
Topic: Shout Box/Chat Box

Some of the most active forums I been on has had what is known as a shout box displayed at the top or bottom of their forum.

It can be used as an easy way to send a mass message to all members / used to mention things that don't need a topic dedicated to it or even used to announce important updates.

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Reply to Shout Box/Chat Box

User @rentmoney wrote at 02.06.2019 15:55:12 UTC:

Some of the most active forums I been on has had what is known as a shout box displayed at the top or bottom of their forum.

It can be used as an easy way to send a mass message to all members / used to mention things that don't need a topic dedicated to it or even used to announce important updates.

So if I understand this correctly this would be a way for the forum owners to send messages to all users? Or more like a global chat? I have seen both being called a shoutbox in forums.

Some form of announcements are a great idea in my opinion. And I am sure a chat would also be possible :D

We should just think what users would like to see, so I am hoping for more ideas.

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Reply to Shout Box/Chat Box

What do you think of a global shoutbox/chat that is implemented as steem comments? One could even have a small 1% :black_heart: button next to each shout :thinking:

Announcement global pinning is a great idea, I will note that down.

If a chat box is implemented and on chain then it could eat up allot of RC. Which could he a huge hinderance to new players / players lacking RC. It might be best to have a chat box that isn't connect to STEEM comments. If it must be connected then I would 100% go with a shout box over a chat box.

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Topic: Suggestion for us dumbasses...

How hard would it be to make the posts/messages SAVE AS DRAFTS within the browser?

I believe Steemit does this.

I totally spent an hour making a super, amazing, fanatastic Intro post only to navigate away a few minutes to create a gif to put at the end, and come back to NOTHING.

My heart sank.
After only a few minutes of not being on the page, it went to sleep and reloaded when I returned, with nothing. Nothing! 😱

You'll now never know all the amazing things I felt like sharing, as that time has now past.

I understand if this is simply user error and you can't hold my hand all day long. I just got used to that option and now will have to unlearn it at the expense of (again) AMAZING content... but maybe that will make me learn faster.

I will leave you with this.

My favorite color is yellow. 😎

P.S. I do like this forum. Thanks to whoever created it!

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...

Oh dang @carrieallen sorry that this happened to you!

I'll put this feature to the top of our priority list, loosing your post sucks!

In the end I can recommend for more exaborate posts, as there you can share it with your friends for proof reading, that is what I always do for my posts :)

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...

Bummer, I hope my 100% upvote cheers you up a bit.

Did you open a new window or tab when creating the gif or did you leave the forum topic you were creating ?

I would suggest creating your post in wordpad or something similiar and then copy paste it here when finished.

Great suggestion for the draft to be included, fingers crossed that it gets implemented.

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...

Yeah, that should totally be part of the forum. It sucks when that happens.

Upvote shower.

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...


It's no worries. I chalk it up to being my own fault.

I totally use Hackmd for others to share their posts with me, as I'm kinda like an editor and the BOSS at Markdown.😎 And I help run the HELPIE Witness, so Hackmd makes it easy for me to get things to post for others. Same with SM (Splinterlands). When I do the OFFICIAL LORE posts I use the Hackmd. However, I do wish it showed all the images... I never does, but it does transfer to the blockchain perfect. 😎 (And now I'm just babbling...)

I also was already using it (while making the lost post) to grab image links easier as like 30% of the time the interal upload thingy didn't work.
Amusing (to me) that I didn't think about putting the POST into a hack. 😏

I'll probably get around to making another intro post... I mean, I'm pretty famous and clearly you don't know of me... yet. 😎 Gotta fix that shit.

Thanks for putting it on the list though! (I think we all just got used to it when Steemit did it... TBF: SteemPeak doesn't. You have to actually hit SAVE. So I can be retrained.)😍

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Reply to Suggestion for us dumbasses...

That upvote DOES cheer me up. I'm a simple creature. 😉

I had another tab open. It normally lets me navigate around... but more than a few minutes (not sure the exact time) and it went to sleep. That may be a setting I can fix...

I totally went back to hackmd (I used it before) to create posts here... if they will be substantial.

Thank you for responding! And for all the things! 😍

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Topic: One method to Easily Solve the language issue

I love that users from multiple languages are here... but like many other users have written it does make it very difficult to use the forum when all languages are in one place making it somewhat of a mess.

The easiest and perhaps best answer is in adding a language tag to each post (in metadata)... and to facilitate that perhaps a setting per user so the tag is always that language.

Then filter by the language you have selected as well.



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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

Yeah i don't see a problem with any of that really. They can choose per comment... a default just means what their defaulted choice would be to save them time and effort and make it easy.
And why would someone mark it as wrong language? If it doesn't have words then why mark it as a langauge at all?... select none. These are strawmen problems that aren't really problems at all in my opinion.
And when someone is viewing why force them into one language... couldn't you just say ALL? It's just a simple filter.

The alternative is to have a completely Korean forum because that's what General almost is right now.

Maybe there's more of a deeper issue that you haven't expressed?

p.s. how come my images don't work in the original post?

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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

How would one handle a topic with multiple languages?

When you post in an english topic, should it lock all responses to english?

If someone quotes a spanish comment and answers in english, how do you deal with that? Do you hide parts of the conversation?

A default is a good idea, that could save users time. But what if someone uses the default english tag but writes in korean?

These are all questions that sound like strawmans but in an implementation you have to find solutions to them. And a solution can be "we don't care about that". But I want to make conscious choices on all these details before I plan an implementation.

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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

My biggest worry with this approach would be making it simple enough for the user. WHat if someone speaks multiple languages? Do they have to select a fitting language for each comment they write? And what if the interface hides important information (say images) because someone accidentally marked it as the wrong language?

I think the idea sounds good in theory but would need to be fleshed out for it to work in reality.

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Yeah i don't see a problem with any of that really. They can choose per comment... a default just means what their defaulted choice would be to save them time and effort and make it easy.
And why would someone mark it as wrong language? If it doesn't have words then why mark it as a langauge at all?... select none. These are strawmen problems that aren't really problems at all in my opinion.
And when someone is viewing why force them into one language... couldn't you just say ALL? It's just a simple filter.

The alternative is to have a completely Korean forum because that's what General almost is right now.

Maybe there's more of a deeper issue that you haven't expressed?

Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

User @flauwy wrote at 30.05.2019 06:31:43 UTC:

User @kimjaguar wrote at 30.05.2019 04:36:42 UTC:

I agree with Jarvie's proposition. By the way, I cannot see your images. I can only see 'image.png' thing.

Image upload is not yet included in this forum and people unsuccessfully drop their images into the editor. It only spits out an empty image tag.

I plan on including an image uploader today, just need to hash out a few things regarding image storage.

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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

I think it would be better to have the main forum English and then have a section dedicated to other languages.

Layout would be:

Main Forum (English)
Forum Section (Other Languages)
Sub-forum: XXXX

The above is one of the more succesful ways I seen it done on other forums I been apart of in one form or another.

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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

Fair points. I didn't really consider multiple languages on the same topic so i didn't see it as an issue.

Because... Langauge just on posts... which i'm guessing you guys call forum threads?

Aka don't even have a tag for comments. Generally speaking people that write a post in a language are expecting that same langauge as a response. To account for violations of that practice I don't think is your need to work on. That handles 1,2,3,5

As for paragraph 4 ... why would you need to handle when someone does this? I guess the answer is... allow them to change the language tag.

Much of this stuff you kind of just have to let the community handle... "Hey i noticed you wrote a post in Chinese however you tagged it English... here's how you change it. Thanks."

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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

So coming back to this @aggroed and @yabapmatt and team could use this same technique to help with languages on the condensor running
Which also suffers from a language issue.

Similarly steempeak is completely willing to run interface for ScotBot posts and is very willing to do the same thing... so thus coordination and decentralization of nice system.

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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

I agree with Jarvie's proposition. By the way, I cannot see your images. I can only see 'image.png' thing.

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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

User @kimjaguar wrote at 30.05.2019 04:36:42 UTC:

I agree with Jarvie's proposition. By the way, I cannot see your images. I can only see 'image.png' thing.

Image upload is not yet included in this forum and people unsuccessfully drop their images into the editor. It only spits out an empty image tag.

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Reply to One method to Easily Solve the language issue

I think Jarvie's idea is great and offers a solution with a whole new approach. What are further benefits of doing this upon post creation?

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Topic: Are there any plans to patch the cards?


Some cards are not used too much, and some cards are used too often.

Of course, cards that are not often used now can be made with DEC.


However, even if the card's scarcity increases, the card's abilities remain the same.

In terms of price, there will be fluctuation.
However, it is a card that is still not used in the game.

Regular patches are required to use a variety of different cards.

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Reply to Are there any plans to patch the cards?

Pretty much every card game like Splinterlands has cards that just don't get used much, or even at all. Due to the varying rulesets in Splinterlands I feel that almost all the cards do get some level of play though.

We try to avoid changing the stats/abilities on cards if at all possible but we will do it if we really feel that certain cards are really causing the game to not be fun.

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Reply to Are there any plans to patch the cards?

User @yabapmatt wrote at 29.05.2019 14:07:21 UTC:

Pretty much every card game like Splinterlands has cards that just don't get used much, or even at all. Due to the varying rulesets in Splinterlands I feel that almost all the cards do get some level of play though.

We try to avoid changing the stats/abilities on cards if at all possible but we will do it if we really feel that certain cards are really causing the game to not be fun.

New cards are too overpowered to me. You can say I can buy cards from the market or the orbs. But I have my own budget constraint, so all I can do is just sit down and watch my monsters slaughtered by those who have superior cards.

I understand it is hard to do balancing, for the cards are related to market. If you nerf a card, it's price will go down and vice versa.

But if you want more noobs to join in the game, you should consider regular balancing. Every successful games has its balancing schedule. It will cause many disputes, but also create vitality to the community.

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Reply to Are there any plans to patch the cards?

The pictures aren't working for me.
They don't usually call it "patch" it's more of a balancing thing if a card dynamics are for example too strong they'll do some balancing. They haven't done balancing of cards in many months.

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Reply to Are there any plans to patch the cards?

User @kimjaguar wrote at 30.05.2019 05:15:45 UTC:

New cards are too overpowered to me. You can say I can buy cards from the market or the orbs. But I have my own budget constraint, so all I can do is just sit down and watch my monsters slaughtered by those who have superior cards.

I understand it is hard to do balancing, for the cards are related to market. If you nerf a card, it's price will go down and vice versa.

But if you want more noobs to join in the game, you should consider regular balancing. Every successful games has its balancing schedule. It will cause many disputes, but also create vitality to the community.

There seems to be a few cards that are close to an instant-win. I would count the new summoner Prince Rennyn to this group. It is incredibly hard to win against him, in some game styles it is nearly impossible. On the top levels he is played constantly.

However, I do believe that this will be balanced with more cards, who can counter his +2 life and +1 range. Afterall, when the Beta is over, we will get a set with entirely new cards, which will throw off any balancing we can make right now.

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Topic: Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

There's now a total of 5 dragon summoners and there's still no daily quest for dragon.

Not only will it help those who invested in Dragon summoners, but it will help others to start buying up the dragon summoners.

Would be so great if this could happen.


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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

you are right @kevinli. It should be included if nothing else in the higher levels for sure. Me personally I would like to see a daily quest consist of one win in each of the five splinters and one in the dragon also to offer some flexibility.

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest


When we use a dragon summoners, then we have to choose an element, well if you have a water splinter quest and you chose the water element with the summoners dragon, if you win the fight, the quest should count it, right?

We can increase the number of wins to 10.
A victory with a basic summoners = 2 points
A victory with the dragon summoners + the element = 1 point

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

User @nateaguila wrote at 12.06.2019 04:32:34 UTC:

I dunno.

Dragon quests would be too easy. It removes much of the challenge involved in completing a quest since now you have access to every Splinter + the power of dragons.

If there WERE Dragon quests, I'm guessing it would need to involve like 15 Wins instead of just 5.

Well, it's not guaranteed you'll get the Dragon quest everyday so I think it's only fair it gets thrown into pool with the other types. Dragon cards themselves are getting more diverse with the addition of the Seed packs and orbs.

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

Yes, Yes and Yes! @kevinli, I have thought about this so often and I fully agree. Dragon has become a splinter that has many different cards to even play by its own but always has one of the other splinter extra. So it should be no problem to make that happen. I assume, in the beginning the Dragon splinter had not enough cards yet and was made entirely out of legendary cards to make sense as a daily quest. This has changed now and we can move on. Like you wrote, it will help with the Dragon economy of the game.


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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

User @kevinli wrote at 12.06.2019 13:45:16 UTC:

Well, it's not guaranteed you'll get the Dragon quest everyday so I think it's only fair it gets thrown into pool with the other types. Dragon cards themselves are getting more diverse with the addition of the Seed packs and orbs.

Agreed, they would cycle through and not all dragon teams are superior to non-dragons.

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

Yes. Give the Dragons a chance to proof in the daily quest.

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

User @raynie wrote at 11.06.2019 17:25:02 UTC:

OMG! YES!!! I love my dragons!!! ~Raynie!

You need it, Mother Of Dragons!

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

I hope the devs will come by here, and answer some questions O:)

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

User @flauwy wrote at 10.06.2019 21:57:56 UTC:

Yes, Yes and Yes! @kevinli, I have thought about this so often and I fully agree. Dragon has become a splinter that has many different cards to even play by its own but always has one of the other splinter extra. So it should be no problem to make that happen. I assume, in the beginning the Dragon splinter had not enough cards yet and was made entirely out of legendary cards to make sense as a daily quest. This has changed now and we can move on. Like you wrote, it will help with the Dragon economy of the game.

Agree with everything you said. Also, super jealous of that shin lo

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

I dunno.

Dragon quests would be too easy. It removes much of the challenge involved in completing a quest since now you have access to every Splinter + the power of dragons.

If there WERE Dragon quests, I'm guessing it would need to involve like 15 Wins instead of just 5.

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Reply to Make Dragon Type A Daily Quest

User @deadzy wrote at 15.06.2019 06:39:35 UTC:


When we use a dragon summoners, then we have to choose an element, well if you have a water splinter quest and you chose the water element with the summoners dragon, if you win the fight, the quest should count it, right?

We can increase the number of wins to 10.
A victory with a basic summoners = 2 points
A victory with the dragon summoners + the element = 1 point

I don't mind this idea at all :)

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Topic: Small popup box to Explain abilities.

Not sure if it was suggested before but I would like to see a small popup box when hovering over abilities.

I often have to go to the 'how to play' to remember what abilities do (could be age! forgive me).





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Reply to Small popup box to Explain abilities.

Great idea, Exxyle. This will lower the steep entry curve. The game is amazing but can be overwhelming for a new player. Finding out what is what easy and quick is key.

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Reply to Small popup box to Explain abilities.

Yes, espeicially when they drop like 5 new abilites with a new expansion. Even a small section at the bottom where a legend of the all abilities and what they do would be helpful.


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Reply to Small popup box to Explain abilities.

This is nice and I was about to ask the same thing on Steemmonsters Discord channel.

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Topic: Forum Suggestion

It might be a good idea to have a Welcome/Introduce yourself main forum where new members can start their own new topic to introduce themselves. It helps members with taking that first step in creating a new topic and helps with creating interaction.

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Reply to Forum Suggestion

Personally, I prefer a welcome thread rather than a separate post for each user.

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Reply to Forum Suggestion

The post will be a great idea! It will give other players a better understanding of who you are, let the user try out how to submit a new post, reply, vote if they have spt. It will be pretty good.

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Reply to Forum Suggestion

This is a good idea. An "introduce yourself" post would be excellent.

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Reply to Forum Suggestion

User @travelgirl wrote at 31.05.2019 05:08:58 UTC:

The post will be a great idea! It will give other players a better understanding of who you are, let the user try out how to submit a new post, reply, vote if they have spt. It will be pretty good.

My thoughts exactlly. Its a good way to go through all the motions of creating that first post and getting farmiliar with the settings.

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Reply to Forum Suggestion

User @reggaemuffin wrote at 02.06.2019 06:25:34 UTC:

There is now an Introduce Yourself category :)

Awesome stuff, thanks for adding it.

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Topic: Keep selected filters after checking out a card on the market.

After checking out any card the filter always revert back to BETA.


When I go to the market and sort on Promo. Click a card (let's say mermaid healer) and then press the BACK button my selection goes back to Beta.

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Reply to Keep selected filters after checking out a card on the market.

@exyle thanks for suggesting this, I was just about to. This small change would make a huge difference.

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Reply to Keep selected filters after checking out a card on the market.

Heck yes @exyle, or some way to lock certain parameters of your search on card markets.

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