Breaking into the annual vintage car show - climbing a wall is easy. Blog #3

in #blog7 years ago


Pay for a ticket? No thanks!

I have long legs, climbing walls is easy.




Having local knowledge of the area I was able to slip into the event free of charge. (although I did buy some overpriced food and drink inside so, Yin-Yang.) I could pay the £3 or take a two minute detour and walk along the river and hop over the wall where it dips down a bit, it's a pretty tranquil walk the other 364 days of the year when no motor vehicle are allowed.


It's a family occasion, a time to bring out that old motor that has been past down through your family for generations. Most of the people are pretty friendly and can tell you everything about the history of their car and will even let you sit inside while sharing their stories.





These old cars may look stunning on the outside, but don't let their makeup fool you. Sometimes these old hags are mutton dressed up as lamb. Breakdowns and engine failures were not uncommon on the day. Causing traffic backlogs of up to 30 minutes!

This man couldn't get his engine going in the end but was still determined to get to the show regardless. Some locals who were out enjoying the sunshine by watching the cars drive through the town with a pint in hand decided put down their pints (very hard thing for an irishman to do) and gave him the push he needed to get to the event!


Three in a row.jpg

These old buses certainly had character, the world seemed a much more colourful and vibrant place a few decades ago.


One of the main attractions each year is the possible highest concentration of DeLorean DMC-12's in existence. You will be familiar with this car from the film series "Back to the future." wherein the car was transformed into Marty McFly's time machine. These cars were created in Northern Ireland between 1981-1983, they were a total flop when it comes to high performance cars. Only 10,000 were ever made and there is thought to be only around 6,500 left in existence.



This guy has created a complete replica from the car used in the film, he comes every year. Since the car gets so much attention he decided to charge people to take a picture behind the wheel. I can't blame him, his hard work and effort should be rewarded.


Here are some of my personal favourites from the show!








Which car was your favourite?

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Previous Blog entries
#2 The Rise and Fall of the Knights Templar In Portugal
#1 Eery Underground Prison Tunnel Built in 1850



A classic! For me it's that Aqua Blue Pontiac Firebird! :)

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