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RE: Forum monsters

in #tokenbb5 years ago (edited)

Topic: Suggestion for us dumbasses...

How hard would it be to make the posts/messages SAVE AS DRAFTS within the browser?

I believe Steemit does this.

I totally spent an hour making a super, amazing, fanatastic Intro post only to navigate away a few minutes to create a gif to put at the end, and come back to NOTHING.

My heart sank.
After only a few minutes of not being on the page, it went to sleep and reloaded when I returned, with nothing. Nothing! 😱

You'll now never know all the amazing things I felt like sharing, as that time has now past.

I understand if this is simply user error and you can't hold my hand all day long. I just got used to that option and now will have to unlearn it at the expense of (again) AMAZING content... but maybe that will make me learn faster.

I will leave you with this.

My favorite color is yellow. 😎

P.S. I do like this forum. Thanks to whoever created it!

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...

Oh dang @carrieallen sorry that this happened to you!

I'll put this feature to the top of our priority list, loosing your post sucks!

In the end I can recommend for more exaborate posts, as there you can share it with your friends for proof reading, that is what I always do for my posts :)

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...

Bummer, I hope my 100% upvote cheers you up a bit.

Did you open a new window or tab when creating the gif or did you leave the forum topic you were creating ?

I would suggest creating your post in wordpad or something similiar and then copy paste it here when finished.

Great suggestion for the draft to be included, fingers crossed that it gets implemented.

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...

Yeah, that should totally be part of the forum. It sucks when that happens.

Upvote shower.

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...


It's no worries. I chalk it up to being my own fault.

I totally use Hackmd for others to share their posts with me, as I'm kinda like an editor and the BOSS at Markdown.😎 And I help run the HELPIE Witness, so Hackmd makes it easy for me to get things to post for others. Same with SM (Splinterlands). When I do the OFFICIAL LORE posts I use the Hackmd. However, I do wish it showed all the images... I never does, but it does transfer to the blockchain perfect. 😎 (And now I'm just babbling...)

I also was already using it (while making the lost post) to grab image links easier as like 30% of the time the interal upload thingy didn't work.
Amusing (to me) that I didn't think about putting the POST into a hack. 😏

I'll probably get around to making another intro post... I mean, I'm pretty famous and clearly you don't know of me... yet. 😎 Gotta fix that shit.

Thanks for putting it on the list though! (I think we all just got used to it when Steemit did it... TBF: SteemPeak doesn't. You have to actually hit SAVE. So I can be retrained.)😍

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...

That upvote DOES cheer me up. I'm a simple creature. 😉

I had another tab open. It normally lets me navigate around... but more than a few minutes (not sure the exact time) and it went to sleep. That may be a setting I can fix...

I totally went back to hackmd (I used it before) to create posts here... if they will be substantial.

Thank you for responding! And for all the things! 😍

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