. Din pacate, consumam foarte mult timp... Eu sper sa gasesti puterea sa ramai aici, pana acum ai avut o activitate foarte buna(din pacate nerecunoscuta la adevarata valoare...)

Multumesc mult @bluemoon pentru cuvintele frumoase! Azi dimineata ma simt mai bine, mi-a trecut in mare supararea si vad un pic mai clar. Ma pregatesc sa ma duc la piata de rusi si poate fac cateva poze pentru vineri.
Din pacate asa e cum spui, nimeni nu sta sa citrasca ce postam, ieri am avut inca o confirmare, cu toate ca nu era nevoie, stiam asta deja. La o postare cu un desen, prima mea propozitie a fost ca ieri aproape am murit. Primul comment a fost ca "I love it". 😀 Si iti jur ca nu am scris asta petru ca vreau spectacol sau atentie. Pur si simplu am fost sincera. In fine, ma amuza deja treaba, desi e de plans, nu de ras.
Da, boturile. Eu m-am incapatanat si nu folosesc boturi, cu o singura exceptie. O cunostinta mai veche de pe o alta platforma m-a inscris la un bot fara sa stiu si am aflat intamplator dupa, cand m-a anuntat botul. Prima data am crezut ca e iarasi un scam. Si ieri dupa postarea cu aproape am murit, un alt prieten de la acea veche platforma m-a inscris iarasi cu doua voturi si m-a anuntat dupa. Nu stiu cat v-a valora aceasta treaba, dar dupa cum vezi nu sunt bogata :))
Tind sa cred ca din cauza boturilor lumea nu este interesata. Postezi ceva, botul isi face treaba si la revedere.
Deocamdata nu ma plang, am facut ce am putut, am invatat mult si mai am mult de invatat. Am vazut alte cunostinte din tara care sunt mai vechi, folosesc boturi, au conturi multiple, fac tot feluri de smecherii si tot nu au ajuns la nivelul meu.
Ma incanta faptul ca m-am apucat de desenat si imi place mult. E un vis mai vechi, nu am avut suport si nici inspiratie pana acum, aici insa am primit ce aveam nevoie sa pornesc pe acest drum. Nu am talent dar am facut mici progrese si ma relaxeaza.
Nu ma dau batuta, inca mai tin minte ce ti-am scris atunci cand ai vrut sa renunti :)
O zi frumoasa iti doresc si scuze pentru eventualele greseli gramaticale. Ma straduiesc, dar se mai intampla ...

Sa pornesc de la sfarsit. Nu sunt deloc greseli gramaticale... si eu care am fost bun la gramatica si nu am avut vreodata aceasta problema am inceput acum sa am probleme, dubii, sa nu mai fiu sigur pe mine. Cred ca asta se datoreaza faptului ca nu mai citesc, din nefericire n-am mai citit de ani de zile!(internetul si TV sunt de vina).
Despre bot-uri. Eu nu cred ca sunt o amenintare, nu cred ca sunt folosite in masa. Cred ca totusi sunt putini utilizatori. Eu cred ca o folosire minima este folositoare (adica pe linga voturile "curate" sa mai primesti cateva voturi cumparate). Mie nu-mi este rusine cu postarile mele, toate sunt muncite, am stat si cate o noapte intreaga pentru unele. Bineinteles ca bot-urile nu te imbogatesc ci dimpotriva, daca nu stii sa le folosesti, de cele mai multe ori iesi in pierdere! Castigul in urma folosirii bot-urilor este ca ajuta la cresterea reputatiei. Reputatia creste daca primesti upvote de la persoane cu reputatie mai mare decat a ta. In cazul tau, voturile de la persoane cu reputatia mai mare de 52 te ajuta sa cresti.
Si inchei cu o intrebare: de la "piata de rusi" se pot cumpara rusi?
Ma bucur ca ti-ai revenit din mica depresie(normala la inceput in Steemit) si ma bucur sa te consider prietena!

A wonderful tour of this historic castle. I really love the fireplace and would have hated being a servant who had to lug everything up to the castle. The furniture is all quite incredible.

Thank you Melinda, I tried to include as much as possible even if it is not the best quality but I thought it worth showing it to those who maybe don't have the possibility of visiting. It's a lovely art collection because that furniture can be called art.
You are right, there's a kitchen downstairs, people are not allowed there, and the servants had to carry everything up in the castle and up in the rooms. So it was not easy to be a servant there :)

I am so excited that you did Dracula's castle. I have actually been there, which was an unbelievable experience but your pictures remind me of some of the things that I had forgotten. I don't have any pictures, if you can believe that. It made me laugh to hear some of the tourist that thought things were too far or too hard. You did a wonderful job of explaining everything and going through the history. This was such a pleasant surprise and I don't think you could have picked a better subject. That is such an incredible place and I surely wish more people would go see it. In actuality, there are so many beautiful parts of Romania.

Thank you again for your participation and for the wonderful surprise that you honored Market Friday with.

Upped and Steemed


Thank you so much dear Denise, I'm so glad at least you liked it and couldn't offer you a couple of moments of happiness. I'm very disappointed right now, l was thinking of quitting.
Anyway, thank you again for everything, for your kindness, generosity and support!!! 😘💕

I enjoyed reading this very much must of been quite an experience to be there. Well done my Dear 🌸💖🌸

It was a great experience, I am hoping to go back one day. Thank you my friend!

Super. Thank you for sharing!

Its such a giant and thanks for sharing @erikah

My pleasure.

Hello Erikah,
Great post, well documented.
I've enjoyed it.
Have a good weekend!

Thank you Helena!

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