V4Vapid Presents: Tin Foil Raps 2 – A Paranoid Rhymes Contest - Winners Announced (150 STEEM)

in #tinfoilraps6 years ago (edited)

Tin-foil-hat @animate.gif

gif by @animate

TFR2 - Wrap Up

Syrian Edition

21st Century Wire

Although participation was down somewhat from the first contest I had a blast reading all of your entries. I hope those that participated enjoyed the creative, and often difficult task, of putting their ideas into rhymes. Since this time round the topic was fixed involving false fags, propaganda and Syria it certainly made things a bit trickier. All said, I think everyone did very well to adjust. Once again, I couldn't resist passing up a chance to throw down some written lines of my own. Just like all of you, it forces me out of my comfort zone and I really enjoy the challenge of communicating through this art form.

As always, I have to thank my good friend @fortified (aka @animate) for the wonderful gif and a big thanks to @jamesgetsit taking time out of his packed schedule to help pick the winners for TFR2. Certainly, I have to thank all the Steemians that took part in this special Syria edition of the contest, you're original content is what it's all about! Much respect.


and some guy called @v4vapid


Category 1 - Audio/Video

First Prize 50 Steem: Tinfoil Hat Rhapsody by Philoqueen


This was perhaps the strangest, most eccentric and creative entry I've had for a long time. @nobyeni owned this rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody but to be completely honest, it took me some time to settle into this one. For the first few minutes I really wasn't sure if it was exceptional or a calamitous cacophony. No this wasn't bad at all it was brilliant, brave, subtle and unabashed fun. @nobyeni certainly displays a sense of self-awareness but that doesn't stop her at all and she just smashes right through to the other side. Zany and hilarious, thank you @nobyeni for this joyous performance that will be remembered for all time on the immutable blockchain. Congratulations!

Bonus Upvote Increase: 100%

Quotable lines:

Fear, just killed the truth
Put a lie against its fact
Pulled a uwee, now it's gone
Fear, truth had just begun
But now it’s lost and facts’ gone all astray
Terror, oh oh
Didn't mean to go to war
If I don’t know the truth this time tomorrow
Carry on, carry on, cause nothing really matters

this is a nihilism intermezzo

Runner-Up Audio/Video 25 STEEM: War on Syria


One of my favorite things about hosting this contest is when I hear that it inspires someone to go out and try something new. This is @jasonshick's first time experimenting with Dsound laying down his rhymes with his voice altered. This really reminded me of experimenting with recording equipment back in the day mixing, tweaking and dubbing, just exploring sound. The funny think is I've been wanting to experiment more myself recently and I was thinking of altering my voice (for anon reasons) for some future projects. Thanks for the inspiration Jason and another strong entry in one of my contests!

Bonus Upvote Increase: 50%

Quotable lines:

Thank you for your trust, your money and your vote
It allowed us to reneg on the peace treaty we wrote

The plan was simple, yet brilliant, we knew all along
Victory is in our grasp, this might not be chess but you’re still just a just a pawn

The wheels have been turning over 7 years back
You must admit it was convincing, that chemical attack

Winner Category 2 Written Rhymes

First Prize 50 Steem: untitled


This is one of those pieces that just flows from start to finish, cuts right to the heart of the matter and links ideas together effortlessly. I had no idea that @palikari123 had such razor shop wit but I probably should have been able to guess as @palikari123 is often making very astute comments across the blockchain. This post is also tagged as "Comedy Open Mic Round 10", it definitely has some zingers laced throughout but I guess what it is meant by this is this whole charade is a comedy on the geopolitical stage. A total farce evident to all. Congratualtions @palikari123, excellent submission and you even included the 'Alluminati' in there, well done!

Bonus Upvote Increase: 100%

Quotable lines:

Twitter storms and twitter rants, about animal Assad, do we need to mention, Mad Dog Mattis the fucktard

Is QAnon the saviour, or just the same old deep state shillin’ behaviour, 5d chess oh please give it a rest

Keep your eyes on the ball, they tryin’ to waste the hours, keeping us occupied, by spreadin’ rumours ‘bout golden showers

It’s all just distractions, from the actions, in all the factions, generatin’ propaganda and emotional reactions

Runner Up 25 Steem: Matchsticks on Sale


This was probably the most emotional and hard hitting entry to the contest. This is a perspective that we're not seeing enough of in the msm, the life of the Syrian people themselves. We have these fake charities 'heroically' filming themselves saving people when the cameras are rolling and once the cameras are turned off they could care less about the average Syrian. That's why I think this entry is so important by showing the vantage point of a Syrian girl with a bleak existence and no future. Thank you @amirtheawesome1, this really had an impact on both me and @jamesgetsit, it's well written and absolutely heartfelt!

Bonus Upvote Increase: 100%

Quotable lines:

Working down the street selling tissues and matchsticks
Water and food running out, as the clock counts down in fast ticks
She's either ignored or given money just to pose sad for #instapics
"Oh look, I helped this girl out, Comment, follow, or at least like" Click
She left her smile under the bricks where her dad is.
Her hope died, with the same bomb that killed her mom that is.


Scams and parodies disguised as charities.
"Oh I'll give half the money to white helmets and the rest for me"
It's a lesson of marketing you gotta first create the need.
Fund your so called "Enemies" Weaponize them and be discrete
Then tell people the classic story, that gives all the glory, holding bloody pictures for the world to see
I can see through you, all the tears and boo hoos, you don't trick me.
So wait till hour zero, till they ask for you, the hero. you had the world deceived.


SteemWorld  beta (10).png

Bonus Track

I asked @jamesgetsit if he could rap my entry - Guided by the Beauty of Our Weapons - over a beat because why the hell not?

And I'm telling you, he did not disappoint! I'm probably totally biased here but it blew me away to hear the rough version he sent me! I'll add the link here once he posts it to his wall :)

EDIT: Check it Out!



Once again, thanks to everyone who entered. Big Ups!

Keep Your Eyes Out for more Contests from @v4vapid on the Horizon




Huge congratulations @nobyeni for being crowned as the winner of the Audio/Video Category. I am definitely not brave enough to put myself on the line and submit an entry into that category. Extra points for courage alone!

Also, big congratulations to @jasonshick and @amirtheawesome1 for taking out the runners up prizes with two wonderful entries in the two different categories. More importantly, well done to all the participants involved, for the great effort they put into creating and submitting fierce and competitive entries. They were all uniquely great and varied in their own way, which I immensely enjoyed listening to and reading over the last few days. Of course a big thanks to the sponsors and specifically the two judges (I LOVE YOU BOTH FOR OBVIOUS REASONS). It's an absolute honour and an amazing feeling to produce an entry that was appreciated and deemed a worthy winner by the two judges of the contest. Just realised that I didn't even give my entry a title lol.

This was a huge big deal, as I have never laid pen to paper before, to write a single line for a song or rhyme. This came a lot more naturally to me than I thought it would because of all the wonderful journalists in the alternative media, who make this information available to the general public, to keep us informed on such important political and societal issues. I can say that it has sparked a creative flair that I may explore a little more in the near future...Watch out!

A MASSIVE thank you to all the wonderful people who came to read my entry and show wonderful support and words of encouragement. Some of which I have only met and conversed with recently. I am so damn happy, I cant even bust into a rhyme at the moment, so everyone please help out in the comments section with a few lines we can all enjoy:)

Last but not least of course, this entire contest was dedicated to all the people in Syria, who have had to endure the brutal conditions and the pain and suffering created over the last 7 years in the so-called civil war, mostly due to the propaganda machine which enables this to continue.


And congrats to you as well!

If this is really your first time putting together some rhymes this is incredible!
You know, I can totally understand how with the right prompt, on a subject you're well versed in, the rhymes can almost write themselves. I love getting in that flow because sometimes writing can be a chore.
Anyways, super stoked you put the time and effort to make this come to life. Congratulations once again!

Thanks and yeah, as you said it's really because of the subject matter itself...almost 10 years of 'alternative facts' is plenty of ammunition! I'm really looking forward to the next one. Sorry for the slightly drawn out acceptance speech, but the excitement got the better of me. I feel a little more relaxed now, after visiting my favourite Monday post and ritual, that of @perceptualflaws (gotta get the plug in).

congrats palikari123 !!!!!!!

Thanks dude, congratulations to you as well

Congrats to all the winners. You really do outdo yourself @v4vapid, you’ve put on some awesome competitions over your steemit tenure and you’re definitely making this place a little more bearable. Haha.
Looking forward to the next contest and once again congrats to the winners, will stop by and toss a few cents your way

Makes a happy dance, sings a bit more about truth and lies and is now considering a career in music, and quickly discards that notion

Tinfoilrhap, no - will not let you know, let me know!

What! You didn’t give yourself 1st prize after your awesome effort.
Lots of great work here though, very worthy winners.
Another great contest V.

Lol, I couldn't do that.
Although I did have a blast writing it :)
Cheers, thanks for the words of support TP!

Your entry blew me away you hit so many spots I am surprised you didn get 911, OKC and Waco into it.

Well we gotta save something for the next contest, lol!
Thank you I appreciate the kind words.

I really think art has a way of getting to the heart of the matter. I mean i write well sourced articles about politics and such but if you can deliver the message in a more pleasing package. Well, it's just so much more effective.
@jamesgetsit's version turned out better than i could ever imagine. Super happy about that :)

Congrats to all the winners! And a big huge WOW to everyone that entered! Everyone did a really great job! This was the most fun I've had reading any contest so far!! Just so much great content!! You guys ALL ROCK!

Thanks for such an amazing contest. Honestly I wasn't expecting to be doing much till I actually started writing. Looking at other entries have really inspired to dig deeper. Thank you for creating such a contest and giving me the honor to participate in it.

my pleasure man! Thanks so much for you're awesome entry, it's really powerful!

That was by FAR the best contest I have seen on here in my short time here, and I was going to enter till I noted how fantastic the entries were, then bowed out quietly by the side door, congratulations to the winners, fantastic original people you are.

I totally agree regarding the contest and the level of quality in the entries!

I am overjoyed to see @nobyeni win this. Very much deserved! Great to see another @thewritersblock member take top spot.

So much talent in one place .. you should all be very proud of your efforts. A big shout to @v4vapid for supplying the platform and inspiration .. this is one contest that always draws the very best out of all that enter it. Excellent stuff .. have you ever thought about putting a tin foil raps album together? I'd buy it!

Now there's an idea @perceptualflaws and a worthy project!!

very good job sir.

Good Post

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