Town From Above - Split, Croatia - MyPictureDay Submission

in #travel7 years ago

To the Moon they say! If you are in Split, first hill is high enough! You will feel as happy as if STEEM just reached ATH!

Enough strolling around the waterfront gave me an idea to go see how the city looks from above. I asked a few cute locals how to get there and it was easier than I thought. The city hill is called Marjan. Only 178 meters high. But keep in mind we are at the water level in the city.

Just a 20 minute climb. There were few people heading the same way. Probably going up in 40 degrees at 2 PM isn’t the brightest idea. I survived without a beer, so no sweat!

First stop is a beautiful small cafe overlooking the city. For a mere 10 kunas (1.60$) you get an espresso and for those more daring - 20 kunas (3.20$) for a beer. In this location - a bargain!

I liked the vibe of the place. Very chill music and sense of respite. Almost a meditation. Try @steemit-health for a guided meditation every day!

Next stop. Old Jewish Cemetery. Not a soul in the whole area. I like the simplicity of their tombs. What is it with these small rocks on the tombs? Do people put them there? It's everywhere!

On the very top, a fountain to refresh yourself and some other cool looking stuff like this stone theatre. Even the fauna seemed exotic to my untrained eye. I skipped the Zoo because I object to caging wild animals.

Go see for yourselves, you won’t regret it!

Camera: Cell phone - Moto G4 Plus 16MP

Adventures and feel-good vibes in posts of: @kingsmind @exyle @kus-knee @adventureevryday @trafalgar @slowwalker @twinner @ace108 @timsaidYou can find a lot more travel posts in my blog as well as other posts on various topics. Thank you for all your sharing, caring and upvoting!

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I interact with Chinese Steemers too little! Check out this post by @deanliu. He talks about his last year on Steemit and some witness proposals. Not a bad read!

Do you ever hike?


These time you are talking a little bit philosophical.

Awesome pictures in this post brother! Great stuff.

How was the festival?

nice to see your holiday - i also posted some holiday pics today -- i haven't met you before so i followed and will keep an eye out for your posts

Gorgeous photos @buzzbeergeek, I have always wanted to check out Split. My wife has been there but I never have, she absolutely raves about the food there. I believe the rocks on the tombs are meant to show how many times they have been visited, each rock represents one visit, that is what we were told anyhow. We traveled to Israel last year and we noticed the same thing at the tombs on the mount of olives.

Interesting. Not a big Jewish community here so I know little. The whole coast is known for the seafood! Splurge a little when STEEM goes up! ;)

Love to read something like this. Keep it going!
Now I am on the "one month no beer challange". Please read it


LOVE this post..I went to that exact cafe in Split a couple years ago, it was just a few minutes walk from my hostel... and I'm going back to Split next week - super excited! Haven't been to that Jewish cemetery, will have to check that out this time around. How long will you be there? If you're still there in a week+ maybe we can meet up :)

Returned a few days ago. Visit Leopold Craft Bar - a review in my post about Barba Pale Ale! ;)

nice - will do! chwala ;)

Nice photos! Upvoted!
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Kisses Nena!

This post got a 24.17 % upvote thanks to @buzzbeergeek - Hail Eris !

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