Quote of the day: "Some journeys in life can only be traveled alone.”

in #travel6 years ago

Dear Steemit friends and followers,

With the weekend being over soon and the new week ahead of us, let me take this moment to share one of my favorite travel quotes with you.

Source: pinterest.com, author: Ken Poirot, American writer, mentor and motivational speaker

"Some journeys in life can only be traveled alone."

What is your opinion on this interesting quote, my fellow Steemians? Have you already been on a journey (in life or while traveling) that could only be traveled alone? Or do you prefer traveling with someone else?

Let me know in the comments below, I am looking forward to your stories :)

Have a great start to the new week and Steem on!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Great news to kick off the weekend: Steem continues to skyrocket - current price $4.45!

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Solo travelling is a fun itself. It is best for self analysis. If you want to spend some time alone you can travel to your favorite place alone. In a group or with family no doubt you enjoy a lot and in solo trip sometimes we feel lonely but during solo trip you can learn alot about new cultures, people their lifestyle. You would have better option to make new friends. You can spend time with the nature

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Absolutely agreed. Traveling alone can be a journey by itself:)

Well, we generally say that "if you want to go FAST, you go alone but if you want to go FAR, you go with people". But personlly, i believe that whether you go alone or go with people depends on what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve it.

Absolutely spot on and agreed. Thank you for adding some of your thoughts on the subject.

I prefer to be with someone while I travel. This makes my journey very pleasant and I don't get bored. You are also right there is a time when we have to travel alone. As I earlier said I prefer to be with someone.

I hear you out. Traveling with friends, family and loved ones definitely has its own merits. Thank you for stopping by and have a great evening. Tomas

that is so0 true! Some don't understand the importance of occasional solitude and personal growth.

Yep, nicely said.

Today's sentence is as beautiful as it lasts, I say it because it applies to many things, the journey can also be life itself, we get so used to being accompanied that we are often afraid to be alone, but this is necessary to be able to advance and know how far we are able to go. We ourselves are the best company. Regards

Can be. I think this phrase tells us that at some point in our lives we can travel alone and get away from routine, clear our mind, find ourselves to improve something in our lives. However, although I believe that this can work, I like to travel accompanied and enjoy those pleasant moments with the people I love.

Oh well, I think both has its own merits and all really depends on situation. The main goal it to explore, have fun and enjoy which can be done both, either with friends or alone. Thank you for your thoughts. Tomas

I love to travel alone cos it reduces the burden of looking after someone if the person is keeping up. I once traveled with my niece to see a show and lost him in the crowd. Took hours find him and since I have been travelling alone

Oh well, I think that was just unfortunate thing to happen. Do not be afraid to take him for another trip:)

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page."_St. Agustine

Like the first, the last journey of life can be alone. Travel is an important issue of life. I have traveled a lot of places but not alone. Sometimes with my family and sometimes with my friends. I think travel alone will not be pleasant.

I would not necessarily agree with you that traveling alone would not be pleasant. I have traveled extensively myself either with friends, family or alone and it all has some benefits. Traveling alone let's you discover yourself bit more and pay more attention to others and meeting more new people. Oh well, we all have our own thing.... Thank you for stopping by. Tomas

Oh really! I have never thought it. If I traveled along then I will be meeting more new people. Thanks sir, for your suggestion.

It is best for self analysis. If you want to spend some time alone you can travel to your favorite place alone. In a group or with family no doubt you enjoy a lot and in solo trip sometimes we feel lonely but during solo trip you can learn alot about new cultures, people their lifestyle. You would have better option to make new frends

Spot on. Thank you for your comment.

Smiles... Lovely quote with deep thought.

This quote is explaining the concept of independency. It connotes that in life, you don't have to be dependent on some people before you can succeed. You need to fight for yourself, make your self, believe in yourself and never give up. This will lead to to an independent lifestyle and you will be very happy you achieve this.

Most people of today failed and some get heartbroken because they always depend on people which may end up disappointing them.

Some journey in life are meant to be walked alone and not with someone else.

I conclude by leaving this quote Always learn to be dependent as it builds your self confidence which will surely make you successful and fearless.

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