Three continents in 48 hrs - £600 To Move To The Other Side Of The World - Blog #11

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Long story short; Belfast To Melbourne, The End. Let's unpack that shall we?


Plane journeys can be a struggle, especially when you are 6ft6 and in economy seating. After my family and I said our goodbyes in Belfast City Airport I was about to spend almost 30hrs at 37,000ft above sea level.


Last photo in Ireland!

The first flight wasn't so bad, just a quick up and down to London Heathrow airport in London. Which I must say is an incredible complex, even boasting it's own underground metro system just to take you to the correct terminal (something I didn't realise right away causing me to rush for my flight to Guangzhou).


English Police officers don't usually carry guns. Due to the recent terrorist attacks in the UK, security has seen a rapid increase. Here you can see three policemen armed with fully-auto MP5 submachine guns in hand with holstered semi-auto pistols. I must have seen at least ten officers outfitted like this.


So this is all I took with me, I decided it's best to travel light so I can get around easier.


One flight down two more to go.


My second flight was from London to Guangzhou - China, It was almost 12 hours long! Luckily I was fortunate enough to get upgraded to an emergency exit seat with extra legroom just for asking nicely, pretty sweet!

Nice touch China Southern, classy.


Was this good value for a coffee? At least I got change... Hmmm.
Because the handle of the cup was so small I spilled coffee everywhere and made a mess, so I' not going to show you that! haha


I didn't get a chance to take many pictures of the journey because my camera was in my checked luggage, I thunk the photos from my iPhone came out ok though.


While I was waiting in China for my connecting flight to Melbourne I noticed that I was pretty much the only white person getting on the flight, it was really strange to feel like a minority for the first time in my life as I was surrounded by Chinese people, really puts things into perspective.


My final flight was about eight hours long. I woke up from a nap and looked at the flight path, I saw that we had reached the north coast of Oz and thought ok sweet, I'm nearly here, nope I was dead wrong; Oz is a big place and I still had 3hrs 30mins left to go! Thanks to @weever123 I have the flight path photos, Look how many planes there are along the coast!


So that's how I travelled to Oz for just under £600 on a one way ticket! Plenty of walks along the coast from here on out!


My previous blog posts:
#10Free accommodation in Andalusia Spain - Blog #10
#9 Travelling as a Vegan in Portugal for six weeks! - Blog #9
#8 The R.M.S Titanic Museum & Paying It Forward! - Blog #8
#7 My First Solo Trip - Magical Sevilla Video Blog #7
#6 Photos taken inside the Alhambra Palace - Blog #6
#5 Exploring the Alhambra Palace
#4 First Solo Trip, what was I thinking?!
#3 Breaking into the annual vintage car show
#2 The Rise and Fall of the Knights Templar In Portugal
#1 Eery Underground Prison Tunnel Built in 1850


You have landed a great place! I believe it's worth the long trip! So many world class restaurants out there! Lovely! Enjoy

Definitely worth the trip! Oh I will keep an eye out for the restaurants! Thanks for the comment mate :)

You even have the great British chef Heston Blumenthal with one restaurant there! Looking forward for great post from there! Cheers

Oh yeah, you're right. Have to eat at Heston's restaurant!

Are you still on your vegan diet? I'm sure they will cater for you if you go there.

I've switched back to a vegetarian diet to see how my body feels on that, I'm still experimenting trying to find my balance. I'm going to still avoid dairy as much as possible though, I don't feel great with that in my system. I know it's possible to have a balanced vegan diet but for the moment I'm going to go with convenience. :)

Ah ok dear! You are absolutely right, you must only put only things that will make you feel well in your body! If you don't feel great with certain food, better not take it. Good luck mate

I remember flying to and from the other side of the world. Long flights are the worst. But it's all worth it!

It sure is, I don't want to see a plane for a loooooong time after that!

Great pictures, enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

Cheers, glad you like the post! :)

I did not realize that long flights could be so much fun. Ha ha

Exactly, I don'y see why people don't look forward to them. haha

I like the first photo - where you get down and capture the reflection of the sky and boats!

Thanks, yeah. That's a two minute walk from where I am staying right now! :)

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