Trip to San Francisco: Getting robbed by thieves and the Canadian government.

in #travel7 years ago

I am going to write a few different blogs about my trip to San Francisco. It was an awesome trip for a guy from Canada to do in October. We left with snow on the ground and walked around in tank tops all week... but that is not why you clicked on this article. No... you want to hear about the getting robbed.

It was our last day in California. It was a wonderful week, a great wedding and we loved every minute of it. The smoke was everywhere and it was the first day that was not tank top weather because of it (at least in the Santa Rosa area). We (Myself and my Super-dope Female Companion) drove through thick smoke and navigated road closures and panic stricken gas stations to get back to San Francisco. It was hard to see so much beautiful scenery burning and so many people affected by these fires. We have been going through it in Alberta with Slave Lake and Fort McMurray in the last few years, and British Columbia has been dealing with massive fires recently too. It is tough too see people struggle... but fire happens.

We had a few hours to kill before getting to the airport. We stopped in a park to clean up our rental van (aka Hotel Pacifica - more to come on that in another blog) and enjoy the sun (which was again full powered in San Fran. It was around 3 in the afternoon and the park was packed. People were everywhere. There was a great view of the famous 'painted ladies' (which are awesome houses side by side - think 'Full House'). We walked around for about half an hour and headed back to the van to head to the airport.

We got into the van and quickly noticed our van window had been shattered. Shortly after that we noticed that both of our backpacks were gone. Mackbook pro, dirty laundry, awesome festival chair... all gone. They must have been in a rush, because they left the camera bag behind for us (containing an awesome camera)... but it must have been a smash and grab and run like hell maneuver... because there were people everywhere. I am amazed that they even attempted such a feat. They earned their spoils... I just wish it wasn't our hard-work earned stuff. Oh well. I got this awesome story out of it... and it is just beginning.

At this point we had not real choice but to go to the airport. Every bump on the way led to more glass crashing on the floor constantly reminding me of how we had just been violated. It is not a good feeling. We made it to the airport and had the sympathy of our rent-a-car staff members. They let us through without any penalty or anything... it must happen a ton. We were being 'processed' at the garage and another car rolled up with the same symptoms... I later learned while filing a police report (which I normally would not do for such an event) that this is a major problem in San Francisco. We were just the latest victims of the daily racket which is smash and grab.

While waiting for our flight (which was going to be a fairly long wait since we came to the airport even earlier due to the circumstances) I realized that my passport was also among the things stolen. My heart sank. I knew that this may not be the most valuable item that went missing... but it certainly might cause the largest hassle.

I went to inquire with Air Canada.

They shook their head. "You won't make it home without a passport."

At this point I went to inquire with information about what I should do so I can make it home. They told me to talk to the police. The police did have the answer I was looking for (or so I thought at the time). They gave me the information for the Canadian Consulate in the Bay area who should be able to get me what I needed to get home. The only problem was that their office didn't open until 9 am... and my flight was scheduled to take off at 6 am. My heart sank again.

I filed my police report as that was part of the process. They had the information that I needed to get home, and a report had to be filed to get that information. I have filed police reports in the past over stolen bikes and spilled milk. It never did anything but waste the time of everyone involved. So I tend to not bother them in hopes of them returning the favour. It works out usually. The officer that I spoke to was super helpful, friendly and in my 30 minutes speaking with him I assessed him to be one of the 'good ones'.

I walked slowly back to where my super-dope female companion (She doesn't like being called girlfriend... may be abbreviated as SDFC later) was camped out. I delivered the bad news and went to talk with Air Canada yet again. The lady was super awesome and gets a gold star for writing my saga up in her notes. She waved all fees and changed our flight time to 4:50 pm the next day. Se also mentioned that if I needed more time... I could fly off at 9 pm that night... no problem. It felt like Air Canada was on my side... and that was good.

We were pretty sure a quick phone call to the Canadian Consulate in the morning would be all that is required and then we could take off. There were some earlier flights that Air Canada said we could be on "standby" for. So we decided to find a "quiet" corner of the airport to sleep in. We actually did pretty good... considering. I had dreams incorporating security intercom announcements and started to hear music in the squeak of the north escalator. It wasn't pretty... but I did manage a fairly decent sleep.

My alarm rang and I was off to make my phone call to the Canadian Consulate. I used one of the many free phones that you find around airports. My thought bubble was quickly popped. A quick phone call to the Canadian Consulate was not going to get me on a plane. I thought that she could email me a pdf that would get me onto a plane. Nope. She told me that if I could make it down to her office (downtown San Fran) before 10:30, that she might be able to get me the documents I need today. Gulp. Might be... and today. I didn't like the sounds of that.

So... We, with our remaining luggage (which was still a significant amount to be carrying as pedestrians downtown) hopped on BART (Bay Area Rapid Tranist... I think) and went downtown. We got there at 10:28. There was hope. The hope got thwarted pretty quick by an hour wait.

This office was on the 14th floor of a skyscraper in downtown San Francisco. The elevator had no buttons... I had to tell the front security guard which floor I was going to. The Canadian Consulate office had the helpers behind bullet proof glass. This is not the reflection of a government that is on my side.

I found out why the bullet proof glass soon enough.

People going through crisis expect the government to have their back.... They quickly learn that this is far from the case. I was in an office full of people that lost their passports (and many other things) in catastrophic forest fires. I had lost mine in a robbery. I was in better shape than some... but we all need to get home... and cannot.

The fear of terror has really made border control a breeze for nation states. People are no at the whim of these powerful bodies. We can not freely come and go... and we need to beg and plead with "our own government" (I use that term loosely because it certainly is not mine) to get us home. This is not how it should be.

I did finally get into the room (which felt like an interrogation room)... still bullet proof glass and a little metal slider to pass documents back and forth. I filled out my application for a "one time emergency travel document". The lady on the other end of the bullet proof glass helped me fill it out. What really got me was that I had to pay $120 USD to get this document to cross the border... one time. I had a passport. I have identification. My lady has a passport with the same address as my drivers licence. None of this is rocket science... yet... rules are rules. So I paid the money. I was told to come back at 1 pm and my document should be ready. It was just after noon at this point.

We came back at 1. She was very sorry... but Ottawa rejected my plea. I would have to come back first thing in the morning, after rebooking my flight and providing them with the updated itinerary. She explained it like this...

They close down at 4 pm EST. Which is now (1 pm PST). They figure that if they give you the document now... you wont be able to make your flight and then the document will be null and void. I couldn't do anything today to obtain the document now.

I could have made it back to the airport by 2 pm... which would give me nearly 3 hours to get through security and board the plane. Something did not add up. I figure out what it is later.

So... I left the office, angry and deflated... and called Air Canada. No problem, they can easily change my flight to the same flight next day for a small one time fee of $400 USD. NO! I told the girl on the other end of the line to check the notes that I was ensured no extra fees and total cooperation from the airline. After sitting on hold for an hour... I got my way. We were booked to fly the next day... no extra charge. Air Canada gets a conditional pass, but far from a gold star. That one lady that put the note on the account and promised me nothing but the best is the only reason I wasn't robbed by the airline too.

I was really upset. Now I had to stay another night. We got a hotel near the Consulate office for ease of completing the mission in the morning. We had fun. We walked through Chinatown, checked out all the cool shops, ate sushi and laughed a lot. We made the best out of our situation... We were champions.

I checked my email before bed... It was the consulate... She had forgot to tell me that I needed passport photos. I figured that she could take them for me or direct me to a place in the morning. So I just left it alone. Tomorrow is another day and I am not missing the plane again.

I got up and ate breakfast and made it to the consulate office at 8:45 am. I was instantly directed to a Walgreens nearby for passport photos. another $15 USD later I am back at the office with photos... Of course, on my way back I had to stop by the hotel to get my SDFC sign the passport photos as she was my guarantor (yes... quite the process to cross the border).

The photos were submitted. She told me that she now had all she needed to get my document... and told me to return at 11.

I did.

They document was ready. It was a piece of paper, watermarked with a photo of me on it. Definitely a fancy piece of paper... certainly not $120 worth. I was robbed by the government of Canada. They do not get a pass... they do not get a gold star.

We made it to the airport and went through the far from normal, sane or tolerable 'routine' of getting to our gate. Scan the boarding pass... walk ten steps. Scan the boarding pass... walk 5 steps... take off your shoes... put all your stuff in a box... walk 5 steps.... turn around. Walk 5 steps... scan the boarding pass... The time came to show my document to the US officer. She looked at it confused. What is this? I told her my passport was stolen... she went to get someone else. I took out my drivers licence. They gave me back my $120 piece of paper and told me my drivers licence is fine.



I cancelled 2 flights and stayed in San Francisco for an extra 36 hours jumping through the hoops of the Canadian Consulate and spend $150 on the document, $200 + on a hotel, plus ate food etc.... and I could have boarded the plane the first time!

This was such a farce that I could not help but laugh.

When I got to Canadian customs... the paper came in handy... but only somewhat. I could not get fast tracked like the passport holding Canadian citizens. I had to go through the motions of all the foreign visitors. I even got to go through the war room that they call "secondary." This is where all the 'no-goods' and smugglers and theives and terrorists go for interrogations and rubber glove searches. There were a lot of heated discussions going on. I had not too hard of a time getting through all of this... but clearing customs took well over an hour for me with this document.

I couldn't help but think if I got on my original flight with my drivers licence... I would have ended up in customs and would have had to go through that same rigamoroll anyway... I likely would have gotten through and made my connecting flight with what I had on me. If not... I would have had an easier time dealing with customs than dealing with the Canadian Consulate. I would have saved days and hundreds of dollars...

But... I have this story... and a freshened perspective. The government of Canada is not your friend... it is not even your government. It is a government... that enforces and upholds the world order as it is currently. This is borders, security and masses that must keep between the lines or they will find out the truth about the nature of society and the governments that 'uphold' that society.

The main lesson... Don't lose your passport.

If you do lose it. Just try to get on your plane. The consulate should be a last resort.

The government is not on your team. The amount of frustrated people I saw come and go in that office... makes me see why that bullet proof glass is justified... The bullet proof glass says it all... the government is not on your team... they are on the other side of the glass.


First time I crossed the border in '79: "where you going?' "I don't Know." 'For how long?" "I don't know." ......."Have a good visit!"
Times have changed:(

Those were the days my friend.

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