Taj Mahal – Intoxicating Love Globally ; PART 2

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Dear friends,

Here is my second part of the travelogue. A trip to the world famous Taj Mahal..Hope you loved the first part...

Please read and let me know how it is. Appreciate your patience in advance...

Here my story starts... Taj Mahal – Intoxicating Love Globally ; PART 2


The first look of Taj as I crossed this gate brought mixed feelings, one that of finally I got to see this ultimate beauty, second an emotional excitement, third a statement of Nothing is Impossible for love, and love is same and blind for emperors too. I also realized later whether it is the first, second or fifth visit, this may be the only structure in India which makes the same exclamation from everyone’s conscience by the time the visitors will realize how this memorial for love has been transformed to an architecturally wonderful building.

The impressive garden between the gate and Taj Mahal at far behind is another proof that there was no shortage for landscape architects too during those times and was spread over a large area that the huge crowd seems to be dispersed and they looked immersed in blooming flowers, spectacularly arranged fountain and in the normal custom of photo-shoots. Each and every visitor seen going crazy for photos and selfies. No wonder why this world’s wonder from both ancient and modern lists is always in the list of most photographed locations worldwide. Most of the guides here are so expert in handling every type of professional camera like a pro as visitors are not worried much to hand over it to them to capture a photo with everyone in the frame with Taj as background.

DSCN0662.JPG Long walkway from the Entrance

After a 15-20 minutes’ walk enjoying the beauty of Taj Mahal in each step and looking at the people indulging in many ways to make their visit so memorable by capturing as much photos from different locations and a variety of poses we reached in front of the white structure where an average of 10000 people will come in a day.

Shoe keeping locations were available on both sides of the entrance to the plinth level as shoes and chappals are not allowed to avoid scratches and damages. Alternatively for those who are lucky to collect a white funny cover can use it as a protection over the shoes and enter. But how much time it will take to enter the inside of Taj Mahal depends on the crowd. In one of my trip we stood in queue encircling the whole building because of the heavy rush on a holiday.

A few steps to be climbed to reach the floor level of the Taj and as I entered up my eyes were wandered in different directions and soon realized that the essence of a visit to Taj not lies in the white marble beauty only but every where it was a picture perfect sceneries to be cherished. The four minarets at four corners standing tall in a slight angle inwards, the huge center dome and adjacent smaller domes made with same white marbles, the Yamuna River flowing on the back side, an unfinished face of another Taj which never materialized on other side of the river planned to be constructed with black marble, the red Agra fort little far away where Shajahan spent his last days as prisoner by his son Aurangzeb staring at Taj Mahal, adjacent buildings which could well be unique and famous in their own name if it were not happened to be part of Taj but elsewhere. These were few things that could fill any heart with pure joy before moving to know what real Taj Mahal is.

DSCN0628.JPG Backside view

Waiting in a queue is always a boring thing anywhere for any purpose, but in Taj standing in a slow moving line of people was another opportunity to closely watch the patterns; design and how much effort might had put in by the workers, masons, artisans etc to create such a huge construction with unenviable symmetry. As my professional life is very much related to engineering and had seen every technology, possible equipments and machineries associated with construction of tall buildings I spared my thoughts on that 20000 plus workers toiled for long 22 years when no such mechanized efforts were available for lifting, transporting etc etc and the final product shaped in an immaculately stunning piece of construction which still remains as a reminder to world over about Mughal architecture as fresh as that made 4 centuries ago except for pollution damages.

Inside Taj – where the tombs were placed – the first impression was that the interior is a mismatch for the awe inspiring look of Taj from the outside. A marble chamber small in size with centre portion occupied by the two tombs, one for Shajahan’s which is little bigger and other belongs to Mumtaz’. There must be many designs, peculiarities and much more valuable and exclusive items has been adorning this chamber but sadly the large number of people gathered inside since the queue was only up to the door and everyone was rushing to get a glimpse of the tombs with absence of any artificial lights made the time spent inside little uncomfortable. The guide was trying his level best to perform his job what he intended to but the sound and rush by the people was so hard to understand what he was trying to convey except one thing that the original remains’ of Mumataz is way below what we were seeing in d chamber.

The rest of the areas inside was not so crowded but policemen were stationed in few locations to empty the area for not to get crowded again since visitors were seen roaming around here and there spending a lot of time for photos, watching the beauty of walls, the domes above and we were not different either trying to stay as long as possible to see the engraving designs on white marble with spotless precision in the walls, in the handrails etc. The guide also showed a hole through which the full mosque on the outside can be captured with a mobile.

Exit was through the back side and none of us were in a hurry to leave and decided to spend some more time appreciating every possible locations and corners in not so hot rays of bright evening sun. The mosque on the west side is another notable attraction and to maintain the symmetry a guest house with same size and type is made with red sand stone on the other side. Time for small regret now for being skipped the lectures on Mughal construction and architecture during my engineering classes as realized it was highly exclusive with a special place in history appreciated worldwide.


A visit to the nearby museum on return was equally important especially for those who were pondered about any existing details during the construction and also to few others who were so keen to indulge with history. It was really surprising by seeing the different drawings detailed with pinpoint accuracy to the exact construction of Taj Mahal. Site plan, elevation, position of the tombs and many details prepared prior to executing the job were preserved very carefully in one of the gallery. Some royal orders insisting on regular supply of Marbles from Rajasthan were also available. Other two galleries contains some swords, arms, paintings, royal documents, specimens of handwriting of that period and other stuffs related to making of Taj Mahal.

Finally it was time to leave the place and guide was still accompanying us helping with more photo shoots, giving more knowledge about the trees on the garden, and funny stories he encountering every day with fluent accent than some of us posses. We noticed some cell type individual rooms with half the size of normal rooms on both sides of the walkway and as per the guide it was accommodation facility arranged to workers during Taj Mahal’s construction.

Some local purchase was also part of any such trips, though we bought some stuffs from the road side vendors and small shops close to the parking area. But the secret of guide following with too much affection was realized only when he insisted us for brief visit to some Govt approved handicrafts shops as he will get a commission for each purchase we makes. Replicas of Taj ranging from rupees 200 to few thousands were available along with other stuffs. It was an automatic selection to buy each for all of us as a memorabilia to one of the most beautiful man made wonder on earth.

While traveling back to Delhi I was thinking it was a visit where people across the globe irrespective of their nationality, class, caste, religion, wealth is ready to take any pain and time to worship the Universal feeling of Love and experience may be “Royal Power of love” or “Power of Royal love!!!!” etched in white marbles.

Visit my first Part: https://steemit.com/travel/@angelro/taj-mahal-intoxicating-love-globally-part-1


Taj mahal is a famous place. It is the famous name of love. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks a lot for reading and sparing the time to write to me....


You describe it Very detail and I feel I Were there visit Taj Mahal. Very good post and qualified.Thanks for sharing

This comment made me really happy...Thaaanks a lot...I was thinking no body is seeing my effort because I am never a writer...But just scribbled something about the places I visited....

Your sincere reply inspiring me to be franks.....Appreciate from the heart my friend...

Yes go make a story about something special in Your country:) I like reading story

Really...thats so nice of you to hear like that....Read when free...Its from one of the famous spiritual place of India...


See, you have talent to be a writer you have potential. You writing very good .this platform is the place ,you are in the right place.

You made my day dear friend. I shown to very few people (out of which many are like its, its good saying category but not have the real intention to analyze and point its god and bads) only about my blogs as I am not sure how its rating would be. Now many of unknown and unseen people are appreciating and I feel it is somewhat good...

So thanks a lot to hear it...I have few more stories that I will share...

So keep up your good work :)

Excellent work done @angelro. I love the whole story about beautiful wonder Taj Mahal. Lovely . Keep it up!

Thanks you shanu...I am happy you liked it...Hope your days are good too

Oh, I'm really sorry that I didn't read this before! The pictures are beautiful and your writing took me to the Taj Mahal, you described everything so beautifuly!

Thanks a lot, especially when you are short of time due to different reasons you spared few minutes to read my blog. Even though I wont consider myself as a wrtiter everyone literally crave for a recognition and you people are made me happy in that way..

The same goes with you too probably when you completes a beautiful drawing...

Thanks a lot..busy time again

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