The One Thing Everyone in Your Family Should Have Right Now - Thumbs Up Thursday by A Panama Mama

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Your parents are visiting a different country and something happens and you need to get there as soon as possible to help, but you cannot go. You have the money, you can get a flight, but you do not have your passport. The single most important item that each person needs to have at all times is a valid passport for yourself and each member of your family.


You do not know when something will happen to yourself or another family member that necessitates having an immediate need to leave your current country. You would not even have the time to go to the passport office and apply for an expedited copy. Possibly you will be in such distress over the reason for having to leave that you will not be able to fully function…or the government offices are closed.

It is always important to have a plan for where you will go and what you will do in an emergency. International flights or travel should always be an option and for that to be possible, you must have a valid passport for every member of your family. Can you imagine going to the airport and getting on a plane with your spouse but leaving your children standing there because they do not have a passport? I know so many families who have passports for the parents, but they do not consider that their kids also must be available to leave the country at a moment’s notice.

My brother recently was going to Norway for a few months to work on a project for six weeks. He had been doing this various times throughout the year and my sister-in-law was getting tired of being left home with their girls, so they decided to take the whole family. The girls, however, did not have passports. They had to do three expedited passports in just a few days and almost did not get them back before it was time to fly out. Had they already had the passports completed, it would have been no problem and less cost.


To get passports for your children in the United States, it is relatively easy:

  1. Fill Out Form DS-11
  2. Provide U.S. Citizenship Evidence
  3. Bring a Photocopy of U.S. Citizenship Evidence
  4. Show Parental Relationship
  5. Present ID
  6. Bring a Photocopy of ID
  7. Show Parental Consent
    Both parents/guardians must authorize the issuance of the child's passport. The best way to do this is for both parents/guardians to go with the child in person to apply for the passport.
  8. Provide a Photo
  9. Calculate Fees $105
  10. Submit Your Completed Application

You literally never know why you might need or want to leave the country, but you want to be able to do that with all the members of your family should the need arise. You want to be prepared in case this happens. To be prepared, you must have a valid passport ready for each child and adult in your family. An added bonus to having your passports ready is that it makes it easier if you decide to go somewhere exotic for a vacation…or even to take your spouse on a secret getaway (my dad tried to do this but my mom's passport had just expired, so he had to tell her the plan)!

What is the one thing you think everyone should have?


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I used to travel a lot until about 5 Years ago like at least 5 overseas trips every year so it was a habit to keep my passportt up to day and I still keep mine updated just received my latest one a few weeks ago

Nice - it is a good thing to make sure you keep up to date. You just never know when you might need it and it might be hard/impossible to get at that point. ;) I've been trying to tell my friends and family this for a while now. And perhaps they could use it to come visit us here in Panama. :)

to me it is just common sense but then again I live out if my home country so I have to keep it updated lol

Where is your home country? I didn't realize you're a fellow expat!

I am originally from NZ but haven’t left bed there for over 30 years

Oh nice! There's a guy here in Panama from NZ as well.

were all over the world lol

I bought them for my kids when they were younger as well. You never know when a last minute vacation deal might pop up. I usually carry a printed copy with me when I travel and leave a jpeg of my passport with family. Just in case. I actually had to use my photocopies in Peru when my passports were stolen several years ago.

Oh wow - that's a great idea for leaving copies at home and taking them with you as well. :) Yes a last minute vacation deal would be a great way to use your passport!!

passport is so keen to every individual to hold.l got mine renewed no long ago

That is good. It is important to have your passport ready and available!

Always..thanks for the info

Couldn't agree with this more. Got mine :)

Thanks for stopping by. It is good to have it ready!

Always. Be prepared.

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Wahoo! Toot toot!! :) All aboard! Thanks

Definitely true. I live out of my home country and have traveled internationally since I was very young, so it never occurred to me that some don't see a passport as a necessity. A good friend of mine in the UK wanted to go on holiday with her boyfriend, so they went to apply for a passport for neither his grandparents nor his parents had ever had one, and his grandparents didn't even have birth certificates (poor, rural community) it took them almost a year of constant bureaucracy! Taught me a lesson about the importance of doing this before you "need" it.

Yes, it is true to get one before it is needed! It probably could take a while! Yikes!

Absolutely true @panamamama - be prepared!

In countries like where I live though, you must add patience to the list. Over October/November I visited our nearest office three times, fully prepared for renewing mine, only to be disappointed every time - system down!! All day long!! (And that after phoning before leaving home to make sure the system is up and running..eish!!) And then came the holiday season, when I did not think the prospects would be any better.

So that means three wasted days and 600km travelled that I did not budget for. Guess I must have a go at it again in a week or so!

Yikes - that is a lot of work for nothing! I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it works out the next time you try. It is true in every country that patience and extra money are necessary. We tried doing pictures at home for the kids, printed them and then were told they weren't white enough on the background, or were too white on the face, etc. Yes, basically they just want you to pay the fee at the passport place to have them take the pic.

Gotta visit my daughter - no PP, no visit!

Good luck with your project!

Thanks! Yes, if you need one to visit your daughter, you need to get one! :)

wow I thought is very easy over there but sounds easy. Thanks for this @apanamamama

Yes - not really hard to get one! :)

I have been thinking a lot about getting a passport and having my son get a passport also. I have never been out of the United States. And don't plan on going anywhere. But you never know what can happen in the future.

Yes, it's a good idea to have one. And you never just might want to jump on a plane to somewhere at some point and having your passport might the the stimulus you need for some travel. ;)

Very important tips. I carry my passport with me EVERYWHERE. It's just a habit at this point

Nice - always good to be prepared.

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