V4VAPIDS TIN FOIL RAPS | My Paranoid Contest Entry

in #tinfoilraps7 years ago (edited)


Shot 1, shot 2, 3 4 5,

A 100 shots cracking in the cold dead of night.
On the ground below, people running for their lives.
56 found dead in the following daylight.

A cache of guns and ammo, enough to start a war,
Brought through the lobby to the 32nd floor.
Not a single witness, or a camera pic released.
Still, a lone wolf's what they tell us to believe.


Who it really was, is still a mystery.
Someone said on 4chan aliens claim responsibility.
One anon did post a photo of a grey,
Stood at a window of the Hotel Mandalay.

With a gun in each claw, and 2 in the sling,
The picture of the alien was really quite disturbing.
It clearly shows him shooting at a crowd,
With a smile on his face, he's looking kinda proud.


To cover up the fact it was an alien shooter,
the mainstream media blamed a schizophrenic loner.
They even opened up his head to look inside his brain,
But nothing they could find, cuz the aliens were to blame.

(Custom graphics by me)

This is my entry for @v4vapid's Tin Foil Rap Contest. If you would like to enter you can find out more here:
V4vapid Presents: Tin Foil Raps - A Paranoid Rhymes Contest.

Good Luck



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Dude, that is awesome.
What a brilliant entry mate.
Good luck in the contest, this should be a contender.

Thanks pal. It was fun to make.

Oh shit, lol. This is awesome, was not expecting an entry from you.

These animations are hilarious! That elevator pic with the alien trying to look incognito, bwahaha.

I have to say, this is one of the few raps that blended 2 conspiracies together the way I had intended.

Thank you for such an original submission, excellent!

Haha. Glad you like. I love making gifs.
I'm pretty gutted though. I originally had 4gifs I was working on but midway through the second one I started to have computer problems and couldn't finish the rest. So I bought a new hard drive today and I'm going to reinstall my OS tomorrow in the hope it is a HD issue and I can finish the rest of them off.

Another successful competition by the looks of it. Well done.

Oh seriously! Damn, hope you didn't lose your hard drive because of my silly contest.
I wish I could make gifs like that, maybe one day you'll have to give me a tutorial :)

Yeah, I'm happy with the way this competition is playing out, I love seeing how each person has a different approach in expressing their creativity. I always fear that the contest may bomb, but then the participants save the day with their awesome submissions.

On a side note, I'm also stoked to see the price of STEEM rising so that I can give out some fat rewards ;)

Holy wowzers, just checked, you're right the price of STEEM has jumped again. Crazy times. To the moon. :)

Ha, no it's ok. It's either the HD or graphics card. They both need replacing anyway. Rendering animation and video gives your hardware quite a beating. All my work is backed up and the thing still works normally for Photoshop and web stuff so no big problem for now. It's just not doing so well under super amounts of processing and graphics power atm.

Actually, secretly I'm kinda hoping it is the graphics card because I've been looking for a reason to buy a new one for a while now anyway.

I hope I can fix it enough to finish the other animations before the end of the contest. Either way I'll post them to you when I do finish them. They make me smile.

Sure, I 'll show you the basics in After Effects. I reckon we could have you making gifs of cats surfing in no time.

See you on the Moon. :)

This is awesome, the Vegas GIF is brilliant, good luck

Really good! Really really good! Laughing so hard at the spliff alien gif! Super funny and way to comment on that Mandalay nonsense, it's like theyre not even trying anymore! But now when I think of it instead of getting frustrated, i will think of this gif. lol!!!

Hahaha. Glad you liked. It was the perfect conspiracy mash-up.

Excellent work here, you are a gif master!

Did you enter the utopian-io contest the other month? Would have won that with your eyes closed!

Ah thanks pal. Funnily enough I did enter the utopian.io contest but I didn't win. Here is my entry.

Thanks again,

That is a really classy effort!

They went for the comedy dancing snowtroopers but this one would work for other audiences.

I'll use it next time I post about utopion if that's ok?

Hey thanks for the kind words. Yes please feel free to use it. It'd be great if you could give me a shout-out the first time you use it. But it's not essential.

Thanks again.

Thank you. I certainly will provide a link to you and your blog, cheers!

Good stuff. Thanks.

LOL Dude alien grey, Mandala Bay..

Those gifs are good, good luck here's my entry!


Ha. Yeah, bit of fun. Liked yours a lot. Brought some realness to the table.

Those animations are great! Good rhymes. Nice job!

Thank you pal. I like making them.

Man what a great submission .. love the way you weave multiple layers into one flow. Good luck with this one, it's a serious contender!!

Thanks my friend.

Pretty creative, and that's exactly the kind of thing you'd see on /x/ after such an event. I think this is a good contender to several of the categories, hahahaha.

The part about opening the guy's head though - did that actually happen? I'm not in the US so I don't really keep up with the details.

En fin, well done. Steem on!

go togerher ~ @v4vapid !!!!

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