TourPremierArt ~ 1st Day Curating –Tuesday ShortStory/Prose

in #tourpremierart7 years ago (edited)

Gallery of Short Story/Prose – Top Three Artist for Week #1


@d-pends’ writing is other world and deeply not bordering on but infused into a cryptographic spin genre of writing. While I find his art spellbinding, it for me is also addictive. I keep coming back for more to see where he will take me this time. It is another meditative way I escape a much too crowded day and go elsewhere with delightful anticipation and without paying for a ticket.

The lines I loved the most from this short story/prose are:

“This was the nightmare, this was the meltdown this was
Reality television for extraterrestrial snails
That glimmered with metallic shells
The joysticks worked properly
But the humans were
Getting out of

I also loved the formatting which added to the tone of of this poetic story. Please click on the link above and support @d-pend and enjoy the pyshedelic journey he will take you on with this piece.


@tinajordans’ prose is a alluring mystery. That grabs you from the moment you enter the library (at least for me) and the suspense left me pleading for more. I cannot describe the intense longing I felt, yet the writing of this story is so delicately displayed. It flows like a ballerina on toe. I love it and I hope deeply that there is a part two to this story.

These are the lines that captured oh so completely, my heart and mind:

“upon turning the second leaf, it dawns on me that I am
Caressing the very intimate thoughts of one certain man.
I have procured his personal journal from his secret nest…”


This short story truly had me going. It is so descriptively detailed I had to read it a couple of times. It is a mysterious underground, twisted, mad scientist, sci-fi piece. So get the popcorn out and kick back, it’s worth the read. And I say to you @ralph.clayton bravo.

“These are the lines that captured my attention,

“Deep inside her eyes there is a vague feeling of hope and untarnished
Dreams. That vivid spark that ignited her fate so many years ago is still there. She wants something from him she wants the Magestic man himself.
Is he able to ride on the back of Pegasus towards the blazing sun with her?”…

Please support these outstanding artist by reading their work, upvoting, resteeming and sending them a supportive reply.

Happy Reading Steemians!!!!

Curation by:




I am Groot! :D

Love this concept! Great work @rensoul17! I am so glad I happened to be on to catch this! :-) Cheers! Blessings! OX

Thank you so much @robyneggs. Cheers!!! Stop by anytime.

I'm flattered to have been selected, thank you very much! I also greatly enjoyed your other selections. Thanks for letting me know about a couple skilled writers I was unaware of! Very excited for what the future of #tourpremierart holds.

I am not good in this area, but I support what you are doing. Keep up the excellent work. You are way, way, above me and I'm glad!

great concept.. though i am not good at writing i love to read. so this is fantastic work. keep it up

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Hi @rensoul17 ! Very nicely done! Will mention it in my next curation post. Have been busy and did not have much time to check Steemit!

Thank you @the-traveller. It's always an honor to have you in my space. I still find myself re-reading some of your post. You have helped me to grow a lot, thanks to you I gained the courage to begin my journey of curation. I will be following you.

Great to hear my posts are re-readable! Do me a favour an leave comment if there are specific things that you found thought provoking or even if there ard aspects you don't agree with or find incomplete. It helps me a lot!

Ok @the-traveller, will do.

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