" Pizza And Pasta - Yes, Gelato - No?" And A Glimpse of The "Kaiserwagen" ( The Emperor's Carriage)

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

The whole three days we were playing like children in Wuppertal, we were not really expecting to see the Kaiserwagen on the move. That time, it was not open to the public like it is nowadays. There was no chance for us to make a reservation to experience the nostalgic ride it offers which promises to allow one to experience what it's like to ride it way back then. If you love trains, sweets and a cuppa as well as re-living the Old Days, afaik, taking the Kaiserwagen would be worth a try cause it'll allow you to have all of those.

The day we saw it, we took the whole 20 station ride back and forth and finally got famished from having just a sandwich for lunch so when my husband saw an Italian Resto across from the Vohwinkel station, he didn't waste a sec of that chance of scoring a pizza and before I knew it he's already crossed the road and headed in there.


I opted for seafood spaghetti because my tummy was upset from eating too much pink currants which we brought along with us so I was hoping that the pasta and the bread would help harden the you know what. (ahahahah ~~ ^ ^ ) Sorry for the TMI.

Although, I understand a few German words just because they are somehow similar to some Dutch words, I do not speak good German so I always have to switch to conversing in English whenever we go in any place. I asked the waiter about which seafood are going in my spaghetti and he mentioned shells, mussels and motioned closing and opening his hands with his fingers doing the same movement the tentacles of a squid do.

We all burst out laughing because he looked very cute while doing that specially with his sweet, apologetic expression for having a poor English. I said, "It's alright, your English is poor but my German is zero, not even a spoonful so I guess that makes us even? Body language is best, is it squid?"

He went to the kitchen to probably ask the chef and came back with our drinks and told me in his sweet very distinct accent; "Calamare madam." Turns out he's Italian so though my husband speaks German it was still hard to understand each other.

Again, the food serving was XL if I may say. so. It felt like how it was when we were dining in Venice when my husband's vegetarian pizza arrived. Of course, I've coveted his food again and had a few slices of it so you can guess that I wasn't able to finish my pasta and there won't be any proof of yum in this post once again though the food was yummilicious. Btw, the mussels were okay - so were the calamari and nothing bad happened to my tummy and it's not the reason I didn't finish it.


Aside from the spaghetti serving is considerably XL, imho, it was served with bread that made me smile ear to ear when I saw them cause they look and taste so much like my favorite "Pan Legaspi" in the countryside I grew up - in Bicol so I also ate so much of those. We were told that they're originally Italian.

I stepped on the gas eating and before I knew it, all of my anacondas already got pregnant, my stomach looked like a three month baby bump I had to stop eating though my eyes said; "continue". I just fished out every piece of seafood there was and left the heavy pasta over.

It felt like I was full to my neck so we stayed in a while chit chatting with Enrico. I thought ... perhaps, coffee would help relax my probably shocked tummy and it is best taken with dessert so I asked for the dessert menu and surprised that there's neither a tiramisu nor a gelato in it. Though his English is not that badat all, like Tarzan ... I blurted out;

" Pizza And Pasta - Yes, Gelato - No?"

... just because~~. He laughed and explained that hey have a friend who sells gelato one street ahead so they didn't bother including it in their menu. We paid for our bill and bid them goodbye and headed out for gelato.

Though it was chilly cause it was windy that day, my husband and I both gave in to our guilty pleasures and had coffee and gelato because running around catching trains like children is really a tiring thing to do for 40 year olds.


We sat in the gelato house and chatted with the gelato guy and I managed to practice my rusty, very basic Italian. We all laughed when I said "piccolo" because I, too realized that I actually meant "pocco" to answer the question about whether I speak Italian since I've been replying in it. More laugh filled and body language dominated chats went on in between taking pics of trains passing by.


After the gelato break, we headed back to the station to go back to our hotel and we passed by a park that has displays of the old spare parts of the Schwebe Bahn.



My husband went reading the story about them while I went on taking pics of the trains passing by while lazily sitting on one of the park benches cause again, I can't read German. I wish someone in Steemit would give basic German vlogs, pretty please :).


Suddenly, the "Kaiserwagen" passed by so I was surprised cause for all I know it was not supposed to ride that day. I took one quick shot of it and ran like ogres were after me towards the station to get to see it. My husband on my tail, running and giggling while saying; "hurry love, the other side! the other side!" cause I was heading for the wrong stairs since I was hoping to see what's inside it looks like, up close.

We ended up heading for the other side though, cause we needed to go back to our hotel anyway and from there, we found out, it was being used as a wedding carriage by a couple who probably are fans of Star Wars, that day cause the groom was holding this balloon.


I noticed the old fashioned lights and the old fashioned interior inside it but didn't manage to take a pic of the details anymore because it started moving back to park. Another bummer!


No, we didn't get to ride the Kaiserwagen so we do have a reason to get back when we find another time to do so and hopefully, we get back home with the model trains now that we know where to find it. Btw, these are all based on my experiences on my visit there.

This content's 100% mine . Except for the pic of me which was taken by my husband who gave me permission to post it, I took some of the pics with my D Eye . and some with my smartphones

**TIP :
ONLY Upvote POSTS THAT ARE 6 DAYS OLD below to earn yourself curation rewards.



Thank you for posting this lovely day out @englishtchrivy.

Sounds and looks like a beautiful place.....so happy to hear you saw the exceptional train once again.......sweet. ^__^

The food looks delicious.....yes....never leave seafood behind....I would have done the very same. hehe

Wishing you a lovely weekend mon ami.


mon ami! ^ ^
hi ya!

thank you!

it is, it is :D

sunny here
and the days ahead seem promising
take care and you, too have a great weekend!

If I were you I would get in contact with the administration of Wuppertal and ask for a percentage for all this free publicity you're doing for them.


Just watched your post in the morning and all of a sudden wanted pizza.

Great advertising for Wuppertal!

you can always buy or better yet, make one !

lol, have you seen Smash's suggestion up there?

maybe I can do better as a marketer than a teacher
hmm.. that sounds like a good choice of a switch

Had one yesterday. 😁

Yes, you could go for that, be a marketeer!


Oaldamst .. ik ben aan het experiment doen
ik merk dat de recharge tijd van de VI echt te traag is
ik probeer me dagelijks te posten
mijn VI gaat echt te laag ...
ik ben benieuwd hoe veel dagen duurt het om terug naar 100%
ik ge kijken ...

anyway, fijne dag! en groetjes van S en ik! bijna Augustus!

Zou +20% herstel per dag zijn. 👍

Fijne dag!

Ja, augustus komt er aan. 😉

Groetjes retour van hier naar daar!

die herstel wel heel snel hoor
gisteren had ik 10% of zo?
maar nu probeer ik tot 5%
dan zien we wel
ben benieuwd

I left my VI at 5.40% now
I will have to abstain from looking at my account
or get tempted to return ups or worse
post again
it's very very low now
5.74 %

see you after 114 hours
now I will have to let it rest
and practice some self control
to see how many days it would take to get it back up to 100%

You can do it Ivy! 😉👍

5.74% adik kah! Musta lola. Na-istroke si mama 2 linggo na, awa ng Diyos nasa bahay na sya. Wala lang, naalala lang kita. xoxo

am good!
sorry to hear about your mom
I hope she's fine now..

I sent you an email last time
I can't seem to reach you both on chat & discord.

I hope you're alright, sorry I was on vacay ..
I hope all is well with you!

excellent travel chronicle dear friend @ englishtchrivy, you bring so many details that make us live the moment, I even felt writhing in my pansa for the abundant food and the delicious desserts.
Thank you for including us in your walk
I wish you a happy stay

thank you!

am glad it gives you such effect
who says we can only travel live :)

the food is very good .. the journey is fun .. thank you for sharing. success always for you.

thank you for the kind wishes

You are welcome

Wow your food is delicious


thank you

don't forget to
make sure your blog page still looks like yours
your stories and posts are important, too

I noticed that you resteem too much

What a wonderful adventure for you and your husband. I cannot believe how large the dinner portions were...enough for 6 people! I'm sure you were indeed stuffed. Can't wait until the next installment!

I think the serving in the restos in the city is always like this
any city in DE but then again I haven't been to so many yet so I could be wrong, too

What a beautiful story you seem to be a very loving and stable couple, that continue forming history for us to be able to read them.
And that they continue having delicious and fun experiences.
Have a beautiful and happy day.

thank you :)

You tell the story in such a way that I'm living in it and getting a sense of being there. I like your pictures from Kaiserwagen and it's a place I would like to travel to.

Hehe, your stomach is arguing again, it helps to drink water with carbonic acid

thank you for reading :D

I hope you get to visit it one day :)
and it's near here so if you decide to go by car
please keep me posted we could meet
it's just a 2 hour drive unless you want to visit Arnhem too

yes, it was the currant
and I suspect the milk I had for breakfast
it was a bad idea to take milk and snack on the pink currants but I really love them :D
I found out that it was the culprit when I stopped eating and my tummy finally pacified, too

Awesome story you share here, except the story of tummy hehe... I guess those food way yummy that eye's and mind can't get ride of lol...but you cool everything with coffee and gelato sound really interesting to see those beautiful places and ride that train.. thx for share @englishtchrivy

thanks for reading

lol am being tempted to remove that tummy TMI already

You are welcome..

Wow that's a really fun and amazing day you had loved the epic delicious food :D i am hungry too ;p

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