So what if i'm Proud. Hostal Del Lago

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

I guess i am a strange guy. I have spent my time on steemit writing a blog about my life yet only rarely brought up this thing that i have poured my entire existence into for the last 8 years. I have talked around it a lot, but never directly. So today i give a different kind of introduction. Today i introduce you to my hostal. Hostal Del Lago.
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Maybe it is the nostalgia from currently being away, maybe it's a few stray comments from people asking why i dont talk about the hostal, maybe its because this week i discovered 2 past volunteers here on steemit and one of them wrote this to me recently, "You have created a very special little place and anyone I have spoken to who knows about Guatemala, knows about Del Lago. You have a lot of energy moving through that space" thanks for that @neeqi it made my day to hear. Or maybe it's because just as i started this post...... @limabeing contacted me and wanted to ask about bringing a crew of steemians on a retreat vacation here..... yet wanted to understand what she was asking everone to get into.... so here is a raw breakdown of what Del Lago is and what it means to me.
So i guess now is the best time to say fuck the idea of my not wanting to be a shill for my own spot here on Steemit, Fuck my Humble. This place and process has been an insane amount of work and i want to show it off finally.... P.S. you can pay to stay with STEEM!!
And while i may call it 'mine', the truth is.... it is of many. It would be nothing without the amazing people that came and imprinted a piece of themselves here. So many volunteers and some guests have had such a strong impact on this constantly developing space. I always find it amazing the various beings that come together from all over the world to find each other. For me it is nice to think of it as a magnet of good people finding good people.... in order to create long lasting bonds together. Here is a photo of one of many foreign 'found family' feasts.


There is no doubt that this Hostal would be nothing with out the beautiful smiles and hard work of the local Mayans, who cook, clean, build, guard and care for it. It is a joy to be working with such a fun and loving culture. They bring a calmness to the place, a juxtaposition to us tourists, as we each come from our fast paced lives in our ever pressured western worlds. They constantly remind and teach me and others about what is actually important in this life. Family, community, faith, tolerance, patience and a realization that material possessions are not the key to happiness. Here you have a playful shot in the kitchen and several of us at our wedding last year.
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Yet of course it would also be nothing with out me, my wife, and perhaps mostly our kids who were the real motivation for making it happen. As both Sarah and i were world vagabonds confronted with the reality of parenthood. Hostal Del Lago became our vehicle for settling, while still letting the spirit of travel to pass through our now stable-ish existence.
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Now let us begin a little tour. Not complete....but a glimpse into the day to day of Del Lago.
And so it is best to start with the heart.
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This platform was one of our first major constructions. Built out over the was our learning space. A place for all the workshops that folks wanted to think up. It was built with a dying cedar tree that i lamented cutting down but was happy to use in this powerful spot. We have a yoga collective that teaches 2 daily classes. The 7:30 and 9:00 am yoga classes happen 365 days a year and are set.....while anyone can come and offer there skills to the weekly line up that are available throughout the rest of the day. Interaction and community has always been a driving force behind the creation of Del Lago. For me this learning space is an anchor to the spirit we try to hold.

And now the Fire.

I have always felt fire brings us together...a great equalizer. Some primal part of us feels at ease staring into a fire. The fire pit has changed locations many times...but was ever present. Our weekly drum circle is facilitated by Thor...a man who lives and breathes drums.

Now... how bout a few shots of the cafe and venue.



Here we dance, talk, eat and create. How many hearts, hugs, bites and ideas have been shared here. Bare footed and bare soul'd we meet in this space. It is a bubble of dreams. Some say it is not the real Guatemala. Maybe it is not, but it is in Guatemala and can be real amazing at times. From day 1 i have said....'i never want this place to stink of money, Del Lago will never Scare the Money!' For me it is a melting pot, a second home, a comfort zone.

Wanna learn spanish?
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At Español Del Lago we boast dynamic daily classes. Private and Groups accommodated. While most spanish schools demand rigid long term courses...we provide flexibility to the uncertainty of many a traveler.

Maybe you are here to relax or learn?

Our Spa and treatment center is called the Health Peak. With 3 to 5 trained therapists at any given are sure to find a treatment catered to your needs. From floating on hot water massages, to Thai, to Swedish. Reflexology, facials, Reiki, meditation, and aromatherapy. Whether looking for a treatment or a workshop...the Health Peak is here to pamper and learn.

I'm more interested in Art than our let me show you a few murals painted on the rooms by local Mayan Artists.
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Our rooms are affordable... i could post a bunch of pictures...but our hostal is more about the space...the rooms are where you throw your bag and crash. If you seek luxury...maybe a neighboring hotel here in San Marcos would fit better, you will always be welcome to come enjoy the space all the same. What we provide is basic sleeping with perks. Free water, a real deal breakfast, communal kitchen, wifi, nightly sauna and gas powered showers... (that many places don't provide at a higher price)
Something I like to say is, 'come with your dreams...not your expectations.'
For 10- 20$ a night....we ride the wave of fair....those that don't like it...are more than welcome to bitch on TripAdvisor ...with the rest of the lame needy fucks that should have stayed in their perfect countries! Haha...just kidding can always pamper yourself elsewhere and come to ours for some live music and community. Our Sauna is lit nightly...and there is nothing quite like baking oneself and then plunging into the lake and floating while staring up at the stars, for me this moment...looking up into that great sparkling universe....this is when I say fuck ya...this is what life is all about.... or at least a part of it.
Here is a video that was given as a surprise gift by one of these wild amazing volunteers that somehow keep finding us. Thanks SamWhere!

So i leave you with a few shots from our new dock. Here is where the sun bakes us during the day...and becomes magic as it meets the night. Big Love Always from The Butt of Del Lago.
We invite you to come enJoy the Joy!

What you see is original writing and original photos of the Original Hostal Del Lago, San Marcos la Laguna, Guatemala. Special thanks to Alex and @lavidaesunviaje who are the current managers at Del Lago.... while our family rests on a much appreciated vacation. They provided several of these photos and more so are our saviors during our time away.


Wow. I really want to come down now. This is an amazing post. That video was great, wonderful job by SamWhere. The murals are awesome! Everything about this looks amazing. Yes please on the sauna and the lake :) Much love - Carl

To say that this is exactly what i need in my life right now is an understatement!

Oh my God, I cannot believe that it's you, Brian! This post made me remember some of the best times I have ever spent traveling (San Marcos is still my favorite place ever). Your place is truly amazing, man! I hope that San Marcos is just as awesome as it was back in 2016. Say hello to all the people and animals that are still there! I miss every single creature I met in that little town haha. I occasionally remember Hostal Del Lago with a smile on my face and promise myself to come back to visit one day, and I will do that for sure one day. Man, it is an awesome surprise to see you on Steemit.

"those that don't like it...are more than welcome to bitch on TripAdvisor ...with the rest of the lame needy fucks that should have stayed in their perfect countries!" - also, I know that you are not kidding saying this haha

sweet to connect again! yeah....i started getting into crypto in may after dabbling around for years reading but never getting in. in august i had a month off and spent most that time researching and developing a thesis for my investment profile. in the process of researching i found steemit. i was like...hmmm, this fits right into my search for coins with actual utility. so i joined. i floundered around for the first few weeks. almost ditched it. then i got this kooky idea that i needed to give it a proper chance. i made a 60 days...60 posts challenge to myself. the start was lonely...nobody friends... in my real life people would laugh at me openly for making .15 cents or less on a post...but i kept saying...well, im doing this for me...maybe someday. eventually a small groups of friends and followers arrived. now im loving it. i still dont make tons of money or anything...but i have brought like 15 people to the platform am active and figure that several of us all growing together will eventually all crawl out of the depths of noobness. you are lucky being an early adopter... i guess back in the day it must have been a bit easier engaging and growing? anyway...great to find you!!! and yeah...ill say hi to folks for you and please do come are always welcome!!

Awesome to get a glance of one of my future holiday destinations ;)

Sweet. would be so cool to have you and fam....@steemholidays launch party!!!!

Great post!
By the time you come back later this year, counting my three visits to your baby (the hostel) I’m gonna have been here for a year!!! This is the place me and so many people can’t avoid coming back once and again!
You can be sure I’ll be back but next time for holiday! 😜
Love you bro! And your family, hostel, humor!
Enjoy your holidays and let me know what kind of photos you need for your next Del Lago post! 😉
Btw, this is the new member of Del Lago family!

is that ana...what up with that it photo shopped? thanks know you will always have a home at Del Lago!

Not Ana! Is anas nephew... it’s been around I think since before you left...

"Fuck my humble!!!" @buttcoins
It is about time! Thank you for sharing this. It makes your steem identity real. This is a huge part of you. And you absoutly should be proud.
Hostel del Lago makes San Marcos what it is. In a way it feels like the heart of the whole town. Much respect for all your hard work making this place a reality.

awww thanks! that means a lot coming from the guy who runs the best permaculture bamboo hotel at lake atitlan!

Dang, one more vote before mine and I would have been the lucky 100th upvote! This is a great post, man... I hope you get a lot of momentum going that way... Could become the first Hosteem? (Resteemed too!)

thanks for the can make all our fake funny meme advertisement and you are the master at the out of the box twists!

Oh man, you made me brainstorm just now, and I just thought of Fruit Of The Moon!!! Oh wow... Crypto underwear!!!
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Boy oh boy... If I wanted to visit before, I really want to visit now! Looks amazing, and I didn't know you had the treatments etc. What really comes across in this article is the atmosphere of creativity at the hostel, the air of excitement and travelers buzz infuses me from your words m8. Hmmmnn, if the markets pick up, I'm there ;-)

sorry...only management roles are open to you....not having someone with your skill sets just coming to get massages! 😎

Del Lago's the sweet spot. . . take note!

You are too sweet yourself!

You should be incredibly proud to share what you have created! Del Lago is an amazing place and I can honestly say all the people I have connected with while being there feel very much the same. I would never trade my time there and going through this post has me reminiscing so damn hard. I definitely have plans to be back in the future.

@dtubedaily shoud all go there!!!!

YES! This would actually be amazing.

fuck ya bro....i would facilitate that in a heart beat...the town is all about workshops and learning...we could have a vlogging a video workshop...we could easily host...we have cinema and 3 projectors...would be so cool!!!

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